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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 196 Naruto vs Tsuchikage

It can be said that there is no suspense in the first match between Yusuke and Ao. Sure enough, before Yusuke got up to play, Kirigakure’s side immediately announced their defeat.

After adding one point to the scoreboard between Konoha and Sunagakure in the center of the stand, Mifune continued to announce the personnel for the next match.

“The second contest is between Konoha Namami Feng Shuimon and Tsuchikage Onoki.”

After Mifune’s announcement, everyone’s expressions became serious, especially the ninjas from the three hidden villages, who all knew how crucial this gambling battle was.

Tsuchikage Onoki can be said to be one of the strongest ninjas on their side. If even he cannot score this point, then their hope of final victory will be very slim.

But Onoki himself also knew that the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was not an opponent that could be defeated easily.

The opponent’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu can be called a ninjutsu that cannot be solved in a single fight, and he can only find the few opportunities to win in the ever-changing battle.

“I didn’t expect that I would have to fight a ninja with the Flying Thunder God technique again. The last time seemed to be fifty years ago.”

After arriving at the center of the competition field, Onoki sighed.

He once fought against Senju Tobirama, the second generation Hokage who created the Flying Thunder God Technique, on the battlefield of the Ninja World War. Of course, Senju Tobirama’s real opponent in that battle was not him, but his teacher Er. There is no shadow on behalf of earth.

Hearing Onoki’s sigh, Minato smiled and said: “Juniors are also lucky to be taught by seniors and see the legendary “Chen Escape” blood successors eliminated. “

Ohnoki still had a good impression of the humble and polite Minato.

Nodding, Onoki said slowly: “This battle is related to the stability of the ninja world, and I am determined to win. Although I do not want to use dust escape to deal with you, if it is necessary during the battle, I may do it. Use it as a last resort.”

After hearing Ohnoki’s words, Minato’s expression became serious: “Juniors are fighting for the stability of the ninja world, and they will never hold back even an inch in the battle. Seniors, please be careful!”

After the two of them finished speaking, they both stared at each other intently.

For ninjas of their level, victory or defeat is sometimes a matter of seconds.

The moment Onoki blinked, Minato’s figure suddenly disappeared in front of his eyes, and instead there was only a flying kunai.

Ohnoki knew that this kunai with a special shape must be the special kunai used by Minato’s Flying Thunder God Jutsu.

At this time, Minato had already used the teleportation technique to come to Ōnoki’s side and used a kunai to attack. As for the flying thunder god kunai thrown towards Ōnoki, it was to flexibly provide more tactics during the fight. Variety.

Facing Minato’s swift attack, Onoki, who was already very old and was not good at physical skills, did not choose to fight head-on. Instead, he took advantage of his ability to fly and immediately flew high into the sky, allowing Minato to miss.

Ohnoki’s “Rock Release” can use gravity to reduce and reverse its own gravity, allowing it to levitate or even fly.

However, the control of gravity requires a relatively high level of “Iway Release”. Although there are many ninjas in the entire Iwagakure Village who can float, only Onoki is currently the only one who can fly freely and flexibly.

Seeing Ohnoki’s extremely slippery flying skills, many ninjas present expressed admiration. Even Yusuke was very interested in his ability to control gravity.

“This Ohnoki is really a genius in ninjutsu. The “Chen Release” with the most lethal power in the ninja world, coupled with the control of gravity, if it can be further developed, will definitely bring his strength to another level. “Yusuke couldn’t help but sigh secretly in his heart.

Just as Yusuke thought, Onoki’s ninjutsu talent was indeed extremely outstanding, and he could be said to be the most outstanding among his contemporaries. It’s just that he invested too much energy in the construction of Iwagakure and built Iwagakure into a ninja village with one of the best comprehensive strengths in the ninja world. However, this also dragged down his own ninjutsu practice and stopped him at his current level. .

After flying into the sky, Onoki immediately started to make arrangements.

For Minato, who was extremely fast and mastered the flying thunder god technique, he knew that it was impossible to hit the opponent with a simple click, and he had to rely on various favorable conditions to create opportunities for his attacks.

Therefore, Ohnoki did not rush to attack Minato, but first summoned a huge stone man to assist him.

“Earth Release: Gangli Style Technique!”

After the seal was completed, a huge stone man emerged from the ground under Ohnoki. Upon seeing this, Minato immediately retreated, avoiding the range of the stone man.

The stone man summoned by the “Goshiki no Jutsu” is not only huge in size, but can also follow Ohnoki’s orders to attack the target.

What’s more important is that the body of this stone man is very hard. In the original work, combined with Gaara’s “Garura’s Shield”, it can even easily block the eight-foot magatama sent by Madara Susanoo.

Hiding his small body behind the stone man, Onoki ordered the stone man to continuously attack Minato.

Although it is impossible for the stone man to hit Minato, it can create opportunities for Ohnoki.

The entire competition venue continued to make loud noises of stone men hitting the ground, causing an effect like a micro-earthquake in the surrounding area.

Minato relied on his body skills to constantly dodge the stone man’s attacks, while at the same time bypassing the stone man to look for Onoki’s figure.

Under normal circumstances, the best way to contain such large summons is to use summons of the same magnitude to fight. However, facing Ohnoki who possesses the big killer “Chen Release”, Minato did not dare to channel Gamabunta at all. , can only fight alone.

Onoki, who was hiding under the armpit of the giant stone man, looked at his exhausted opponent with a slight smile on his face. At this time, he had taken the initiative in the battle.

“Earth Release: Continuous Hole Core!”

Quickly forming seals with his hands, Ohnoki used a ninjutsu that could change the terrain. He also wanted to use this ninjutsu to create an environment that Minato could not avoid.

The ground on the competition ground suddenly undulated. In some areas, the ground rose, while in other areas it sunk. The flat terrain of the entire competition ground immediately turned into a small valley with bulges around the central depression.

And the bottom of this small valley is where the water gate is!

Minato had also guessed Ohnoki’s plan. Being in a disadvantageous position, he immediately threw a dozen flying thunder god kunai out of the valley, hoping to use these flying thunder god kunai to escape.

However, how could Onoki, who had already planned it, make Minato get his wish and immediately launch a killing move.

“Earth Release·Multiple Earth Stalagmites!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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