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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 174 Resisting Attack

Just when the snakes in Ryūchi Cave launched their attack, a pillar of red-gold fire rose up and surrounded Yusuke and Kabuto.

At the same time, within the pillar of fire, a huge warrior wearing black armor gradually appeared.

This samurai holds a long sword burning with flames in his hand. At the same time, the armor on the outside of his body is also burning with blazing flames. A huge flame behind him is like the sun. It is Yusuke’s mustache in Ryuken Wakaba’s first release state. Zuonenghu.

Seeing this huge figure that looked like a god of fire, the White Snake Immortal and several Snake Queens were shocked, and at the same time, they subconsciously suspended their attacks.

The size of Yusuke Susanoo is comparable to that of the heretic demons. Not to mention the large psychic beasts such as Wan She and Xinya, even the larger White Snake Sage’s true form cannot stand in front of Yusuke Susanoo. Not enough to watch either.

What frightened the snakes in Longdi Cave even more was the high temperature emanating from Longyan Susanoo’s body.

The last time he fought with Nagato outside Konoha, Yusuke had restrained himself somewhat. Now in Longdi Cave, he has no worries.

What’s more, at the beginning of the battle, he also kindly reminded the White Snake Immortal.

Although the snakes in Ryūchi Cave were stunned for a moment, the magic spells they had sent out did not stop, and they still attacked Ryūyan Susanoo.

Countless sharp stalagmites formed by the control of inorganic reincarnation were almost melted as soon as they touched Susanoo’s body. They had no power at all when they hit Susanoo’s body, and would soon be destroyed by Dragon Flame Susanoo’s body surface. The high temperature vaporizes.

The other three big snakes, which were composed of natural energy mixed with fire, earth and water attribute chakra respectively, were also burned to ashes after encountering the flames on the body surface of Dragon Flame Susanoo.

Standing between the eyebrows inside Susanoo, Yusuke looked down at the White Snake Sennin and the other snakes in Ryūchi Cave, and said calmly: “I wonder if this counts as resisting your joint attack?”

At this time, the snakes in Longdi Cave had already felt strong discomfort. Snakes naturally like cold and humid environments. Except for Xinya, a special being who is good at fire escape, the other snakes had already felt that their bodies were rapidly dehydrating.

“That’s enough. You are worthy of being the number one master in the ninja world. With your current strength, even Senju Hashirama and Uchiha Madara may not be your opponent!” White Snake Sage said.

After hearing the words of the White Snake Sage, Yusuke also released the Ryuken Wakahui Haigai and Susanoo. The temperature of Ryuji Cave, which was already extremely hot, dropped instantly, which also made the senior officials of Ryuji Cave breathe a sigh of relief.

The snakes in Longdi Cave, who had looked fiercely just now, all restrained themselves and did not dare to show any more hostility. The originally black and smooth hair of the three Snake Princesses also turned yellow and curly due to the high temperature baking.

White Snake Sage transformed back into the form of an old lady and walked up to Yusuke and Kabuto.

“Kabuto Yakushi, you can stay and learn senjutsu. Even if you fail in learning, with your teacher here, we won’t do anything to you.”

“If you can really master the magic of our Longdi Cave, then as I said before, you can choose one of the three snake immortals to establish an equal psychic contract.”

Upon hearing this, Kabuto immediately thanked the White Snake Sage, and the White Snake Sage turned to look at Yusuke and asked, “I wonder if you are interested in learning the celestial arts of our Ryūchi Cave?”

Yusuke smiled and shook his head: “My power and senjutsu are not compatible. Learning senjutsu does not make much sense to me.”

It’s not that Yusuke underestimates the power of celestial magic, but the focus of his training lies in the power of the soul, and the power based on the physical body no longer means much to him.

Immortal White Snake nodded, secretly said it was a pity and said no more.

The matter is over, and Yusuke is ready to return to Konoha. Soon he will go to Sunagakure Village to negotiate.

After briefly explaining a few words to Kabuto and saying goodbye to White Snake Sage, Black Crow used Kamui’s space jumping ability to come to Ryūchi Cave, and then used space jumping again to take Yusuke back to Konoha Village.

Seeing Yusuke coming and going freely through the space vortex, the senior officials of Ryūchidong also looked at each other.

This person is really untouchable. Not only is he powerful, but he can also travel through space freely. If you really offend him, he might appear next to you at any time and kill you.

Just when Yusuke returned to Konoha, an uninvited guest came to Konoha. It was Madara Uchiha who wanted to convince Yusuke to use him for his own use.

“Are you Uchiha Yusuke, the leader of the Uchiha clan? You are indeed a rare talent. Do you know who I am?”

Looking at Itachi in front of him, Uchiha Madara showed an expression of admiration and said in a tone of an elder looking at a junior.

It turned out that after Uchiha Madara came to Konoha, he went to the Uchiha clan’s Nanga Shrine on the outskirts of the village.

At this time, Yusuke was taking Kabuto to Ryuji Cave, but Itachi noticed signs that there seemed to be an invasion of outsiders at Nanga Shrine, so he went to check.

Uchiha Madara, who saw Itachi, also mistook Itachi for Yusuke.

Looking at Uchiha Madara, who was wearing ancient armor and had his hands folded across his chest with a proud look on his face, Itachi frowned slightly.

This man had a feeling that was very familiar to him, with a temperament unique to the Uchiha clan. And the three-magatama samsara eye in his eyes made him even more confused.

