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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 161 Orochimaru emerges

On the outskirts of Konoha Village, the ‘Tailless Tailed Beast’ Kisame Kisaki and the ‘Scorch Release’ Yakura were fighting fiercely.

“Water Release: Shark Bullet Technique!”

“Burning Escape·Steam Kill!”

A huge shark composed of water escape collided with several red burning escape fireballs. With a violent sizzling sound, a large amount of water evaporated to form a mist with a wide range.

However, because the surrounding temperature was too high due to the influence of Yusuke’s Ryūren Wakahui flames, the mist only stayed for a few seconds before being evaporated into the air by the heat and disappeared.

The battle between Kisame and Hayakura was very stalemate. The chakra attributes of the two were mutually restrained. Although Kisame’s chakra amount was much stronger than that of Hayakura, he was better than him in terms of overall strength.

However, Hayakura’s Burning Release is very effective against Water Release, evaporating the water in the Water Release with extremely high efficiency. Coupled with the abnormally high temperature environment around it, it is very unfavorable to the performance of Water Release. Kisame was suddenly He was actually at a disadvantage.

However, relying on the massive amount of chakra, Kisame doesn’t mind engaging in a war of attrition with Yakura, and it will be him who wins in the end!

Seeing the huge heretic golem disappearing in the distance, while the black Susanoo was still standing, Yakura said coldly: “It seems that the heretic golem of the leader of the Akatsuki organization has been repelled by Uchiha Yusuke, are you still there?” Are you going to stay here and wait to die?”

Kisame smiled and said: “There is nothing terrible about life and death. Maybe people can only recognize themselves before death!”

Kisame can be said to be the purest person in the Akatsuki organization. During the mission in Kirigakure Village, he had to kill his companions with his own hands. After that, he became confused about the world and believed that reality is nihilistic and ugly.

After meeting Obito, Obito described the “Eye of the Moon” plan to him, which also made Kisame think that this was a great plan to end the cruel world.

Even after Kisame was captured alive in the original work, in order to prevent the Akatsuki organization’s intelligence from leaking, Kisame used his last strength to take an extreme way to learn about his own life – summoning a shark to eat him up.

The corpse of a ninja is a huge intelligence library. In order to prevent Obito’s plan from accidents, Kisame is even willing to use this extremely painful method to leave his body intact. It can be said that he is indeed a man who dedicated everything for his dream. A real man.

Kisame will do his best to carry out the mission of the Akatsuki organization. As long as he does not receive an order from the organization to retreat, he is determined to fight until the last moment.

Looking at Hagura in front of him, Kisame quickly began to form seals with his hands. Since his body had chakra comparable to that of a tailed beast, Kisame liked to use a wide range of ninjutsu to crush his opponents.

Because he often performs a wide range of ninjutsu, Kisame even fell in love with the feeling of performing ninjutsu with seals, which gave him a sense of ritual in battle and was one of his few hobbies.


Suddenly, Kisame, who was forming seals, found a huge shadow appearing under his body, as if there was a giant standing behind him, and Ye Cang in front of him was also looking at him with a strange look.

There was a loud bang, and a huge plume of smoke and dust rose up where Kisame was standing. The originally flat ground turned into a big pit, and Kisame lay unconscious on it. His broad back was swollen and his skin was torn. Horrible.

Behind the smoke, stood a huge red warrior, it was Itachi’s Susanoo.

At this time, Susanoo was holding the sacred Juken Sword in his right hand, and his left hand was holding a strange humanoid body connected by a black tentacle-like substance.

The owner of this body now had white eyes, disheveled hair, and four holes on his exposed back. It was Kakuzu who had lost four lives to Itachi.

But just now Itachi only controlled Susanoo to slap Kisame hard with the blade of the Juken Sword, but did not directly kill him, so now Kisame was only seriously injured and fainted.

“You don’t seem like a soft-hearted person?”

At this time, Kakashi, who seemed to have resolved the battle, came to Hayakura’s side, looked at Itachi standing on Susanoo and asked.

Itachi said in a calm tone: “These ninjas in the Akatsuki organization are rare strong men in the ninja world. Each of them is a huge treasure house. If you can avoid killing, try not to kill them. Anyway, there is no shortage of them in the prison of the police department.” A mouthful of rice.”

Having said that, in fact, Itachi’s Amaterasu almost burned Kakuzu to death, but suddenly a powerful sealing technique absorbed his Amaterasu flames, which incidentally spared Kakuzu’s life.

Seeing Itachi calmly controlling Susanoo and picking up Kisame, Ye Cang felt a slight chill in his heart.

This guy Uchiha Yusuke is unfathomable, and his disciples don’t seem to be easy to mess with.

Turning to look at Kakashi, Yegura asked: “Where is the Red Sand Scorpion? Have you already dealt with him?”

Shaking his head, Kakashi sighed: “It’s a pity that he ran away. After he saw the heretic demon summoned by the leader of the Akatsuki organization disappear, and saw Itachi capturing Kakuzu alive, he immediately ran away.”

“He is now a copper-skinned, iron-skinned warrior with the ability to absorb all kinds of chakra. It’s really not easy to kill him.”

Standing on Susanoo’s body, Itachi observed the battle situation in Konoha Village from a height and found that most of the enemies had been eliminated, and only a small number of enemies were still resisting.

“I will lock Kakuzu and Kisame in the police department prison first. Kakashi-senpai, please organize your forces to finish and deal with all the remaining intruders.”

“Hagura-senpai, your current status is not suitable for operating alone in Konoha. Please come up to Susanoo and follow me to the police station to take a rest.”

Kakashi nodded and left directly to clean up the remaining enemies. Ye Cang immediately teleported to Susanoo, stood beside Itachi, and followed Itachi to the police department as a guest.

The competition ground outside Konoha Village.

After using the “Fire Sealing Seal” to deal with the flames around Konoha, Yusuke was about to kill Nagato who was lying on the ground and almost lost his fighting power.

However, a sudden change occurred at this moment, and more than a dozen slender white snakes suddenly emerged from the ground around them and quickly bit into Nagato.

The one who can play with snakes in this place is naturally Orochimaru, who has disappeared since the beginning of the battle!

Using the last of his strength, Nagato used the Shinra Tensei, shattering all the white snakes surrounding him.

At this time, another white python as thick as an adult man’s waist came out from behind him. This white python opened its bloody mouth, and an Orochimaru came out of it.

“The Samsara Eye is still mine after all!”

With a greedy expression, Orochimaru’s hand reached out to Nagato, who was already defenseless, and Nagato only saw a pale and slender hand in front of him getting bigger and bigger, until it blocked all his vision.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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