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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 21 Full Moon Night

Hearing Genma say that he was about to carry out a secret mission, Yusuke’s eyes flashed. He picked up the tea cup and took a sip of tea, and said calmly: “Really, that’s such a pity.” It’s a pity that I won’t invite you to drink tea again.

Yusuke invited Genma to tea, of course with a purpose, in order to determine the delivery time of the fourth wife Kushina through Genma, who was the fourth generation’s exclusive guard.

“It seems that the third and fourth generations have already started making arrangements, so Naruto will be born in these few days.” Yusuke thought to himself.

Since he didn’t know the specific place where Kushina gave birth, Yusuke could only wait until Kyuubi appeared and then rush to the scene as quickly as possible.

In Yusuke’s plan, the most perfect situation is to use the Bagua seal to re-seal Kyuubi’s Yang escape chakra back into Kushina’s body, and at the same time prevent the fourth generation from using the corpse to seal Kyuubi’s Yin escape chakra, and Seal the Kyuubi’s Yin Escape Chakra in his own two-dimensional curse seal.

Looking at Shiranui Genma in front of him, Yusuke couldn’t help but think of the Flying Thunder God Jutsu. If you can master this ninjutsu, things won’t be so troublesome.

“If I have the chance, I should find a way to learn this forbidden technique.” Yusuke thought in his mind.

Just as Yusuke obtained information about the specific time of Naruto’s birth through Genma, the third generation and Obito who were about to attack were also making relevant preparations.

Because when Kushina, as the Jinchūriki of the Nine-Tails, gives birth, the seal of the Nine-Tails in her body will weaken, and it is possible that the Nine-Tails chakra will leak out or even the Nine-Tails will break through the seal. The third generation and the fourth generation discussed and decided to set up a barrier at a secret location outside Konoha Village to allow Kushina to complete the birth in the barrier.

At the same time, the third generation arranged for his wife Sarutobi Biwako to personally protect Kushina, and arranged many ANBU to guard near the barrier.

At this time, at the root organization’s stronghold, Obito slowly appeared in front of Danzo in the form of a Kamui space vortex.

Seeing the uninvited guest appearing in such a strange way, the several ninjas guarding Danzo were shocked.

“Wood Release·Four-Pillar Prison Technique.”

“Secret Technique: The Art of the Spindle.”

The ones who performed these two techniques were A, a ninja from the Root Organization, and a jounin from the Aburame clan. Among them, A was Tenzo who had not yet left the Root Organization, and was also Yamato in the future.

Four wooden stakes were seen rising from all around Obito, confining him within them. Then thousands of black insects flew out from the sleeves of the jounin of the Aburame clan, forming a spindle-shaped formation, spinning towards Obito.

However, what surprised Danzo and the Root Organization ninjas was that all these black insects passed through Obito’s body, and Obito took a few steps forward, passing through the four-pillar prison formed by the wooden escape as if he had no entity. .

“Who are you and why are you here with me?” Danzo asked, looking at Obito with strange abilities in front of him.

“My identity is not important. What is important is that we can have a win-win cooperation.” Obito said slowly.

With a cold snort, Danzo said: “I will not cooperate with people of unknown origin. Unless you take off the mask and reveal your identity, there is no need to discuss anything.”

“Really, that’s such a pity. I originally wanted to talk to you about the Uchiha clan and the new Fourth Hokage, but it seems that there is no chance.” Obito said with a smile.

As he spoke, the divine power in Obito’s eyes activated and he began to slowly absorb himself into it. At this time, Obito deliberately slowed down the speed of the technique, just to bet that Danzo would lose his temper and stop him.

But if Danzo didn’t make a sound until he left completely, then it meant that the negotiation failed. However, Obito believes that with Danzo’s character, he will seize all possible combined forces to attack his opponents.

“Wait.” As Obito expected, when only one of his heads was left in the air, Danzo suddenly stopped him.

The corners of Obito’s mouth were slightly raised under his mask. It seemed that Danzo would cooperate with his action!

Konoha forty-eight years, October 10th, night.

A bright moon hung high in the sky, and on a hill overlooking Konoha Village, a figure wearing a black cloak and a mask suddenly appeared.

“Tonight will be an unforgettable night.”

At this time, in a secret stronghold with a barrier outside Konoha Village, Kushina was having a hard time giving birth. Assisting and caring for Kushina was the third generation’s wife, Sarutobi Biwako, and another female medical ninja.

On the side, the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato was anxious, but he could do nothing but hold Kushina’s hand, hoping to give Kushina some spiritual strength.

After a painful process, Kushina finally succeeded in giving birth to Naruto. At this time, Obito had already eliminated the ANBU guarding outside the barrier.

Looking at Naruto who was still crying in Biwahu’s arms, Kushina’s eyes were gentle, with tears of joy in her big eyes. Minato beside her also wiped his eyes with his arms excitedly.

Biwako smiled and held Naruto to Kushina and Minato for a look, and then prepared to carry Naruto outside for a brief cleaning.

However, before Minato and Kushina could say a few words in the temporary delivery room, the screams of Biwako and another medical ninja suddenly came from the door.

Minato and Kushina followed the sound and saw that there was already a person in the room with a mask on his face and a black cloak. And in this man’s arms, he was holding the newly born Naruto!

“The Yondaime Hokage, get away from the Jinchuriki.” Holding Naruto in his right hand, Obito threatened Minato.

