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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 203 Izumi’s anger

“Kabuto, aren’t you too strong now?”

In a huge Uchiha training ground, Izumi wiped the sweat from her forehead and said to Kabuto.

Itachi on the side also nodded in agreement and said: “Your strength is probably the strongest among the three of us!”

Just about fifteen minutes ago, Kabuto told Itachi and Izumi the good news that he had completed the fusion of the three celestial arts of Ryuji Cave, Mt. Myoboku, and Shikbone Forest.

Izumi, who was delighted to see Xin Xin, immediately proposed a test to see the power of combining the three legendary magic arts.

The two then had a duel with Taijutsu and small-scale Ninjutsu, and Izumi was no match for Kabuto.

The natural energy of senjutsu has extremely powerful perception. After the fusion of the three senjutsu, Kabuto is aware of everything around him even if he closes his eyes.

Since Kabuto can clearly sense every move Izumi makes, the threat of her “intention flash” is suddenly reduced a lot.

In addition, Kabuto, who originally had extremely strong physique and vitality, after integrating the three celestial arts, his physical condition has risen to another level.

With powerful physical skills combined with powerful magical skills, Izumi is almost always in a state of being crushed during the battle.

After Izumi was defeated, he asked Itachi to try his hand at sparring with Kabuto.

The opponent was Itachi, and Kabuto closed his eyes to prevent himself from being hit by Itachi’s genjutsu.

Although the natural energy of senjutsu can also increase some resistance to illusions, it does not make him immune. Even if he falls into Itachi’s illusions, the consequences will be very serious.

Since Itachi was unable to control Kabuto with his strongest pupil technique, ordinary genjutsu had little effect on Kabuto, and he was defeated by Kabuto after a fight.

Of course, this is just an ordinary competition. If it were a life and death battle, the outcome of the two would be 50-50.

Kabuto’s senjutsu is powerful enough to break through Itachi Susanoo’s defense and kill Itachi.

And Itachi’s Susanoo also holds an artifact like the “Ten Fist Sword” in his hands, and can use the “Sake-cut Seal” to seal Kabuto in the dreamland of drunkenness.

It might be difficult for other ninjas to kill Kabuto in one hit, but Itachi could do it.

“Why don’t we challenge my brother and teach him a lesson! With the combined strength of the three of us, even my brother shouldn’t be our opponent, right? Probably.”

At this time, Izumi’s eyes lit up and she said to Kabuto and Itachi.

Hearing Izumi’s words, Kabuto was stunned for a moment. He had never thought of challenging his teacher.

However, Quanmei’s words also made him a little eager to try.

In Kabuto’s heart, he also really wanted to show the results of his practice over the years and let Yusuke, as a teacher, see his growth.

But from Izumi’s words, Kabuto could hear a little resentment, and couldn’t help but look at Itachi in confusion.

Basically, Itachi knew everything about Izumi, and what he said from Itachi’s mouth was more authentic and credible.

At this time, Izumi and Itachi were already in the stage of minor ambiguity. Everyone in Konoha could see that they were bound to become a couple, but it had not been officially announced yet.

Itachi also showed a rare expression of helplessness and slowly told what happened two days ago.

It turned out that Itachi formally proposed a relationship with Izumi two days ago.

Although Izumi was willing in her heart, she still said she wanted to discuss it with her family, and then brought Itachi to her home.

As a mother at that time, Uchiha Hazuki smiled and agreed on the spot. She was also very satisfied with the handsome young man Itachi.

As the elder brother, Yusuke asked Itachi a question, which knocked the resourceful Itachi down on the spot.

“Izumi and Sasuke fall into the river, who do you save first?”

Since Itachi did not answer this question, Yusuke rejected Itachi’s request to date Izumi, leaving the three people present stunned.

This question itself has no practical significance. In fact, Yusuke also understands that the lives of relatives and lovers cannot be used to measure value.

Yusuke’s purpose in asking this question was just to let Itachi know that Izumi, as his lover, should have a major position in his heart in the future.

Yusuke believes that even if he vetoes Itachi here, Itachi and Izumi will not stop dating. And with his own threshold, Itachi will cherish Izumi’s feelings even more.

But when Izumi heard this, she angrily pulled Itachi away, and Uchiha Hazuki also looked strange and asked Yusuke why he asked such a strange question.

After listening to Yusuke’s explanation, Uchiha Hazuki nodded in agreement, feeling that Yusuke had grasped this level very well.

Itachi was not clear about Yusuke’s thoughts and the subsequent conversation between Uchiha Hazuki and Yusuke. He just told Kabuto what happened.

“If you two keep throwing shit in front of me, the teacher will beat you up now!” After listening to Itachi’s narration, Kabuto secretly laughed in his heart.

After Itachi finished speaking, Izumi showed an angry expression again: “That annoying brother, we must let him know how powerful we are this time. We are no longer children!”

Itachi shook his head and said: “Izumi, these words are like those spoken by a child.”

Izumi glared at Itachi after hearing this: “Whose side are you on! Without further ado, let’s go find my brother now! At this time, he must be drinking tea in Qiongchun Tea House!”

Just as Izumi said, Yusuke was indeed drinking tea at the Soharu Teahouse at this time, and was chatting with the owner of the teahouse, Inari Shinko.

Inari Shinko is Itachi’s senior who gave up the path of ninja and has been working as a waiter in the teahouse. It’s just that this teahouse was originally opened by her father, and now that her father has completely handed over the teahouse to her, she has successfully upgraded from a waiter to a boss.

While the two were talking and laughing, Izumi walked in followed by Itachi and Kabuto.

Ever since Yusuke vetoed Itachi’s request to date Izumi two days ago, Izumi has not said a word to him at home.

Now seeing Izumi coming to him on her own initiative, Yusuke thought this girl was here to reconcile with him.

Picking up the tea and taking a sip, Yusuke smiled and said, “Izumi, do you know where you went wrong?”

Izumi’s eyebrows were raised: “The mistake is that I am not your opponent!”

Yusuke nodded with satisfaction: “Well, just know that you are wrong. Wait, what did you just say?”

I originally thought Izumi was here to apologize, but Yusuke felt something was wrong when he heard this.

Izumi raised her little face slightly and said, “Brother, I want to challenge you! Of course, the three of us are going to battle!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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