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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 16 You have mental problems

Seeing someone coming, Kabuto immediately jumped out of the ground and stood next to Izumi, looking at the young ninja who was not much older than him.

“Shisui, this name sounds so familiar. Where have you heard it before?” Kabuto murmured.

“Shisui-senpai is a genius ninja of our Uchiha clan. He was just promoted to jounin some time ago. In terms of age, he became a jounin two years earlier than the teacher.” Itachi introduced to Kabuto, his tone also showed his appreciation. Shisui admired him very much.

During the time that Yusuke was away, Shisui, another genius ninja in the clan, was also promoted to Jonin.

Shisui had already shown considerable strength during the three battles and had made many contributions. Logically speaking, he was good enough to be promoted to Jonin. However, because he was a ninja of the Uchiha clan, Danzo was cited as “age” during the promotion process. Being too young and immature is the reason for obstruction.

Now that Danzo was sent out of the village to perform a mission, the third generation took this opportunity to complete Shisui’s promotion.

Because Shisui is a descendant of Uchiha Kagami, and the members of Uchiha Kagami’s family are also ninjas who have always supported the “Will of Fire”, so the third generation still trusts them, and Shisui does work for the third generation wholeheartedly.

With a teleportation technique, Shisui stood directly in front of the three children. After touching Itachi and Izumi’s heads, Shisui smiled and said, “You don’t need to call me senpai, just call me Shisui.”

After saying that, Shisui looked at Itachi with admiration: “Itachi, the way you used kunai just now was very good, but I have an even more powerful way to use ninja tools.”

“Shisui-senior Shisui, can you teach me?” Itachi originally wanted to continue calling him ‘Shisui-senpai’, but when he saw Shisui’s look indicating that there was no need to be restrained, Itachi changed his mind.

“Of course, I just told you because I thought you had the talent in this area.” Zhisui said with a smile.

“If you want to learn, come to me tonight.”

For some reason, Shisui felt very close to Itachi when he saw him.

Shisui had occasionally encountered Itachi in the clan before, but had never had the opportunity to interact with him.

Today’s mission ended and I saw a few children practicing in the family’s training ground, so I wanted to come over and take a look.

“Thank you.” Itachi nodded.

“Brother Zhisui, can I learn?” Izumi looked at Zhishui expectantly.

“You girl can’t learn such a delicate ninjutsu to control ninja tools. You’d better learn escape ninjutsu from your brother.” At this time, a voice came from afar.

However, the next moment, the owner of the voice was already standing in front of several people. It was Yusuke who had just returned from the mission in the Rain Ninja Village.

Shisui was slightly surprised by Yusuke’s teleportation technique, which was almost as good as his own, but his expression did not show it.

However, Shisui is still more confident than Yusuke in the application of the instantaneous technique.

“Brother!” “Teacher!” Izumi, Kabuto and Itachi all shouted in surprise when they saw Yusuke suddenly appeared.

Yusuke touched Izumi’s head. Izumi, who had looked surprised just now, immediately stopped smiling and said dissatisfied: “I can’t learn the fine ninjutsu of controlling ninja tools. Humph, I’ll ignore you.”

Although she said to ignore Yusuke, the joy in her eyes still betrayed Izumi. Obviously, she was still very happy that her brother had returned from his mission.

“Hello, Yusuke-senpai.” At this time, Shisui on the side said politely to Yusuke.

“It’s Shisui. I heard that you have also been promoted to Jonin. Congratulations.” Yusuke said.

“I will need more guidance from Yusuke-senpai in the future,” Shisui said.

“Don’t be humble, there are not many people who can teach Shunshen Shisui.” Yusuke said with a smile.

After being polite to Shisui, Yusuke said to the three children: “I can see that you have been practicing hard. I will give you a holiday this afternoon and go play.”

“Really? That’s great!” Izumi said happily, and then said to Yusuke: “Brother, let’s go too.”

Yusuke was about to nod in agreement, but Shisui suddenly said in an apologetic tone: “I’m very sorry for disturbing everyone’s interest. I have something that I want to talk to Yusuke-senpai about alone, and I need to take up some of Yusuke-senpai’s time.”

Yusuke glanced at Shisui in slight surprise, then smiled and said to Izumi: “Then you go and play, I will accompany you next time.”

