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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 244 Framed

Step by step, he walked towards Kuchiki Kyouga, who was already trembling slightly. Yusuke continued to increase the output of his spiritual pressure, putting more and more pressure on Kuchiki Kyouga.

“Muramasa, hurry up, hurry up and control his Zanpakutō!”

Kuchiki Xianghe called Muramasa in his heart, and Muramasa also cooperated very hard to use his spiritual pressure to control the long knife at Yusuke’s waist, but he did not get a trace of feedback.

“Xianghe, his Zanpakutō seems to be sealed by some force, and he can’t feel the breath of the Zanpakutō at all. No matter how I activate the power of hypnosis, his Zanpakutō doesn’t respond to me.” Muramasa’s voice rang in Kuchiki Xianghe’s mind.

“Is it true, as he said, that this is caused by the difference in spiritual pressure between me and him? Is it because the reason why I was able to defeat those Shinigami whose spiritual pressure was stronger than mine in the past was because their spiritual pressure was not strong enough?” Kuchiki Xianghe I couldn’t help but think of what Yusuke just said.

Looking at Yusuke who had already walked in front of him, Kuchiki Hibiki felt like he was about to collapse.

“Impossible, my power is invincible!”

With a roar, Kuchiki Kyouga’s Zanpakutō struck Yusuke in front of him with all his strength. However, what made him despair was that his Zanpakutō was caught between Yusuke’s two fingers.

“Don’t you understand yet? You are just a weakling relying on the power of your Zanpakutō. You have already lost.”

Seeing Yusuke looking down at him, Kuchiki Kyouga felt more than humiliation, but more fear.

Seeing that Kuchiki Kyouga’s eyes had completely lost the fighting spirit, Yusuke shook his head in disappointment.

After canceling the spiritual pressure directed at the opponent, Yusuke slowly turned to Ginjiro and said, “It’s over, let’s go.”

Kuchiki Xianghe’s body softened and he knelt on the ground with a dull expression.

At this time, his head was covered in cold sweat, his eyes were dull, and he kept muttering to himself: “It turns out that I am just a weak person, it turns out that I am just a weak person.”

For Kuchiki Hibiki, who was arrogant and wanted to reach the upper level of Seireitei, this fiasco was a huge blow.

The original Kuchiki Kyoukawa was actually not that fragile, but since Hajime solved Muramasa, his mentality has changed.

Although he seemed to be invincible and became more powerful, in fact his heart became fragile and he could no longer accept his defeat.

Glancing at Kuchiki Hibiki who was kneeling on the ground, Ginjiro showed an unbearable expression, as if he wanted to go up and comfort him.

Yusuke said calmly: “If a man cannot face such failure by himself, then his path will stop here.”

Sometimes people do need the comfort of others, and no matter how strong a person is, they may break down sometimes.

However, what Kuchiki Xianghe encountered at this time was just a failure in a challenge. If he could not face such a failure alone, then there would indeed be no room for progress.

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Ginjiro nodded thoughtfully.

Then he lamented the power of Yusuke’s spiritual pressure, and received a few humble words from Yusuke.

“By the way, Captain Uchiha. Speaking of reiatsu, I think of our glasses, why not get a pair!”

As the voices of Yusuke and Ginjiro talking became farther and farther away, Kuchiki Hibiki was the only one left sitting there.

After Ginjiro brought Yusuke to his residence, he was a little worried and immediately went to the Kuchiki family’s mansion and learned that Kuchiki Hibiki had not returned to the family yet.

Ginjiro went to see his old boss Kuchiki Ginrei again and told him what happened tonight.

Kuchiki Ginling’s expression did not change, and he still had that serious and calm expression.

After telling Ginjiro to assist the new captain with all his heart, he let Ginjiro go back.

“Xianghe, I hope this lesson taught to you by the new captain can awaken the real you!” Looking at the bright moon outside the window, Kuchiki Yinling sighed.

Kuchiki Ginrei was actually very concerned about his son-in-law, and he also recognized his abilities.

It’s just that Kuchiki Kyoukawa, who has always been obsessed with the power of his Zanpakutō, is going further and further on the road of losing himself, which makes him worried but at the same time powerless.

Although he wanted to bring order to the chaos and guide Kuchiki Xianghe to the right path. However, it caused his son-in-law to become more and more fearful and dissatisfied with him, which also gave him a great headache.

“It seems that Uchiha Yusuke is indeed an extraordinary person. Even I am looking forward to his performance in Seireitei.”

After a period of familiarity, Yusuke has fully grasped the work of the entire sixth team.

In addition to arranging the defense of the Seireitei noble district, conducting regular inspections, and being responsible for establishing good relations with some Shinigami in the noble district, another temporary task is to cooperate with allocating manpower to participate in the encirclement and suppression of the Shinigami rebels.

(In the original plot of the animation, the Sixth Division participated in the extermination of the rebels under the leadership of Ginrei Kuchiki. As for why the Sixth Division, which is responsible for protecting the nobles, was dispatched, the author can only understand that it was because of insufficient manpower.)

Since the commander-in-chief and the former captain of the 6th division, Kuchiki Ginrei, had secretly given Yusuke the task target, which required him to personally eliminate the leader of the Shinigami rebels, Yusuke naturally led the Shinigami to encircle and suppress the rebels.

Kuchiki Kyoukawa, who is very good at fighting the Shinigami in the team, participated in the war as Yusuke’s deputy, while the deputy captain Ginjiro stayed in Seireitei to help Yusuke arrange the normal work of the Sixth Division.

Ever since Kuchiki Kyouga was defeated by Yusuke last time, he has become taciturn.

However, he also kept his promise and completely obeyed Yusuke’s orders. This made Yusuke slightly change his view of him, and at the same time he also had the idea of ​​​​training him, so he took him to destroy the rebels.

The Death Rebels are not powerful, but they are numerous.

Yusuke led the members of Division 6 and also participated in many battles. In the process, Kuchiki Hibiki, who wanted to achieve military exploits, took the lead and killed many enemy Shinigami with the power of his Zanpakutō.

Kuchiki Xianghe, who had made great contributions, returned to the arrogant attitude he had before being defeated by Yusuke, and at the same time offended some Seireitei nobles.

Because Kuchiki Kyouga was originally born as a wandering Shinigami in Rukongai, but now he has adopted such a superior attitude after joining the Kuchiki clan, which made these nobles very unhappy.

At the same time, the Zanpakutō in Kuchiki Hibiki’s hand that could control other Death God Zanpakutō also made them very afraid.

After the secret planning of several noble Shinigami, when Kuchiki Kyoukawa returned to Seireitei to report his duties, they arranged for some of their subordinate Shinigami to secretly ambush Kuchiki Kyoukawa, but most of them were killed by Kuchiki Kyoukawa on the spot.

As for the remaining Shinigami, the evil ones complained first and then bit back, accusing Kuchiki Xianghe of suddenly going crazy and attacking them.

Under the false accusations of these people and the operation of the noble god of death behind them, Kuchiki Xianghe was quickly arrested by the law enforcement forces and imprisoned in a cell.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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