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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 233 Under the Full Moon

Through the transparent glass skylight at the top of Xuye Palace, Yusuke looked up at the sky of Hueco Mundo that was always at night.

It is very rare that the moon, which is mostly in the form of a crescent moon, is actually a full moon today.

“What a beautiful night sky!” Yusuke sighed suddenly.

Bailegang and Niyuri looked at each other after hearing this, wondering what was so beautiful about Hueco Mundo’s starless night sky.

However, just as they looked towards the sky, the scene in front of them completely shocked them.

I saw that the full moon that originally emitted white light revealed a red light, and a ripple-like pattern appeared on it. In the center of the ripples is a cross star wrapped in flames.

As two people who have seen Yusuke’s pupils, they naturally know that this change is closely related to the man on the throne in front of them.

But they couldn’t imagine what kind of power they had to change the shape of the moon.

In fact, if they have the Samsara Eye at this time, their spiritual pressure can already make the Samsara Eye pattern appear on the moon.

This ability does not change the shape of the moon, it just reflects the Samsara Eye on the moon through the pupil power.

Of course, Yusuke would not explain all this to the two of them.

As a king, the more you keep yourself mysterious, the more awe you will gain from your subordinates.

“From now on, the entire Hueco Mundo will be under my watch!” Yusuke said slowly.

Although Moon Yusuke can see everything within his field of vision, as a soul with limited thinking ability, he cannot convert everything he sees into useful information.

If you want to understand what is happening in a certain area, Yusuke must also focus on that area.

At this time, Bailegang, who was under the throne, had lowered his arrogant head and completely surrendered to Yusuke’s power and majesty.

Niryuri showed an expression of admiration, and at the same time, her eyes flickered with the desire to find out what Yusuke’s eyes were capable of.

Observing the expressions of the two men, Yusuke secretly sighed in his heart. Bailegang had almost truly surrendered, but Niryuri, a rebellious guy, was really difficult to subdue.

Sure enough, the more talented a person is, the harder it is for him to bow to others.

Just when Yusuke projected the power of the Samsara Eyes onto the moon of Hueco Mundo, all the Hollows in Hueco Mundo also noticed this scene. Most of them who didn’t know what happened were terrified, worried that something might happen. Happens in Hueco Mundo.

In a forest of sharp woods, there are four huts made of white sandstone, which are very rare in Hueco Mundo.

Most Hollows live a life of constant migration, constant fighting and devouring other people of their kind. They rarely stay in one place, let alone build such huts that only humans and gods of death can live in.

In front of these four huts, four female figures stood, none other than Harribel and her companions.

At this moment, they were all looking up at the sky, observing this sudden change.

Among the four, Harribel’s whole body was covered in white bone armor, and she carried a huge bone sword on her back. Under her slender eyes, there was a formidable shark-like teeth and jaws.

Although she didn’t have an Arrancar yet, Harribel was almost indistinguishable from a human woman in terms of body shape.

In particular, her pectoralis major muscles are extremely developed and can be called magnificent.

Apart from her, the other three phantoms are Apache, the one with a slender figure and a single horn on top of her head, the one with a snake tail, and the other tall, muscular one with long brown hair, Mira Rhodes.

These three Hollows were all saved by Harribel from other Hollows. After being rescued by Harribel, they also became Harribel’s partners.

When Harribel Arrancar joined Aizen’s forces, they became Harribel’s subordinate officers. But in fact, the relationship between the four of them is still as close as sisters.

“Sister Harribel, do you think something big is about to happen when the moon looks like this?” Sunsun raised his head and pointed at the sky and asked Harribel.

Upon hearing this, Apache and Mira also looked at Harribel with lustful expressions, but Harribel smiled softly.

“No matter what happens, I will protect you!”

Although the shark teeth of Harribel, who had not yet broken her face at this time, looked very ferocious and terrifying, her three companions did not take it seriously, and all said that they would try their best to protect Harribel, the eldest sister they respected.

At this moment, a strange whirlpool appeared in front of them, and a man wearing glasses, a white-on-black-edged feather coat, and a crow standing on his shoulders walked out of the whirlpool.

“Reaper? Why did you appear in Hueco Mundo?”

Looking at the unknown god of death in front of her, Harribel walked in front of her friends and looked at each other warily.

The one who came here was naturally Yusuke, and the purpose was to take Harribel and her friends under his command.

“Tiya Harribel, I’m here to invite you to join Xuye Palace.” Yusuke said with a smile.

Harribel frowned and said, “Are you a subordinate of Balegang? Tell him that I have no interest in joining Xuye Palace. But I didn’t expect that he actually has the God of Death among his subordinates.”

The corner of Yusuke’s mouth raised slightly: “No, to be precise, Bailegang is my subordinate. And if I come here in person, you have no possibility of refusing.”

“Baile Gang is actually your subordinate?”

After hearing what Yusuke said, Harribel didn’t know whether it was true or false. However, the opponent is so aggressive that this battle may be inevitable.

Taking off the bone sword from her back, Harribel said slowly: “I have no intention of joining Xuye Palace. Please leave now, otherwise I will not be polite.”

Yusuke smiled and said: “Then let me see your power, Harribel.”

Hearing this, Harribel also knew that the other party was about to take action. With a calm look on his face, he used “Sound Turn” and instantly appeared next to Yusuke. The bone sword in his hand struck directly at Yusuke.

“Sound Turn” is Arrancar’s signature skill, its use is similar to the Shinigami’s Shunpo, allowing Arrancar to move at super high speeds.

However, it is not that only the Arrancar can use the Hibiki, it is just that most of the Hollows before the Arrancar do not have the ability to use the Hibiki.

Although at this time Yusuke really wanted to catch Harribel’s bone sword in the same way as he caught the Balegang battle axe, but the bone sword in Harribel’s hand was too huge and he couldn’t hold it with one hand. live.

Drawing out his Zanpakutō and holding it across his chest, Yusuke steadily blocked Harribel’s powerful and heavy chop.

And his effortless posture also made Harribel and her friends feel bad.

As a Vastod-level Daxu, Harribel has almost no opponents in Hueco Mundo.

As the strongest Varstord, Stark is a lonely middle-aged uncle with no intention of fighting. He has never taken the initiative to attack other Hollows, and not many Hollows in Hueco Mundo know that such a great god exists.

And Ulquiorra, who represented ’emptiness’, was squeezed out by other Hollows because of his unique appearance, and even became autistic and hid in the Empty Forest, crying silently.

In the entire Hueco Mundo, apart from Harribel herself, the known Vastods were the former Lord of Hueco Mundo, Balegang.

Therefore, Harribel, who has never fought against Balegang, has never encountered an evenly matched opponent throughout Hueco Mundo.

No opponent could take down her bone sword so easily without taking a step back.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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