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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 219 Yusuke leaves (final chapter)

Seeing Yusuke come back with a girl, Uchiha Madara laughed and said: “You brought this girl here, do you think she can solve problems that even you can’t solve?”

Noticing the Mangekyō Sharingan in Izumi’s eyes, Madara Uchiha was slightly surprised and said, “She is also a member of the Uchiha clan.”

Feeling the growing gravity from the sky and the moon, Yusuke had no time to talk nonsense with Uchiha Madara, and immediately aimed the residual fire sword in his hand at the center of Uchiha Madara’s eyebrows.

“Izumi, grab the residual fire sword in my hand and activate your “Witness Slash”! “Yusuke said solemnly.

Izumi nodded when she heard this. Although she didn’t know the specific situation yet, she also guessed that the sudden huge gravitational force must be related to Uchiha Madara, who was maintaining some kind of ninjutsu in front of her.

And Uchiha Madara seems to have used some kind of secret technique to prevent his brother Yusuke from attacking him, so he needs to use the power of his “witness killing”.

When Izumi’s hand grasped the hilt of the residual fire sword, Yusuke could feel a mysterious power on the residual fire sword.

With the corners of his mouth raised slightly, Yusuke looked at Madara Uchiha and said, “Your ambition ends here!”

After saying that, Yusuke stabbed the residual fire sword that he and Izumi held together into Uchiha Madara’s blood-red reincarnation eyes, but this time what Yusuke stabbed was no longer Izanagi’s illusion of eliminating unfavorable factors, but the real thing. Uchiha Madara!


The Rinnegan Eye that reflected each other between the eyebrows and the moon in the sky was stabbed. Uchiha Madara screamed, and the “God Earth Blast Star” with the moon as the core was immediately terminated. Even the blood-red Rinnegan Eye pattern on the moon disappeared.

At this time, a red light shot out from Uchiha Madara’s eyebrows, and at the same time, there was only a black hole left on his forehead, and all the power in his body began to slowly dissipate.

“Impossible, impossible, I have mastered the power of six paths, how could I still fail!” Madara Uchiha roared to the sky.

Looking at Uchiha Madara who fell into despair, Yusuke said slowly: “Your ambition has always been in vain. Even without me, there will be others to stop you.”

Uchiha Madara laughed crazily: “No, no one in the entire ninja world can stop me except you!”

What Uchiha Madara didn’t know was that if Yusuke hadn’t killed him here, he would have died even more useless. After being attacked by Black Zetsu, he became the carrier of Kaguya’s resurrection.

Because Uchiha Madara had the Ten-Tails sealed in his body, his power was too strong. At this time, his body, which was unable to control the power of the Ten-Tails, began to slowly disintegrate. Gradually it turned into flying sand from under your feet, floating in the air.

Upon seeing this, Yusuke immediately reached out and took off the remaining three magatama samsara eye of Uchiha Madara to prevent the samsara eye from being damaged due to the disintegration of his power.

“Uchiha Yusuke, tell me what kind of power I lost to!”

Uchiha Madara, who was already dead, didn’t care about the Rinnegan Eye that was taken away. Now he just wanted to know why he couldn’t defeat the man in front of him after he had gained the power of six paths.

Yusuke looked at the sky and sighed: “What defeated you is a power that does not belong to this world, and I will continue to explore the limits of this power!”

Uchiha Madara was stunned when he heard this, and then showed a disappointed look.

He has never really succeeded, and Senju Hashirama once stopped him. Even though he now has the strongest power of six paths in the ninja world, there will still be forces that do not belong to the ninja world to defeat him.

“This must be my destiny!”

After saying these words, Uchiha Madara’s body completely dissipated, and the famous generation of strong men in the ninja world was wiped out.

At this moment, Yusuke suddenly threw the Zanpakutō to the side and nailed it to the body of a dark weirdo. This weirdo was none other than Hei Zetsu who was watching the battle.

“No, you can’t kill me!”

Looking at Yusuke walking in front of him, Black Zetsu said with a horrified expression.

He is the last hope for his mother Kaguya to return to the ninja world. If he is killed, there will be no possibility for Kaguya to see the light of day again.

Yusuke shook his head and said: “It’s a pity that you are dead now!”

Black Zetsu is the product of Kaguya’s will, and is essentially composed of soul power. Being stabbed by his own Zanpakutō that had released his spiritual pressure, he had no chance of surviving.

After saying that, Yusuke pulled out the Zanpakutō from Black Zetsu’s body, and Black Zetsu instantly transformed into his true form – a black mass of liquid-like spiritual substance.

But at this time, white smoke appeared on the mass of spiritual substance, and the body began to evaporate uncontrollably.

Amidst Black Zetsu’s desperate screams, the black spiritual substance completely evaporated, and Black Zetsu disappeared from the ninja world.

“Brother, you said you want to explore some power that doesn’t belong to this world. Do you want to leave Izumi?”

Izumi asked Yusuke with a worried look on her face. She felt an indescribable sense of alienation from the tone of Yusuke’s words just now, as if the brother in front of her might leave at any time.

Yusuke rarely touched Izumi’s head. This intimate gesture had not been done for a long time since Izumi grew up.

“There is always a banquet in the world. But before I leave, my brother still has a lot of things to do.”

With the death of Madara Uchiha, the strong men reincarnated in the dirt lost their controllers, and the strong men reincarnated in the dirt who had attacked other major ninja villages and had not yet been sealed were voluntarily sealed. As for Bai Zetsu, who was used as cannon fodder, he was quickly wiped out by all the major ninja villages.

