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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 162 Demons dancing wildly

Facing the fierce-looking Orochimaru so close in front of him, Nagato no longer had the strength to make any counterattack and could only tilt his head slightly.

At this moment, Nagato did not expect that the greatest danger did not come from the enemy, but from his companions.

Yusuke used the “Fire Sealing Seal” to absorb all the nearby flames, eliminating the crisis of further expansion of the fire around Konoha, and he had just freed up his hands.

Seeing Orochimaru suddenly appearing to attack Nagato, he immediately activated the “Kage Flame” in his Sharingan eyes, trying to set Orochimaru’s head on fire.

However, what surprised Yusuke was that Orochimaru’s body was covered with an extremely strong cold air, blocking the flames of Kagero.

And because Nagato’s head tilted slightly, Orochimaru’s hand that grabbed Nagato’s eyes only touched the right eye.

Along with the sound of flesh and blood being destroyed, a light blue eyeball was held in Orochimaru’s hand, and was instantly frozen by ice, in a frozen state.

At this time, Yusuke also rushed to the side of Orochimaru and Nagato with two consecutive teleportation techniques. The Zanpakuto in his right hand slashed at Orochimaru and his left hand grabbed Nagato’s body.

Seeing that one of Nagato’s eyes was taken away by Orochimaru, Obito, who was hiding in the dark and was about to take action, secretly said something bad and asked Bai Jue Fei to immediately cooperate with him.

“Wooden Release: The birth of the tree world!”

A large number of trees capable of absorbing chakra grew up nearby. While attacking Yusuke and Orochimaru, they entangled Nagato and pulled Nagato in the opposite direction away from the two.

At the same time, a space vortex appeared next to Nagato, preparing to seize Nagato’s other remaining eye.

Orochimaru saw that both Yusuke and Obito had already taken action. Even after grabbing a Rinnegan, Orochimaru gave it up and immediately transformed into a white python and dived underground and disappeared.

When Yusuke saw Obito appear, he didn’t care about Orochimaru who had escaped, and planned to deal with Obito who had divine power first.

A black crow suddenly appeared on Yusuke’s shoulder, staring at Obito with his eyes, causing a strong chill to rise in Obito’s heart.

“What’s going on? Why do I have a premonition of death when this crow looks at me?”

If Obito had been hiding in the dark, there was nothing Yusuke could do against him. But now that he appears, he is already a dead person in front of Yusuke, who possesses another divine sharingan!

A cold light flashed in the eyes, and the Zanpakutō slashed at Obito’s body. In order to avoid being hit by Yusuke’s Zanpakutō, Obito also immediately became insubstantial, and the hand that grabbed Nagato’s eyes passed through Nagato’s head. .

Seeing Obito using Kamui Space, the black crow clone on Yusuke’s shoulder suddenly appeared a three-tooth hook-shaped dart pattern in his left eye, which was the pattern of Obito’s Kamui Sharingan!


Realizing that something was wrong, Obito immediately activated Izanagi’s power, and the Sharingan implanted in his body to save his life slowly closed. And it was precisely because of his reaction that his life was extended for a moment.

The blade in his hand was like a fire, and the raging flames immediately ignited, and Obito, who was locked by his other divine sharingan, was instantly ignited by the red-gold flames and turned into ashes.

“No, Obito is dead! Uchiha Yusuke actually saw through Obito’s ability and got the Sharingan that Obito gave to Kakashi to deal with him.”

At this time, Black Zetsu appeared from the roots of White Zetsu A Fei’s tree world. At this moment, he immediately decided to give up Obito, snatch Nagato’s body by himself, and then use Nagato to resurrect Madara in advance.

Transformed into a black liquid-like unknown substance, Black Zetsu immediately sneaked into Nagato’s body. With Nagato’s scream, a layer of black substance formed on the left half of Nagato’s body, and at this time Nagato’s body was also completely controlled by Black Zetsu.

“Afei, pass the chakra to me. I must leave immediately. You stop Uchiha Yusuke!”

After hearing Black Zetsu’s order, A Fei also knew that he had given up on Obito. Although he has a very good relationship with Obito, he must obey Black Zetsu’s orders.

Controlling the tree roots wrapped around Nagato on the tree world, a large amount of chakra was injected into the black Zetsu attached to Nagato’s body. Black Zetsu was supplemented by Abi’s chakra and quickly controlled Nagato to escape.

Upon seeing this, Yusuke immediately used Ryuken Wakahui to send out a powerful flaming slash towards Nagato who was running away with his back turned. If they were hit by this slash, both Nagato and Black Zetsu would not escape death.

“Wooden Release: Wooden Man’s Technique!”

At this time, Bai Jue Fei quickly used his special move, and a huge wooden man rose up from the ground, blocking Yusuke’s flaming slash. A huge and flaming slash stayed on the wooden man’s chest.

If these flames are allowed to burn, even the mighty wooden man will quickly turn into ashes.

At this time, a large number of tree roots produced by the birth of the tree world suddenly wrapped around the wooden man’s body, covering the blazing flames, and a faint light emerged. These tree roots actually converted the flames into pure attributeless chakra for absorption.

In a moment, all the flames on the wooden man’s body were absorbed.

This is also the power of Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release. Although fire can usually restrain wood, Senju Hashirama’s Wood Release can use chakra absorption to deal with various types of energy. Among them It also includes fire that can restrain wood.

At this time, Yusuke also had a feeling of being overwhelmed. Whether it was Orochimaru just now or Black Zetsu who was controlling Nagato to escape, as long as he wanted to pursue them, he would be very sure to kill or capture them. of.

But in order to deal with the elusive Obito, Yusuke had to stay where he was.

“Forget it, let’s deal with Obito first, and Yamato, who is controlled by Fei, can’t let it go!”

Glancing at the wooden figure in front of him, Yusuke’s hand was filled with fire.

“The blade flows like fire·The city is burning with fire!”

As the spiritual pressure in Yusuke’s body exploded violently, a circle of blazing flames surrounded the vicinity.

At this time, Obito’s Izanagi’s time was up, and his unscathed figure appeared above the wooden figure summoned by Bai Zetsu Abi, standing side by side with Bai Zetsu A Fei.

Looking at the powerful Sharingan in the eyes of the crow on Yusuke’s shoulder, Obito couldn’t help but fall into the memories of when he was partners with Kakashi and Lin.

“Maybe today is the day I die!”

Obito knows that there is a huge gap between his own strength and Yusuke’s. Originally, he could barely deal with the opponent relying on his Kamui, but now that his Kamui has been cracked by the opponent, he has no chance.

Since the Uchiha clan has not been wiped out, Obito does not have as many Sharingan eyes obtained from the corpses of the Uchiha clan members as in the original work, so he cannot constantly use Izanagi to resurrect him.

At this time, he only had the Kamui Sharingan left in his right eye.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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