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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 171 Double Divine Power Sharingan

Looking at the senior management of Sunagakure who were still pushing the blame with each other, Chiyo stopped them all with a gloomy expression.

“That’s enough, what’s the point of shirk- ing responsibility now? Even the Fourth Kazekage was captured alive by others. This is simply the biggest shame in the history of Sunagakure Village!”

Seeing Chiyo’s anger, everyone present shut their mouths. Although Chiyo has retired for a long time, he still has a high prestige in Sand Hidden Village.

“Okay, okay, sister, let’s see how to deal with it later. Not only Rasa, but also Gaara, Temari, Kankuro, and many juniors are still in Konoha.”

At this time, an old man next to Chiyo who had lost all his hair and whose eyes had almost narrowed into slits spoke out to help.

The only person in the entire Sunagakure Village who can persuade Chiyo is him as Chiyo’s younger brother. Others in Sunagakure, even the Fourth Kazekage Rasa, faced the angry Chiyo and could only choose to avoid the edge temporarily.

Touching his long white eyebrows, Ebizo continued: “According to Konoha’s past attitude, even if we are the defeated party, as long as we are willing to surrender and make certain concessions, they will not make too harsh demands.”

“It’s just that after this incident, Rasa can no longer continue to be the Kazekage. Firstly, someone must be responsible for this incident, and secondly, Konoha must be given an explanation.”

After Ebizo finished speaking, Chiyo nodded in agreement, but the other senior Sunagakure executives looked like they were hesitant to speak.

After some eye contact among Sunagakure’s senior executives, one of the more senior middle-aged ninjas stood up with a wry smile on his face.

“If it were in the past, it is indeed the same as what you said, Ebizou-sama. But now Konoha’s Chief Hokage Advisor is very tough. In recent years, the village has only chosen to give in when encountering him. This time he came to Sunagakure to negotiate in person, and the process may not be easy. It would be that simple.”

Ebizo nodded upon hearing this: “Although my sister and I have been living in seclusion, we have heard about this top master in the ninja world. Send all his information to me and wait until my sister and I study it together. “

“It seems that this time, the village will inevitably suffer a massive hemorrhage.”

After Sunagakure’s meeting ended, Chiyo and Ebizo slowly walked back to their secluded residence. However, Chiyo’s expression was very gloomy, while Ebizo’s expression was as usual.

“Ebizo, where do you think the future of the village is? Why do I always have a very uneasy feeling?” Chiyo asked Ebizo next to him in a deep voice.

Ebizo smiled openly when he heard this: “Sister, at our age, why do we still think so much? If we can do our best, we will do our best. If we really can’t do it, then we can only Said that these children in the village are not blessed!”

In two days, Konoha’s delegation will go to Sunagakure Village for post-war negotiations. Because of the importance of this negotiation, Yusuke must arrange it himself.

After a few days of busy preparations, Yusuke had time to deal with the other Mangekyō Sharingan left by Obito.

“Teacher, the transplant has been completed. Please give it a try.”

The person who helped Yusuke with the Sharingan transplant was naturally Kabuto. And this time the transplant was still to transplant the Mangekyo Sharingan into the Black Crow clone.

Because Shisui’s Sharingan owned by another god could not be used for a short period of time, Yusuke removed Shisui’s Sharingan first and replaced it with the more practical Kamui Sharingan.

Looking at the two identical Mangekyō Sharingan patterns in Black Crow’s eyes, Yusuke nodded with satisfaction.

“Very good, with this Mangekyou Sharingan, it will be much easier to do things!”

The black crow flew to Yusuke’s left shoulder, and then the divine power in his eyes slowly activated.

As a space vortex appeared, the bodies of Yusuke and Black Crow were quickly sucked into it.

At the same time, on the other side of the room, a space vortex with the same shape but completely opposite rotation direction appeared. The bodies of Yusuke and Black Crow emerged from this space vortex.

After using the space jump, Yusuke tried the Kamui virtual body again, and at the same time he praised Obito’s Mangekyō Sharingan ability in his heart.

With the power of his right eye, Obito can use two different abilities. Either of these two abilities is what all ninjas dream of.

The first ability is space jumping. As long as Obito has been to a place where he has memories, he can reach it directly through the space vortex.

This ability to jump in space, although it cannot be used in combat because of its slow execution speed and can only be used on the road, is already an extremely rare and practical ability.

The second ability is the Kamui Space, which Obito relies on most in battle. He can drag the enemy or his own body into the Kamui Space, subdue the enemy or blur his own body.

However, when the Kamui space ability is activated, Obito can no longer perform space jumps. This is also why Obito has such a weakness in timeliness when using his divine power to dematerialize his body.

In the original book, during the decisive battle between Konan and Obito, he bombed him continuously for ten minutes with 60 million detonating charms, just to wait for the duration of Obito’s Kamui’s virtual body to expire before killing him.

It was precisely because of the restriction that the ability of Kamui Space and Space Jump could not be used at the same time. Obito, whose body was weakened at that time, had no choice but to activate Izanagi to save his life.

“Is this the ability of Obito-senpai’s Mangekyou Sharingan? It is indeed very powerful, but it’s a pity that someone from the Akatsuki organization got it.” Kabuto sighed as he watched.

Because of Yusuke and Minato’s secrecy, everyone currently thinks that Obito is still the hero who died during the Third War, and the one who died in this incident was just an Akatsuki member who was lucky enough to get Obito’s right eye. member.

“Now that Obito’s two Mangekyō Sharingan are gathered together, they can be used for more than just the individual abilities of each Sharingan!” Yusuke said with a smile.

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Kabuto pushed up his glasses and said, “Could it be Susanoo?”

Yusuke nodded: “Not bad!”

As soon as he finished speaking, a layer of cyan exoskeleton appeared around the body of the black crow on Yusuke’s shoulder, which was Susanoo’s most basic form.

Because in the laboratory, Yusuke did not have the ability to control the black crow to completely liberate Susanoo, but only tried the most basic form. However, according to the continued growth of the exoskeleton of the Black Crow, Susanoo the Black Crow will eventually take the form of a bird.

With the support of Yusuke’s soul power, the Mangekyō Sharingan transplanted into Black Crow’s body does not have the problem of the kaleidoscope gradually closing due to loss of pupil power, and the ability of the Mangekyō Sharingan can be used with confidence.

With Obito’s dual Kamui Mangekyō Sharingan, Yusuke is even more powerful, and it is much easier to go out and do errands.

After trying the power of the Kamui Sharingan, Yusuke smiled and said to Kabuto: “It’s time to take you to learn the third senjutsu!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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