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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 20 Sasuke is born

The scroll that Yusuke threw to Orochimaru contained the head of White Zetsu that was chopped off in the Land of Rain. For Orochimaru, who is a giant in biological science, he is still of great research value.

Orochimaru put the scroll away and asked sullenly: “Now that the curse seal has been completed, Yusuke-kun, which village’s jinchūriki are you going to start with to seize the tailed beast’s Yin Escape Chakra from his body? “

Yusuke’s eyes were calm: “Don’t worry, I already have a goal.”

At this time, at a training ground within the Uchiha clan, Genma had just finished instructing Itachi and Izumi on how to practice ninjutsu, and the three of them were chatting.

“Senior Genma, what ninjutsu are you best at?” Izumi asked curiously.

Genjian smiled proudly: “What I am best at is not Ninjutsu, but Senbon. In terms of the use of Senbon, I am definitely second to none among my peers!”

Izumi rolled her big eyes and smiled: “Senbon is also a kind of ninja tool. I bet Genma-senpai that you are no match for Itachi when using ninja tools!”

Regarding Izumi’s slighting, Genma said he couldn’t bear it: “It’s impossible. I admit Itachi is a rare genius, but I don’t believe he can surpass me in the use of ninja tools now.”

Izumi tilted her head slightly and said, “How about we make a bet? Itachi is good at kunai. He will use kunai to demonstrate first. If you, Genma-senpai, can imitate it with kunai or senbon, you will win. Otherwise, you lose. How about that!”

Xuanjian said nonchalantly: “Okay, it’s settled. If you win, I, Xuanjian, will give you three-color meatballs for a year!”

“Senior Genjian, it’s better not to compete.” Itachi was very kind.

Genjian waved his hand and said confidently: “Itachi, you can take action, I will definitely be able to imitate it.”

Since Genjian said so, Itachi didn’t say anything more. He casually took out three kunai and threw them, and then took out three more kunai. The three kunai that were thrown first were hit first, changing the flight path of the three kunai. Finally, the six kunai hit each other. six targets of red hearts.

This is actually not Itachi’s highest level. After recently learning the use of ninja tools with Shisui for a period of time, Itachi can also perform more precise micro-operations.

Xuanjian’s eyes were wide open at this time, with a look of disbelief on his face. The Qianbon in his mouth fell down because he didn’t bite it, and pierced the instep of his feet.

“Ah!” Xuanjian cried out in pain while holding his feet.

“Senior Genjian, you should try it too.” Izumi smiled innocently and looked at Xuanjian expectantly.

Xuanjian shook his head and smiled bitterly: “Forget it, I lost.”

With a sigh, Xuanjian secretly complained in his heart:

“Three-color meatballs for two little ones for a year are worth a lot of money. It’s a pity that my wallet, which is not full, has to be even slimmer.”

“Senior Genjian, are you kidding? You have helped us practice for so long, and we haven’t even thanked you yet. Let’s treat you to three-color meatballs today!” Looking at Genjian with a bitter look on his face, Izumi said with a happy smile. .

Looking at the smart but considerate Izumi, Itachi smiled slightly. Xuanjian also breathed a sigh of relief, but scratched his head in embarrassment.

At this time, a voice came, disrupting the three people’s plan to eat three-color meatballs together: “Master Weasel, the patriarch wants to inform you to go to the hospital as soon as possible.”

Looking at the Uchiha tribesmen who came to convey the message, Itachi asked: “Did father say what happened?”

The visitor replied: “Madam is about to give birth.”

Hearing that his mother was about to give birth, Itachi said sorry to Izumi and Genma and hurried to the hospital. The original plan for the three of them to eat three-color meatballs together was naturally cancelled.

When Itachi rushed to Konoha Hospital, Uchiha Mikoto had successfully completed the delivery. At this time, in the independent ward of Konoha Hospital, Uchiha Mikoto was holding a crying baby, and Uchiha Fugaku was also standing aside.

“Mother, I’m sorry I’m late.” At this time, the door of the ward opened and Itachi walked in.

“Itachi, this is a boy, you have a younger brother.” Uchiha Mikoto smiled softly. Then he turned to look at Uchiha Fugaku: “You have kept it a secret for so long, can you tell me the child’s name now?”

Uchiha Fugaku bent down and took the baby from Uchiha Mikoto’s arms, picked it up, and said in a voice full of joy: “Sasuke, Uchiha Sasuke.”

Uchiha Mikoto was surprised: “It’s a good name, but”

Uchiha Fugaku smiled and said: “Yes, it is the name of the third generation’s father. I have already told the third generation, and the third generation also agreed.”

Uchiha Fugaku raised Sasuke, who was still a baby in his hand, and the bright sunlight outside the ward window shone in, shining on Sasuke’s little body.

“Sasuke, don’t live up to this name, be a man!” Uchiha Fugaku’s voice was full of expectations.

After saying that, Uchiha Fugaku laughed happily.

Looking at Sasuke in his father’s hands, Itachi secretly made up his mind that no matter what happens in the future, he must take good care of his brother, even if it means giving everything he has!