As for Orochimaru, who was controlled by Uchiha Madara’s genjutsu, he was also captured by Yusuke.

For this outstanding scientific and technological talent, Konoha decided to seal his power after discussion and let him stay at Konoha Research Institute to continue to contribute to the construction of the village and contribute to the scientific and technological progress of the ninja world.

At this point, the war launched by Uchiha Madara that endangered the entire ninja world was completely over.

Without Black Zetsu hiding in the dark, the possibility of Kaguya wanting to reappear in the ninja world is infinitely close to zero.

The biggest factor of instability hidden in the darkness of the ninja world has been eliminated. Soon after, Yusuke and Minato also embarked on a plan to unify the ninja world.

For the unification of the ninja world, the biggest problem is not whether Konoha’s force is enough, but the need to minimize wars and how to appease other forces after conquering them.

Konoha had already prepared for this before implementing the plan, and decided to implement the “separation of powers” and “Supreme Council” systems proposed by Yusuke from Konoha and Sunagakure. These two systems also originated from Yusuke’s previous life.

Although these two systems were proposed by Yusuke, they were also improved through the collective efforts of all high-level officials in Konoha.

To put it simply, “separation of powers” means to separate executive power, judicial power and military power, so that the powers of the three major institutions are dispersed and will not be concentrated under the same person or organization.

Executive power was handled by the daimyo, judicial power was handled by the newly created position of Minister of Justice, and military power was handled by Kage.

The “Supreme Council” is a situation where the top management is organized into a parliament, and all high-level decisions must be voted on by the parliament.

The members of the parliament are composed of high-level officials from various institutions, including daimyo, minister of justice and shadow.

Among them, the daimyo serves as the honorary speaker of the parliament, but his actual voice in the parliament is no different from that of other members.

Although these two sets of bills will still have many drawbacks, as long as there is no individual force that is strong enough to challenge the country’s absolute power to disrupt order, it can ensure that the newly established country can be in a balanced and stable state, whether it is a big name or an influence. , it is impossible to act arbitrarily.

According to this management model, the Kingdom of Fire first annexed the Kingdom of Wind, which was already under control. The Daimyo of the Kingdom of Wind was demoted to minister, and the position of Kazekage was also abolished.

After annexing the surrounding ninjas, the Fire Kingdom continued to successfully occupy the Water Kingdom, Thunder Kingdom and Earth Kingdom with its absolute force.

This process took about five years, and now the entire ninja world is almost under the control of the Fire Nation.

The area ruled by the original Fire Nation became the center of the entire ninja world, and Konoha Village also replaced the original Fire Nation capital. After expansion, it became the new capital and was renamed Konoha City.

In the center of Konoha City, a magnificent humanoid statue stands tall.

This statue wears Konoha’s standard ninja vest, a white coat, and holds a long-sleeved katana in its hand. It is the image of Yusuke himself.

There is a stone tablet under the statue, which is engraved with Yusuke’s contributions to Konoha over the years.

For example, rectifying the Uchiha clan and the police department, establishing the Konoha Research Institute, leading Konoha to defeat the attacks of the Akatsuki organization and Sunagakure Village, defeating Uchiha Madara who mastered the power of the Six Paths to save the ninja world, and making contributions to the unification of the ninja world for Konoha. Huge contribution and so on.

Originally, Yusuke was opposed to such a personality cult as building a statue. However, with the strong support of everyone in Konoha and the thought that he would soon leave this world, this statue may be his presence in this world. The final proof, Yusuke finally agreed.

At Yusuke’s home in Konoha City, Izumi, her mother Uchiha Hazuki, Itachi, Kabuto, Kurama Yakumo and Minato all looked at Yusuke with sad expressions. Some of them had abnormally red and swollen eyes, obviously they had just grown old. cried.

Although it has been heard that Yusuke has found a world with higher power and is going to explore the new world, everyone still hopes that he can change his mind and stay in the ninja world.

But it is a pity that no matter how much they persuaded, they could not change Yusuke’s mind in the end.

Yusuke is at home wearing a light samurai kimono, with a Ryukenwaka slung around his waist, and his left eye now turns into a samsara eye pattern.

This reincarnation eye is naturally the one that was left before Uchiha Madara died.

Originally for the purpose of enhancing his pupil power, Yusuke directly absorbed the Rinnegan Eye with his left eye.

But what he didn’t expect was that the Samsara Eye actually fused with his left eye, giving his left eye some of the Samsara Eye’s pupil skills.

And after the fusion of this Rinnegan, Yusuke’s Sharingan and Mangekyo Sharingan can still be reflected on it, and his existing eye skills can be used normally.

Everything that needs to be done in the ninja world has been done, and Yusuke is preparing to leave today. At this time, he was saying his final farewell to everyone with a smile on his face.

“I’m just pursuing my own martial arts. You don’t have to be too sad. I will keep the beautiful memories I have spent with you all over the years in my heart forever.”

After looking at everyone one by one, Yusuke slowly took out the Zanpakutō in his hand, but this time he held it in the opposite direction than before.

After hearing Yusuke’s words, everyone became even more sad. Uchiha Hazuki, Izumi and Kurama Yakumo couldn’t help crying again.

Now Yusuke is actually just forcing a smile. He is full of reluctance for everyone.

However, thinking of his dream of pursuing higher power, Yusuke still made up his mind and pressed the end of the Zanpakutō’s handle directly between his eyebrows.

“Soul Burial!”

A burst of crystal soft white light lit up, and Yusuke’s body burned, while his soul slowly disappeared in the ninja world.

Yusuke took one last look at his relatives and friends, and their faces were forever imprinted in his memory.


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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