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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 151 A legendary battle

Looking at the fat name of the Kingdom of Wind, Luo Sha burst into laughter. In this action, he was prepared to get rid of the great names of the Kingdom of Wind.

This daimyo only cares about his own enjoyment and acts recklessly in the Country of Wind, causing the country’s national power to weaken day by day.

At the same time, he also deducted military expenditures from Sunagakure Village year after year. If he hadn’t been able to use magnetic escape to pan for gold in the desert, Sunagakure Village might not have been able to maintain normal operations.

“You’re a waste, you don’t deserve to be a famous person. Today is also the day you die!”

As he spoke, more than a dozen sharp golden needles suddenly condensed in front of Luo Sha, and they stabbed the name of the Kingdom of Wind with lightning speed.

These gold needles are not real needles, but imitations of Luo Sha’s use of magnetic escape to condense placer gold. Once the control of chakra is lost, it will immediately turn into scattered gold sand.

But at this time, Yusuke, who had been guarding the Daimyo of the Country of Fire, was very close to the Daimyo of the Country of Wind, and he blocked the Daimyo of the Country of Wind with a teleportation technique.

The fire flashed away, and all these tiny golden needles turned into ashes and scattered in the air.

Originally, Yusuke didn’t care about the life or death of the Daimyo of the Land of Wind, and such a mediocre Daimyo was indeed worthy of death.

But sometimes, foolish allies make the best companions.

At this moment, a plan that requires the cooperation of the daimyo of the Land of Wind is formed in Yusuke’s mind, and this plan is also the first step to achieve the unification of the ninja world.

“Others are afraid of the pig teammate, but the pig teammate, the Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind, cannot die now!”

Yusuke made up his mind and immediately acted to stop Rasa’s attack.

“As a friendly partner of the Country of Wind, Konoha Village will never tolerate what the Fourth Kazekage and Sunagakure Village are doing now!”

Looking at Luo Sha in front of him, Yusuke said righteously.

At the same time, the Daimyo of the Land of Wind behind Yusuke reacted, squatting on the ground with his buttocks, and yellow urine flowed out along his pants.

At this time, the general public in the entire competition ground had almost been evacuated, and the remaining ones were ninjas from the Konoha Police Department and ANBU.

Some other ninjas from the Ninja Village also chose to stay and watch the fun. They also wanted to see what kind of power Sunagakure had combined to deal with the rising Konoha.

Of course, just to watch the fun, they still chose a safer location so they could escape at any time.

After all, a battle with so many masters from the two major ninja villages fighting together is still very dangerous. If you don’t watch the excitement and get involved, it will be more gain than loss.

“The Fourth Kazekage, your opponent is me.”

With a flash of yellow light, Minato had used the Flying Thunder God Technique to place Naruto, who was being chased by Ichibi Shukaku in the competition arena, in a safe place, while he stood in front of Rasa with a serious look on his face.

At this moment, a powerful chakra suddenly descended on the entire competition field, and Nagato’s figure slowly appeared on the tallest tower beside the competition field like a phantom.

All the people present could not help but turn their attention to the figure on the tower.

Seeing the unusual pupils in Nagato’s eyes, and feeling the unusual chakra emanating from his body, everyone felt a sense of oppression and became inexplicably nervous.

This sense of oppression is like the natural deterrent of powerful creatures against weak creatures. At this time, everyone has the illusion that they are mortals and Nagato is a god.

“Is that eye the legendary reincarnation eye?”

“It’s unmistakable. This form, this unbearable chakra, must be the Samsara Eye!”

At this time, the very few ninjas who had heard of the legend of the Rinnamsara Eye exclaimed, instantly causing a commotion around them.

Some timid ninjas have already started to run away, while some bold ninjas are still staying at the scene, wanting to see how Konoha will deal with the legendary Eye of the Immortal.

“Uchiha Yusuke, the best ninja in the ninja world, how do you deal with the Sage Eyes?”

Samui from Hidden Cloud Village looked at Yusuke and Nagato and thought to himself. The question in her mind was also what most of the ninjas present were thinking about.

“This is truly an unprecedented battle! If you want to leave, go first. I have to see the result.” Huangtu led several people from Yanyin Village to retreat to the outside, but Kurotsuchi was unwilling to miss the once-in-a-lifetime battle before him.

Huang Tu sighed, there was really nothing he could do against this willful daughter. Since he wants to stay, let’s stay together and see. To be honest, he himself is full of expectations for this battle.

Just like a god examining a mortal, Nagato glanced at everyone present, and finally fixed his eyes on Yusuke, who was standing next to the Daimyo of the Fire Country.

“Uchiha Yusuke, you are the only one in the entire ninja world worthy of my personal action. The last fight was not a happy one, and today it is time for us to show off.”

Nagato said in a cold voice.

Looking at Nagato, Yusuke still had a calm expression: “Nagato, remember that I let you go ten years ago. But at that time, because you were just victims of Danzo and Hanzo’s conspiracy, I didn’t get rid of you.”

“But today, facing you as the invader, I will no longer show mercy!”

Through the conversation between Yusuke and Nagato, everyone present also knew that the name of this mysterious ninja with the Samsara Eye was Nagato. Not only did Yusuke and this ninja know each other and have fought against each other, they also had a ten-year entanglement.

Everyone in the Akatsuki organization on the side also looked at each other. They only found out before the action that the real leader was not Payne but Nagato. Unexpectedly, Yusuke knew the identity of the leader of his organization better than they did.

After hearing Yusuke’s words, Nagato asked: “You must regret your original choice now, right?”

But Yusuke shook his head: “I do everything based on my heart. If I do it, I won’t regret it.”

Staring at the three magatama samsara eyes in Nagato’s eyes, Yusuke’s tone gradually became more serious: “But if you think that the three magatama samsara eyes can defeat me, then you may be disappointed.”

A cold glint flashed in Nagato’s eyes, and Yusuke’s tone that seemed to confirm him angered him.

“Leave it to me, Uchiha Yusuke, you guys do what you have to do.”

Let the members of the Akatsuki organization destroy Konoha, while Nagato himself stays to deal with Yusuke.

After hearing Nagato’s order, Kakuzu, Scorpion, Kisame, Hagura and others immediately moved towards the center of Konoha. Apart from Yusuke and Nagato, the only other two Kages in the competition field were facing each other.

“Haruyuki, take the two daimyo to a safe place first and leave this place to me.” Yusuke also asked his assistant Haruyuki Uchiha to take the daimyo away first.

At this time, the entire competition ground was silent, and the ninjas from other ninja villages were holding their breath and concentrating.

Not only is a battle between two shadows about to take place here, but a legendary battle is about to take place!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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