However, just when Itachi secretly made up his mind, the innocent and lovely smile of a little girl flashed in his mind.

When Izumi returned home, she saw that her brother Yusuke was here, and she happily asked: “Brother, why are you back so early today?”

Yusuke smiled and waved to Izumi, who trotted forward. Yusuke reached out and touched Izumi’s head and said: “I have been busy developing an important ninjutsu recently and I don’t have time to accompany you. I’m really sorry. Brother, let’s take you and your mother out to eat tonight.”

Izumi said happily: “Great, I want to eat barbecue today!”

“Okay, you can eat whatever you want.” Yusuke pinched Izumi’s little face that still had a little baby fat, and then asked curiously: “Why did you come back so early today? After training, don’t you always have to talk to me? Is Itachi going to hang out for a while?”

“Itachi’s mother gave birth to a baby today. Itachi will have a younger brother or sister soon. I’m also looking forward to it. I really want to have a younger brother or younger sister too.” Izumi looked envious.

After hearing Izumi’s words, Yusuke began to think.

“Sasuke has been born. It seems that Naruto will be born soon. I also need to make some preparations in advance. If possible, I hope that this Nine-Tails Rebellion can help the Yondaime couple survive.”

Yusuke admired the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato very much. Born as a commoner, he became the CEO of Konoha without relying on cheats, and won the Uzumaki family’s Haku Fumi. He can be said to be an inspirational model for common people.

The fourth generation himself can also be said to be a perfect man, outstanding in terms of strength, talent, character and appearance.

“I hope I can arrive before you cast the Ghost Seal!”

After Yusuke completed the development of the ‘Ryogi Curse Seal’, he liberated Shiranui Genma and took charge of the ninjutsu training of his disciples and his sister Izumi again.

Kai, on the other hand, fell in love with the feeling of being someone else’s teacher, and begged Yusuke to allow him to continue to teach several children’s physical skills. Yusuke naturally agreed to him ‘happy to help others’.

There is no other way, he can’t refuse the friend’s request!

“Teacher Yusuke, there have been some rumors about you and Shisui recently. Have you heard about them?” One afternoon, after finishing the day’s ninjutsu training, Yusuke was walking around the snack street with Kabuto, Itachi and Izumi, and Itachi suddenly asked.

Yusuke nodded: “I heard it. It’s obvious that someone is deliberately promoting this. The purpose should be to provoke conflicts within the Uchiha clan.”

“Promoting me as the number one expert in the family and calling Shisui the number one genius in the family will not only create competition between me and Shisui, but also make the patriarch wary of us.”

“I’m not familiar with Zhishui, and I haven’t communicated this matter to him yet. However, we have already talked about it with the clan leader. The clan leader doesn’t care about it. He also said that he would talk to Zhishui to ensure that the family of unity.”

After hearing what Yusuke said, Itachi felt a little relieved and said, “I will also have a chat with Shisui.”

Patting Itachi on the shoulder, Yusuke said: “Then I’m sorry to bother you. I have no intention of competing with Shisui for these false reputations.”

At this time, Yusuke, Fugaku and Itachi still didn’t know that the purpose of these rumors was not only to sow discord among the masters of the Uchiha clan, but more importantly, to lay a premise for Shisui to challenge Yusuke, and to allow Shisui to become an Uchiha after winning. The number one master and genius of the Bo clan. I have to say that the third generation is indeed very scheming!

In the teahouse, Yusuke took a sip of oolong tea, and his old friend Shiranui Genma was sitting opposite him.

“I’m talking about Yusuke, why have you become so enthusiastic recently? You either invite me to tea or to dinner. You should know that I, Genjian, am not a greedy person!” Xuanjian asked curiously. road.

“Waiter, please bring one more cherry cake, one yokan and four strawberry daifuku!” Before Yusuke could answer, Genma politely ordered two more refreshments.

Yusuke’s eyelids twitched and he said with a smile: “Of course I want to thank you for your help in guiding my disciples to practice ninjutsu some time ago.”

Xuanjian frowned slightly: “But you have already thanked me five times.”

I don’t know why, but I always feel that the man opposite me has some conspiracy.

You must know that among his peers, Yusuke is the most difficult to mess with. No one has ever taken advantage of him.

Yusuke slowly took a sip of tea and glanced at the new Hokage guard armband hanging on Genma’s arm. He said calmly: “This time, I would also like to congratulate you for officially being promoted to a special jounin and becoming the exclusive guard of the Fourth Generation.” .”

Genma smiled when he heard this: “It took a lot of effort to create a special Jonin, but it’s still hard to compare with Yusuke. Now it’s rumored that you are already the number one master of the Uchiha clan.”

Yusuke waved his hand: “I don’t know where the rumor came from. I’m still having a headache because of it.”

“By the way, I will be carrying out a secret mission starting tomorrow. If you want to invite me to tea again, it may take some time.” Genma continued.

Hearing Genma’s words, Yusuke’s eyes flashed with light, and he secretly said in his heart: “Here he comes!”


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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