Although Izumi was slightly disappointed, she still nodded obediently and then extended an invitation to Itachi: “Let’s go buy three-color meatballs. I know there is a very good one.”

Itachi reservedly accepted the invitation. After all, his favorite food is three-color meatballs.

Kabuto had a bitter look on his face. He was a salty person, but his younger brothers and sisters all liked sweets.

In Kabuto’s heart, he already regarded Itachi and Izumi, who were two years younger than him, as his younger brother and younger sister.

Looking at Kabuto’s wrinkled face due to struggle, Izumi chuckled and said, “Don’t worry, I chose this one specially this time. There is a snack shop selling your favorite salt-roasted bamboo mackerel next to it.”

Looking at the backs of the three small figures chatting and laughing, Yusuke smiled happily, and then glanced at Zhisui beside him, only to see Zhisui’s eyes “obsessively” locked on Itachi in the distance.

“It’s too scary. I really don’t understand the world of brother control!” Yusuke sighed inwardly.

“Ahem.” Yusuke coughed twice and reminded Shisui beside him.

Zhisui was stunned for a moment before he reacted, and said sheepishly: “Sorry, I just looked at Itachi and got distracted.”

This time it was Yusuke’s turn to be stunned. He had always thought that Shisui was reserved, but he didn’t expect to express it so straightforwardly.

“I don’t know why, but I always feel very connected with Itachi, as if he is my biological brother.” Shisui continued.

Yusuke nodded expressionlessly: “I understand, I understand, you already feel the connection with Itachi.” Let you go, as long as you are happy anyway.

“Yes, it’s a bond. As expected of Yusuke-senpai! You can see what I want to say at a glance.” Zhisui smiled, and then continued: “Itachi’s talent is very high, far surpassing mine. Although I am not He is an outstanding ninja, but he also has some experience and ninjutsu that he is good at, and I hope he can teach it to Itachi. Yusuke-senpai is Itachi’s teacher, and I hope he can agree.”

“Excessive modesty is pride. In terms of talent, I think Itachi may not be able to beat you, Shisui. If you want to teach him, I have no objection.” Yusuke said with a smile.

Even so, Yusuke felt wary. After all, Shisui had a large part of the credit for Itachi’s concept of sacrificing himself and his family to help Konoha.

“Thank you, senior.” Zhisui said.

Yusuke waved his hand: “This shouldn’t be the reason you’re looking for me, right?”

Shisui nodded, stretched out his hand to catch a leaf that fell from the tree, and whispered softly: “Where the leaves are flying, the fire will continue to grow. The fire will continue to illuminate the village and make new leaves sprout.”

“Senior Yusuke, do you believe in the ‘Will of Fire’?” Shisui looked at Yusuke with serious and firm eyes.

Yusuke did not answer Shisui’s question. He was silent for a while and said with emotion: “The will of fire, what a beautiful meaning.”

“But are these countless people who burn themselves silently, what they finally illuminate are really the village, are they really the new tree buds?” Yusuke just kept these words in his heart and did not say them out.

How many ninjas have fallen in the struggle for power, and how many of Konoha’s top leaders are truly implementing the ‘Will of Fire’?

“Shisui-kun, you’d better explain your intention directly.” Yusuke said.

Shisui nodded and said: “Senior Yusuke, the Third Generation is asking if anyone in my family would recommend anyone to join the ANBU. I admire your strength very much, and both the village and the family need someone who can serve as a communication node. I hope you can think about it.”

“You may be disappointed at this point. I have no plans to join ANBU.” Yusuke shook his head.

“Yusuke-senpai, you should think about it again,” Shisui said urgently.

Yusuke waved his hand: “You don’t need to say it anymore, I have never had the idea of ​​joining ANBU.”

Seeing Yusuke’s firm refusal, Shisui had no choice but to leave with a disappointed face.

After sending Shisui away, Yusuke decided to go to the teahouse he frequented. Apart from practicing and developing ninjutsu, Yusuke’s only hobby now may be to go to the teahouse to drink a cup of tea.

“You know, I heard that Lord Orochimaru is doing human experiments.” In the teahouse, a young man with a blue cloth on his head and a pointed beard on his chin said.

The boy was wearing a Konoha-style ninja uniform. He was no more than Yusuke’s age, but the beard on his chin only added to the greasiness.

This boy’s name is Die Iwashi, and he is now a chuunin. There were two companions at the table with him who were also chuunin – Shiranui Genma and Tamashiro.

