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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 153 As you wish

“So that’s it. He is worthy of being a ‘tailless beast’. The chakra in his body is not inferior to that of the jinchūriki at all. He actually survived the damage caused by the scorching blast by relying on the transformation of chakra into water blast.”

Itachi, who activated the Mangekyō Sharingan, said slowly. After hearing his analysis, everyone also understood why Ye Cang’s Burning Release Ninjutsu had no effect on Kisame.

Ye Cang felt very depressed at this time. She didn’t expect that this Kisame was a man with so much water, and that her sneak attack that could kill an opponent in seconds fell short.

“Now it’s three versus three, so let’s each choose our opponents! Kakashi, the Country of Waves allowed you to escape with your life, and today your life is mine.”

Scorpion looked at Kakashi and said coldly.

While speaking, Xie also took out the ten wooden escape white Zetsu puppets that were used in the country of waves.

In fact, Scorpion has a hundred such puppets in his hands. Just like the “Red Secret Technique·Hundred-Man Exercise” originally used, he can control these one hundred puppets at the same time to fight the enemy through his regeneration core.

However, an increase in quantity means a decrease in quality. Controlling a hundred puppets at the same time requires too much chakra and energy, which is actually not worth the gain.

It’s fine if you’re dealing with a large number of miscellaneous soldiers, but the best option for dealing with a ninja of Kakashi’s level is to control about ten puppets.

“That’s exactly what I mean.”

Kakashi also readily accepted Scorpion’s invitation to fight.

Kakashi was at a disadvantage in the battle with Scorpion in the Land of Waves, and now he wants to make a comeback here.

He took out a chakra dagger that was completely different from before from his back. After Kakashi injected chakra, the chakra dagger shone with white light, obviously very powerful.

After returning to Konoha from the Land of Waves, Kakashi asked Kabuto to modify this short chakra sword based on the Second Hokage’s Flying Thunder God Sword. Its power is even greater than that of the Flying Thunder God Sword.

Originally, Kakashi did not rely on weapons, but when he was in the Land of Waves, he found that he was helpless against the extremely defensive Scorpion, so he came up with the idea of ​​​​strengthening his weapons, and his idea was very important to Kabuto and Konoha Research Institute. It’s not difficult to say.

“Then I’ll deal with the traitor Ye Cang. After all, she just attacked me and really hurt me badly!”

Kisame turned his head, flexed the muscles in his neck, and at the same time removed the large sword wrapped in white bandage from behind with his right hand.

The right arm shook slightly, and the bandage on the sword’s shark muscle was shattered by the shock, revealing the huge blade that was still slowly squirming and densely packed with teeth.

He swung the uniform windbreaker of the Akatsuki organization and threw it far away. Ye Cang, who was wearing a smart outfit inside, smiled coldly: “Just in time, I also want to see how much water can be squeezed out of your body.”

Seeing that both Scorpion and Kisame had chosen their opponents, Kakuzu looked at Itachi with a ferocious smile: “It seems that we are the only two left. I heard that you are the son of Yusuke Uchiha, the strongest man in the ninja world. Proud disciple, let me see what kind of strength this junior like you has.”

After saying this, Kakuzu paused for a moment, with a hint of pride in his eyes: “To tell you the truth, I have fought against Senju Hashirama, the former strongest man in the ninja world!”

Hearing Kakuzu’s boast, Itachi said expressionlessly: “It seems that senior is not very strong.”

Kakuzu said solemnly: “Being able to survive a fight with Senju Hashirama, doesn’t it prove my strength?”

Itachi shook his head and said, “My teacher said that in the era when the first generation ruled the ninja world, there were two types of people who could be considered masters.”

“The first is the ninja who died at the hands of the first Hokage Senju Hashirama, and the second is the ninja who can survive at the hands of the family ancestor Uchiha Madara.”

“Since the senior can save his life from the hands of the first generation, it seems that the strength is not to the point where the first generation cannot keep his hand.”

Hearing this, Kakuzu also had anger in his voice: “I never thought that after so many years of running the ninja world, I would be despised by a junior like you, so let’s see the truth on the ground!”

Quickly forming seals with his hands, Kakuzu freed the three elements of wind, thunder and fire to resent the Yumask Monster, and prepared to go all out to deal with Itachi as soon as possible.

Facing Kakuzu, Itachi directly activated the Mangekyō Sharingan and activated Susanoo. A large red warrior exuding powerful chakra suddenly stood in front of Kakuzu.

Looking down at Kakuzu who looked shocked, Itachi said in a calm tone: “Then, let me come down and learn from my senior’s clever tricks!”

At this point, the battles between Akatsuki and Kakashi, Kisame and Hayakura, and Kakuzu and Itachi have officially begun!

At the third round of the Chunin Examination, the battle between Nagato and Yusuke also began in front of the ninjas from various ninja villages.

Looking at Yusuke, who showed his confidence in every meeting before him, Nagato’s eyes flashed fiercely, Pain’s Six Paths appeared behind him at the same time, and everyone quickly formed seals with their hands in exactly the same movement.

“The art of heretics: Tianzhi Zhenxing!”

As Nagato and Pain completed the Six Paths Seal, a powerful burst of chakra burst out from their bodies, bringing a strong air current that swept across the entire competition field.

However, after a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen. All the surrounding ninjas looked at each other, wondering what kind of ninjutsu the other party was performing.

But at this time, Yusuke’s expression gradually became serious. After the Nagato seal was completed, Yusuke noticed that far above the clouds, an extremely large spherical meteorite was slowly falling.

It’s just that because the meteorite is above the clouds, all the ninjas present have not discovered it yet.

The area covered by this meteorite is almost the same as the area of ​​Konoha Village. Once it lands, not only will the entire Konoha Village be destroyed, but all living creatures within the scope of Konoha Village will also be dead.

The expression on Yusuke’s face finally changed, and Nagato slowly said: “It seems that even you can’t stay calm with this ninjutsu.”

“So how are you going to crack it?”

Yusuke frowned slightly: “If this meteorite really falls, even if Konoha is destroyed, your Akatsuki organization will be completely wiped out, right?”

Nagato rarely laughed out loud: “Indeed, even I can’t escape such an attack, but I think with your strength, you won’t be killed by me so easily!”

“Show me your true power, Yusuke Uchiha!”

Looking at Nagato who was laughing endlessly, Yusuke had a slender katana in his hand, which was the Zanpakutō Ryukenwaka.

“as you wish!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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