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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 218 God of Ninja

As the Senju Hashirama technique was completed, a large number of tree roots grew out of the ground. At the same time, many huge flower buds about the size of an adult grew on these tree roots.

“Everyone, please be careful. This technique can control you like the “Birth of the Tree World”, absorbing your chakra, and when these flower buds mature, they will release pollen with paralyzing effect. ” Senju Hashirama explained.

As soon as he finished speaking, a large number of tree roots continued to sweep towards Kabuto and all the Konoha ninjas who had just arrived, and those huge flower buds also bloomed, and large amounts of pink pollen emitted from them, floating toward everyone. go.

Because Kabuto was still standing in the “Escape Jade”, the incoming tree roots could not break through his defense. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Kabuto quickly formed seals with his hands.

“Immortal Technique: Gale Break!”

A powerful hurricane blew through, blowing away all the pollen on the site. But it is a pity that pollen is continuously emitted from these flowers, and there is no way to clean it up at once, unless all the buds are eliminated.

Kabuto, who saw this situation, said loudly: “I am maintaining this technique so that the pollen will not affect everyone. You should quickly subdue the first generation. I can only hold on to this technique for three minutes at most.”

Upon hearing Kabuto’s shouting, everyone immediately reacted and began to attack Senju Hashirama.

Minato threw the Flying Thunder God Kunai towards the Senju Hashirama who was standing on top of the giant wooden man, and then teleported to the wooden man with his hands on the shoulders of Kakashi and Jiraiya.

At the same time, Izumi also led Itachi and Tsunade to activate the “Heart Flash” and came to Minato and the others.

At this time, the six ninjas of Konoha surrounded Senju Hashirama, creating a favorable six-on-one situation.

Konan originally wanted to use the Paper Escape Wings to fly aside to provide support, but Kabuto was maintaining the “Great Wind Break”. At this time, the entire area was swept by strong winds, and she could not rely on the Paper Escape to fly at all.

Looking at the six people surrounding him, Senju Hashirama laughed and said: “I didn’t expect to have such a hearty battle after death. It’s so enjoyable. But it’s really embarrassing to cause so much trouble to everyone. That’s so cool!”

After saying that, Senju Hashirama, with no trace of embarrassment on his face, clasped his hands in front of his chest, and the sage mode facial pattern appeared on his face.

Senju Hashirama, who had just entered sage mode, tilted his head slightly, and black flames ignited on the tree roots behind him. At this moment, he had dodged the “Amaterasu” Itachi unleashed on his head.

“What a terrifying flame!” Senju Hashirama said with admiration.

Before he finished speaking, the Amaterasu flames were dissolved by the ability of the wood escape on the tree roots to absorb chakra energy, and gradually disappeared.

With a loud bang, Tsunade suddenly appeared next to Senju Hashirama, and used her strange power to create a big hole at Senju Hashirama’s feet.

“Little Tsunade, your power is so much more terrifying than when you were a child!”

Dodging Tsunade’s punch with strange power, Senju Hashirama grabbed her arm and threw her out hard, making a big crater in the root of the tree that was no less than the one made by Tsunade’s strange power.

At the same time, the tree roots on the side were wrapped around Tsunade crazily in the pit. If Jiraiya hadn’t helped Tsunade escape from the side, Tsunade would have ended up here.

At this time, Minato and Kakashi were already attacking Senju Hashirama from both sides. The Thunder Chakra Sword in Kakashi’s hand slashed at Senju Hashirama’s head, while the Rasengan in Minato’s hand attacked Senju Hashirama. Hashirama’s belly.

Senju Hashirama, who had turned on the sage mode, was extremely sensitive to his surroundings and immediately discovered the two men’s sneak attack.

“Such speed is really amazing!” Senju Hashirama said with a smile.

At the same time, he also dodged Kakashi’s slash at an extremely fast speed. At the same time, he grabbed Minato’s arm with one hand and aimed his Rasengan at Itachi who was attacking him with Susanoo. .

What Senju Hashirama didn’t notice was that Minato also took the opportunity to use his other hand to lightly leave a Flying Thunder God mark on his body.

Itachi was about to put away the Juken Sword in his hand when he saw Minato being thrown towards him by Senju Hashirama, but suddenly found Minato throwing the Flying Thunder God Kunai in his hand towards him and winking at the same time.

At this time, Itachi also understood Minato’s thoughts, and continued to stab Minato with the Ten Fist Sword in his hand, while Minato launched two flying thunder gods in succession.

First, he grabbed Senju Hashirama based on the Flying Thunder God mark on Senju Hashirama’s body, and at the same time, he used the second stage of Flying Thunder God to transport Senju Hashirama to the location of the Flying Thunder God Kunai that was shot towards Itachi.

At this moment, Senju Hashirama, who had just knocked away Izumi and Kakashi, was brought by Minato to the ten-fist sword of Itachi Susanoo.

Without a trace of hesitation, the Juken Sword in Susanoo’s hand directly stabbed Senju Hashirama who had no time to react, while Minato took the opportunity to activate the Flying Thunder God again and escaped to the side.

“Succeeded! The ten-fist sword in Itachi Susanoo’s hand can seal the soul of the first generation!” Izumi said happily upon seeing this.

Just as Izumi said, Senju Hashirama’s soul was extracted from the body of the reincarnated body of the dirty soil by the Ten Fist Sword, and the body of the reincarnated body of the dirty soil was turned into corpse ashes.

Since Senju Hashirama’s soul escaped from the dirty soil and was reincarnated, the “Flower and Tree Realm Arrival” on the side was also defeated.

Although a large number of tree roots remained in place, the blooming buds all withered without the support of chakra, and could no longer release toxic pollen.

Kabuto, who had canceled the “Great Wind Break” and Senjutsu status, came to the crowd and sighed with admiration: “As expected of the god of ninjas, it can be said that the first generation has almost no weaknesses, and every ability has reached the peak of ninjas. level. If you don’t come to support me, I’m afraid I won’t be able to support it for too long.”

The reincarnation of the dirty land has been broken, and Itachi has also released the soul of Senju Hashirama sealed in the Ten Fist Sword. Without the support of his body, Senju Hashirama’s soul gradually turned into white light and slowly floated towards the sky.

At this moment, the earth suddenly shook, and everyone discovered that there was an extremely powerful gravitational force attracting everyone, as if it was sucking everyone up into the sky.

As this attraction gradually grows, it becomes increasingly difficult for people to control their bodies.

“How is this going?”

“The power seemed to come from the sky.”

Just when everyone was panicking, a space vortex appeared in front of them, and Yusuke walked out of it.

Grabbing a confused Izumi, Yusuke took her back to the place where he and Madara Uchiha fought without saying a word.

Seeing that a large area around was covered with hot magma, Izumi was also amazed at the huge impact that the battle between Yusuke and Uchiha Madara had on the environment.

“Izumi, now you can only stop Uchiha Madara by relying on your “Witness Kill”! “

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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