Shiranui Genma also wore a blue scarf on his head and held a senbon in his mouth, looking very free and easy.

The same person has short brown hair and a scar on his left face from his eye to his cheek.

The three of them were ninjas of the same period as Yusuke, Kakashi, Asuma and others, and are now chunin. According to the plot in the original work, Shiranui Genma and Tamashiro will become special jounin. The three of them will later become the exclusive guards of the Fourth Hokage, Namikaze Minato.

Among them, Yusuke and Shiranui Genma had performed tasks together during the Third War, so they had some friendship. However, seeing that he was chatting with other friends, Yusuke entered the teahouse and did not come forward to say hello. Instead, he silently found a seat to the side and enjoyed this leisurely moment alone.

“Hey, hey, you’re dying. Please keep your voice down. If it reaches Lord Orochimaru’s ears, maybe we won’t be able to see you tomorrow.” Nakashi said softly.

Shiranui Genma nodded in agreement: “I will never forget the first time I saw Lord Orochimaru. He looked at me as if I was covered in snakes.”

“I was so scared at that time!” A drop of cold sweat dripped from Shiranui Genma’s forehead, as if he remembered the first time he met Orochimaru.

Yusuke, who was sitting in a corner, frowned slightly as he listened to the three people’s words: “Is Orochimaru now so unscrupulous in conducting human experiments? There are already rumors even among the chuunin. It seems that he is not far away from defecting. .”

“What a pity. In the future, there will be one less person in the village who can communicate with Ninjutsu.” Yusuke sighed in his heart.

When he came to the teahouse this time, Yusuke did not see the girl waiter who claimed to be in the ninja school last time. He guessed that she might have concentrated on her ninja career and no longer worked in the teahouse, which made her feel a little regretful. After all, I had a few words with this energetic girl last time, which made me feel much better.

“Yusuke-kun, you are indeed here!” At this time, a voice interrupted Yusuke’s random thoughts.

Yusuke looked up and saw that it was Uchiha Kuichiro.

“What a coincidence, every time I see you I’m in this teahouse.” Yusuke said with a smile.

Kuuichiro sat down opposite Yusuke, shook his head and smiled: “What a coincidence, I came here specifically to find you. When the patriarch heard that the delegation that went to Yu Ninja Village for negotiations had returned to the village, he immediately asked me to find you. He said he had something important to discuss with you.”

Kanichiro has always been Uchiha Fugaku’s confidant. Ever since he learned from Fugaku that Yusuke was not someone who did not value the family, and that Fugaku and Yusuke had reached a certain consensus, Kanichiro was very happy.

He himself is a moderate in the family, so he was naturally very pleased to see that Yusuke, a genius in the family, did not have conflicts with the clan leader, but instead had further cooperation.

Hearing what Kuouichiro said, Yusuke felt happy and thought to himself: “Could it be that Uchiha Fugaku has found the reason why he has been unable to open the Sharingan?”

“Since the clan leader is looking for me, then without further delay, I will go to the clan leader’s place now.” Yusuke nodded. Then he and Kuichiro went to Uchiha Fugaku’s mansion.

When Uchiha Fugaku saw Yusuke, he took him to a secret room, apparently to have a secret conversation.

After sizing up Yusuke, Fugaku said, “I’m relieved to see you’re okay. Although you are very strong, I’m still worried that Danzo will take action against you.”

“He did take action, but he just couldn’t do anything to me.” Yusuke didn’t hide anything, and briefly talked about the process of Danzo ordering his men to sneak attack on him.

Fugaku snorted coldly: “This old man is really bullying others. I have repeatedly given in, but he still targets my Uchiha clan like this.” There was no one else here, and Fugaku no longer concealed his anger towards Danzo.

“Master Patriarch, you came to me in such a hurry. Could it be that you have some clue about my Sharingan?” Yusuke didn’t want to go too far on Danzo’s topic, so he went straight to the topic.

Fugaku nodded: “Yes, regarding this aspect, I have consulted a lot of information within the clan. According to common sense, with your current strength, it is impossible not to be able to open the Sharingan. Therefore, I infer”

“There must be something wrong with your mind!”

This book has been signed. Thank you for your continued support and your rewards (●`●)(●`●)

Although the author is still working regular classes, he will ensure quality updates!



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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