“Otherwise, this child only has one minute to live.”

After hearing Obito’s words, Minato felt as if he had fallen into an ice cellar. At this time, Kushina beside her also had just finished giving birth, and the seal controlling the Nine-Tails in her body was loose, and she needed his external help to re-complete the seal.

The Kyuubi continued to struggle inside Kushina’s body, and due to the loosening of the seal, the black curse mark had extended from Kushina’s abdomen to her face.


Hearing Kushina’s painful cry, Minato immediately looked at her with concern while forcing himself to calm down.

Seeing that Minato still refused to leave Kushina, Obito took out a kunai threateningly and pressed it against Naruto’s neck.

Seeing that the enemy seemed to be about to attack Naruto, Minato hurriedly said: “Wait a minute, calm down first.”

Obito sneered: “I am calmer than ever now.”

After saying that, Obito threw Naruto high into the air.

Minato was horrified when he saw this, and immediately used a teleportation technique to snatch Naruto into his hands. However, before he could be happy, he suddenly found several ignited detonating charms attached under the swaddling clothes that wrapped Naruto.

Soon enough, Minato immediately activated the Flying Thunder God Technique and teleported to a prearranged location. At the same time, he removed Naruto’s swaddling clothes and finally protected Naruto before the detonating talisman exploded.

However, because of this, Kushina, who was unable to fight back at this time, had no one to protect her, and was brought to a waterfall near Konoha Village by Obito’s ability to transfer through space.

Using the sealing technique, Kushina was hung with open hands between two rock walls about seven or eight meters apart. Obito stared at the other party calmly.

Although the woman in front of him was his former master and was very kind to him, Obito no longer had any hesitation in his heart at this moment. As early as when Lin was killed by Kakashi, there was no one in this world worthy of her nostalgia.

The Sharingan was activated, and Obito relied on the powerful pupil power to penetrate the seal and directly control the Nine-Tails in Kushina’s body, and the Nine-Tails’ original fox pupils also became Sharingan.

At this time, the seal controlling the Nine-Tails in Kushina’s body was getting weaker and weaker. Under Obito’s control, the Nine-Tails’ power exploded, finally completely breaking through the seal that restricted it, and rushed out from the seal on Kushina’s abdomen.

The Nine-Tails at this period was still a complete Nine-Tails, much larger than the Nine-Tails inside Naruto in the original work. The Nine-Tails in Naruto’s body is only half of the Yang-Escape Chakra of the complete Nine-Tails. The other half of the Nine-Tails’ Yin-Escape Chakra was used by the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato in the “Kyuubi Rebellion” incident. It was sealed inside his own body.

Under the full moon, Nine Tails raised its head and roared, its nine tails dozens of meters long swaying continuously.

The Jinchuuriki Kushina, who was separated from the Nine-Tails, became even weaker at this time. Obito released the sealing technique that hung Kushina, and Kushina fell on a rock beneath her.

If it was an ordinary Jinchuriki, he might have died at this time. But Kushina is a member of the Uzumaki clan who is famous for her strong vitality, and Kushina’s qualifications are considered extremely outstanding among the Uzumaki clan. Therefore, although Kushina was weak at the moment, there was no sign of death.

“As expected of a member of the Uzumaki clan, his vitality is indeed tenacious.” Obito said slowly, looking at Kushina who was still not dead. At the same time, he controlled the Nine Tails and slapped Kushina with one claw, who was unable to move.

With a bang, the powerful power of Nine Tails raised a puff of smoke and dust on the ground. At this time, Kushina was already held in the arms of Minato, who arrived in time with the Flying Thunder God Technique. It turns out that Minato had already left the Flying Thunder God’s Jutsu Seal on Kushina.

After Minato rescued Kushina, he immediately took her to launch the Flying Thunder God again and returned to the place where Naruto was placed, and gently placed Kushina next to Naruto.

Looking at his wife and children on the bed, Minato clenched his fists.

“Minato, thank you, be careful along the way.” Kushina said softly. She knew that Minato, as the Fourth Hokage, must continue to return to the village to deal with the mysterious enemy.

Minato put on the white god robe of the Fourth Hokage from the closet. This will be his first battle as the Fourth Hokage to guard the village!

“I will be right back!”

At this time, Konoha Village was peaceful. Although it was already late, there were still many pedestrians on the prosperous streets, and no one noticed the coming crisis.

Yusuke, who was sitting at home with his eyes closed, suddenly felt a powerful and evil chakra appear in the village.

“Here it comes!” Yusuke opened his eyes suddenly.

At this time, in an area to the north of Konoha Village, a huge beast with the appearance of a nine-tailed fox suddenly appeared. After the giant beast appeared, it frantically destroyed the surrounding area. Many buildings were destroyed in an instant, and many villagers died in the chaos.

Looking at the Nine-Tails being channeled by Obito in the distance, Yusuke activated the barrier he had arranged at home. After instructing his family not to go out, he went to the square of the Uchiha clan. When encountering such a big event, as a Konoha The Uchiha clan of the guard force will definitely go to support.

At this time, the ninjas of the Uchiha clan have also gathered in the square where the family lives, preparing to rush to the front line to deal with the Kyuubi.

“All Uchiha clan ninjas obey the order and must stay within the Uchiha clan’s residence tonight. No one is allowed to go out!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support!

This week’s chapter is mainly about the Kyuubi Rebellion incident!



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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