“After the last battle, Nagato, who had a Rinnegan Eye taken away by Orochimaru, was rescued by his men. So, is the Rinnegan Eye in front of him Orochimaru’s or Nagato’s?” Itachi thought secretly in his heart.

However, while thinking in his mind, Itachi also slowly replied: “I am Uchiha Itachi, the disciple of the clan leader. Who are you and why did you sneak into the forbidden area of ​​our clan?”

Hearing Itachi’s words, Uchiha Madara was slightly surprised. He did not expect that the young man in front of him was not Uchiha Yusuke, but just his disciple.

With Uchiha Madara’s eyesight, he could see how strong Itachi’s eyes were. Although Itachi did not display the Mangekyō Sharingan, he could conclude that Itachi must have awakened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

Madara Uchiha slowly said: “The forbidden land you talk about was built by me! And I didn’t expect that the family that had already declined could actually rise again.”

“Your teacher is indeed an amazing person. However, the person who really gave you great power is standing in front of you. And I am your ancestor Uchiha Madara!”

After Uchiha Madara finished speaking, a look of shock flashed in Itachi’s eyes, but he remained calm on the surface.

Regarding Itachi’s calm performance, Uchiha Madara felt a little angry while admiring it.

In his mind, when he revealed his identity, everyone should look very shocked and frightened.

“Given your age, you should have died a long time ago, and whose reincarnation eye you have, and what is the purpose of coming here?” Itachi asked.

Regarding Itachi’s questions, Uchiha Madara did not directly answer, but asked about Yusuke’s whereabouts: “Where is Uchiha Yusuke? Although you are also qualified to understand my plan, I don’t want to talk to different people. Say it twice.”

Itachi said calmly: “That’s a pity. The teacher is not in Konoha now, so the trip was in vain, senior.”

Although this man claiming to be Uchiha Madara has invaded Konoha, Itachi can feel that the opponent’s body contains extremely large chakra, coupled with the three magatama samsara eye, Itachi is not prepared to fight with the opponent here. conflict.

Without knowing the depth of the enemy, Itachi, who was cautious by nature, still chose to deal with it in a conservative way.

Although Itachi thought so, Uchiha Madara was overjoyed after seeing Itachi and was not ready to leave just yet.

“It’s a pity, but it’s not in vain for me to be able to meet a rising star like you. Let me personally verify how good you are!”

Uchiha Madara suddenly laughed, his eyes flashed, and he attacked Itachi from the front.

With his character, he would never use sneak attacks in battle, but the only one who could withstand his offensive from the front was the first Hokage Senju Hashirama.

At this time, Uchiha Madara didn’t simply want to test Itachi’s strength. His plan was to capture Itachi alive and train him as his subordinate.

After the conversation just now, Uchiha Madara admired Itachi’s performance very much, and now he wanted to verify whether Itachi’s strength could also satisfy him.

Facing Uchiha Madara’s attack, Itachi did not retreat, but chose to confront him head-on.

The two did not use ninjutsu, but simply used taijutsu to fight. Their rapid speed and huge power brought up strong winds in the air. Every collision of fists and feet made a huge collision sound, which showed the strength of the blow. So big.

As a ninja who experienced the Warring States Period, Uchiha Madara’s taijutsu was honed from the mountains of corpses and seas of blood. At that time, there were not so many fancy ninjutsu, and taijutsu was the most important skill for every ninja. Uchiha Madara represented the highest level of taijutsu of that era.

Although Itachi is best at illusions, as an all-round ninja he is also very strong in physical skills.

When he first appeared in the original work, the strength and speed he showed when he used taijutsu to fight Kakashi and Kurenai in Konoha were amazing. But in this life, under Yusuke’s training, his physical skills were even better.

Uchiha Madara and Itachi are both top masters in taijutsu. Together with their powerful Rinnegan or Sharingan with powerful dynamic vision, they can always find the opponent’s instant flaw to attack during the fight. Everyone seems to be able to do it with ease, but in reality it is extremely dangerous.

However, compared to his attainments in taijutsu, Uchiha Madara was still superior, and Itachi gradually fell into a disadvantage.

Although Itachi had avoided many of Madara’s deliberate killing moves with his extraordinary keen perception, the pressure on him was still increasing, and he could only do passive defense at this time.

“You are really good at being able to use taijutsu to this extent. Many clan members rely too much on the genjutsu ability of the Sharingan, but they don’t know that taijutsu is the foundation of a ninja!”

While Uchiha Madara praised Itachi, he instantly raised his speed and strength to a higher level, catching Itachi off guard.

At this moment, Itachi had to activate Amaterasu in the Mangekyō Sharingan to come to the rescue, and his eyes were focused on Uchiha Madara’s face.

Uchiha Madara, who sensed the danger, simply avoided Itachi’s Amaterasu with the speed of his physical skills, and the offensive attack on his hand did not weaken at all, forcing Itachi to use the Phantom Crow Clone to avoid Uchiha Madara’s attack. Attack and keep a distance.

At this time, Uchiha Madara was still calm, but the high-intensity taijutsu duel just now made Itachi’s breathing slightly disordered.

Itachi’s performance has exceeded Uchiha Madara’s imagination, and he has strengthened his determination to take Itachi into his subordinates.

Unprepared to give Itachi time to breathe and adjust, Uchiha Madara used the teleportation technique and quickly stepped forward to subdue Itachi with all his strength. However, a space vortex suddenly appeared in the shrine, causing Uchiha Madara to stop his action.

From this sudden space whirlpool, Yusuke slowly walked out with a black crow on his shoulders.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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