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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 223 Rukongai

Through the black cavity opened by Peixue, Yusuke did not reach Soul Society directly, but came to the world between Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and the real world.

These three places go together with each other. If there is no ability like “Divine Power” to jump in space, they must pass through the boundary connecting them.

The broken worlds are countless long passages. Through the induction of spiritual pressure, one can know which world is connected to the end of the passage.

“Is this the broken world? Sure enough, the concentration of spirit particles far exceeds Hueco Mundo.” Yusuke murmured to himself.

In addition to being a buffer zone connecting the various worlds in Shinigami, the Broken World is also the place where Yusuke plans to practice next.

The concentration of souls here has reached two thousand times that of the Soul Society. It can be said to be a holy land for cultivation.

Before the final battle between Ichigo and Aizen in the original work, Ichigo’s father Isshin Kurosaki brought Ichigo here to learn the “Final Getsuga Tenshō” and practice his spiritual pressure.

After Ichigo, who had practiced in the broken world for three months, came out, his spiritual pressure even surpassed Aizen who was fused with Hongyoku, and finally lived up to expectations and successfully defeated Aizen.

It can be seen that practicing in the broken world is a way to quickly increase the power of the god of death!

But in Soul Society, there are almost no Shinigami who practice in the world of separation.

The first is that there is an extremely powerful ‘scavenger’ in the broken world.

This ‘scavenger’ is called Kutu and is very powerful. After death, he will appear again in the broken world every seven days. With Kutu here, few Shinigami have the ability to practice here.

The second is the rules of the Soul Society. Under normal circumstances, the Shinigami is not allowed to leave the Soul Society, let alone enter the Shuankai.

If there are special reasons for entering Hueco Mundo or the present world through the broken world, you must obtain approval from Room 46 and relevant monitoring.

The third is that there is an upper limit to the growth of a Shinigami. If a Shinigami’s power has reached his limit, he will not be able to increase his spiritual pressure no matter how hard he practices. This is why Aizen seeks a breakthrough.

When a Shinigami has the ability to practice in the world, he is basically at the peak of the Shinigami, and his spiritual pressure has reached the limit of growth.

At this time, Yusuke has not yet reached the upper limit of his spiritual pressure. Without the constraints of Soul Society, he is preparing to practice in the broken world in order to increase his power as quickly as possible.

As for Yusuke’s way of training, he fights with Komatsu.

There is a lot of risk involved, but Yusuke believes that with his spiritual pressure that is now comparable to that of the captain and various weird methods, he should be able to handle it.

But before starting training, Yusuke needs to go to Soul Society to make some preparations.

After entering the broken world, Yusuke felt the aura of several worlds. One of the worlds that was completely opposite to the aura of Hueco Mundo was probably the Soul Society.

After confirming the direction, Yusuke quickly ran through the broken passage towards the end of the passage.

At this time, a long, dark-grey monster that was just thick enough to fit into the broken passageway and had a golden core in the center of its head rushed towards Yusuke like a train. It was the moment when Yusuke’s spiritual pressure was discovered.

As long as any spiritual pressure appears in the broken world, Juju, who has the responsibility of ‘scavenger’, will come to clean it up immediately.

Although the passage to the broken world is very long, it can be completed quickly for the extremely fast Shinigami. Yusuke, who is not interested in fighting Komatsu now, rushes directly into the entrance of the broken world to the Soul Society without hesitation.

The scenery in front of me changed, and my field of vision immediately broadened.

It was night in Soul Society at this time, and in order to prevent his spiritual pressure from being discovered by anyone, Yusuke activated his “Kamui” and entered the virtual state.

With Yusuke’s current pupil power, it is not difficult to stay in the virtual state for several hours, which also makes his movements easier.

Looking at the dilapidated streets and houses on the streets around him, Yusuke guessed that he had arrived at the slum area of ​​Rukongai.

The faces of the souls here reveal a numb look, and many of them are leaning against the broken walls motionless. They are obviously tired of this long and hopeless life.

Seeing these scenes, Yusuke had a mocking smile on his face.

Although the Seireitei is the orthodox official organization of the Soul Society, the responsibility of this organization is actually to maintain the balance of the world and maintain the armed regime of the Seireitei.

In fact, the senior officials of Seireitei don’t care at all about the lives of humans in this world and the souls of the Soul Society.

The world under the Death God’s worldview needs the spiritual power of the three places of the present world, Soul Society and Hueco Mundo to balance, and the Death God’s duty is to maintain this balance.

The reason for killing the virtual beings in this world is not to punish the evil spirits and protect humans, but to prevent the virtual beings from devouring and consuming the souls in this world.

The reason why Seireitei retained Hueco Mundo and did not destroy it was to maintain this balance.

In the past, the Shinigami’s war to exterminate the Quincy was not only to maintain the Seireitei’s regime, but also to eliminate the Quincy who aimed to eliminate all Hollows, and to prevent the collapse of the world due to the extreme behavior of the Quincy.

When there is an imbalance of power in the world or in the Soul Society, Seireitei will even show the Shinigami taking the initiative to kill real humans or the souls of Rukongai to ensure that this balance continues.

These are the reasons why Rukongai has never changed for thousands of years.

The senior leaders of Seireitei only selected some souls with outstanding spiritual power from Rukongai to supplement the power of the Shinigami. The other souls that were not selected as Shinigami were actually just tool souls to maintain balance.

Of course, not many Shinigami know all this. Even captain-level Shinigami, most of them don’t know the secret.

Looking across the numb and desperate faces, Yusuke shook his head and was about to leave, when suddenly a fierce look appeared in front of him.

These eyes were staring at him, like a wild animal staring at its prey.

Yusuke was slightly surprised when he saw the person in front of him. He didn’t expect to meet a powerful person.

The ragged clothes, the broken long sword, and the messy long hair were none other than the war-hungry Kenpachi Zaraki.

It’s just that at this time, he looks much younger than when the original work came out of the factory, and he still looks like a teenager.

Although his appearance was very different from the image in Yusuke’s memory, his beast-like aura and the broken Zanpakuto like saw teeth made Yusuke quickly recognize his identity.

There was a cute little girl with short pink hair lying on Zaraki Kenpachi’s shoulders. This little girl was wearing neater clothes. It was obvious that he spent all his little savings on this little girl.

This little girl is none other than Kenpachi Zaraki’s life-and-death partner Kusuka Yachiru.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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