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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 26 The showdown begins

The next day, a formal letter of challenge from Shisui was sent to Yusuke. This incident immediately caused an uproar in Konoha.

During this period, although the Uchiha clan was ostracized by the village everywhere, it was still the largest family in Konoha, and could even be said to be the largest family in the ninja world. It had a very high reputation in the entire ninja world.

The news that the ‘Number One Uchiha Genius’ challenged the ‘Number One Uchiha Master’ immediately attracted the attention of countless people. Coupled with the third generation’s push behind the scenes, this duel became even more well known to everyone.

Both ninjas and civilians are waiting for the day when Yusuke and Shisui compete, wanting to see who is better among the two masters of the Uchiha clan.

“I will never play with Brother Shisui again. I originally thought he was a good guy, but I didn’t expect him to be a bad guy!” On the training ground, Izumi pouted her little mouth, as if she was hanging a bottle of oil.

For the simple Izumi, judging a person is still based on distinguishing between ‘good people’ and ‘bad people’.

Itachi frowned and said, “I didn’t expect that Shisui would really challenge the teacher. Although I don’t know what his purpose is, I believe that Shisui will not be so superficial that he is just for the title of ‘the number one Uchiha master’. False name.”

“But according to Shisui’s character, now that the challenge has been issued, it will definitely not be taken back.” Itachi continued.

“Humph, if you don’t take it back, you won’t take it back. Just let my brother teach him a lesson!” Izumi said angrily.

Itachi shook his head: “Shisui is very strong! I don’t mean to underestimate the teacher, but to be honest, in my opinion, the outcome of this competition is unpredictable.”

Kabuto on the other hand pushed up his glasses and asked, “Is Uchiha Shisui really that powerful?”

“Yes, Shisui’s teleportation technique is almost unsolvable in my opinion. But this is just based on my eyesight.” Itachi said with a solemn expression.

Since Itachi often practiced with Shisui at night, he also knew more about Shisui’s strength.

At this time, Kai, who had just instructed some of them to practice physical arts, nodded and said: “Yes, I have also heard of the secret technique of instantaneous body created by ‘Shunshen Shisui’, which can separate eight phantom clones.”

“These phantom clones are created by the technique of instantaneous body combined with Shisui’s secret technique. Only one of them is Shisui’s true body, and all the phantoms can attack the enemy at the same time!”

“Isn’t that more difficult than dealing with eight enemies at the same time? There is only one weak point, but there are eight attack points. As long as the true form is not eliminated, you will have to face the attacks of eight enemies at the same time?” Kabuto frowned.

Itachi nodded: “Yes, and I know very well that Shisui can now separate more than eight phantom clones.”

Izumi’s cute little face looked confused: “What?”

Regarding the analysis of several people, Quanmei, whose talent is in the normal range, still can’t understand it at this time.

“It seems that you all have no confidence in the teacher.” While everyone was discussing, a ray of fire rose from the ground and transformed into a young ninja with a calm face. It was Yusuke who had just arrived at the training ground.

Seeing Yusuke appear, everyone gathered around and asked him about his confidence in this competition.

“Don’t worry, Shisui is not my opponent yet.” Yusuke said with a smile.

If it were before obtaining the Nine-Tailed Yin Release Chakra, Yusuke would not be sure of defeating Shisui. But now that he has awakened the Sharingan and mastered the method to further exert the power of Ryūren Wakahui, it can be said that he has a winning chance!

“I knew my brother must be the best! I must teach him a lesson!” Izumi said happily after hearing Yusuke’s affirmative answer.

At this point, Quanmei frowned slightly: “But don’t teach him too badly. After all, he was a good person before.”

Hearing Izumi’s innocent words, Yusuke smiled and touched her head.

Kai grinned and showed his big white teeth: “Since you are so confident, Yusuke, why don’t we have a manly contest first!”

“I refuse!” Yusuke said expressionlessly.

With a bang, Itachi, Kabuto and Izumi looked at Kai who suddenly took action in surprise. Kai’s kick landed next to Yusuke’s head, but Yusuke blocked it with his arms.

Since Gai’s leg strength was very strong, there was a loud noise when it collided with Yusuke’s arm.

“You can’t refuse this contest!” Kai laughed.

Before he finished speaking, Kai’s figure gradually blurred, like a phantom.

Before everyone present could react, suddenly four identical Kais attacked Yusuke at the same time, two using kicking skills and two using fist attacks!

Yusuke raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and he also understood what Kai meant. This was to help him experience Shisui’s teleportation technique in advance.

Yusuke dodged while resisting the attacks of the four Kais. Although Yusuke’s physical skills were also very good, he soon discovered that ordinary physical skills were unable to resist this kind of teleportation technique. You must know that Kai can only display four phantom clones at this time!

Yusuke blocked left and right, with almost no chance to fight back. Even if he occasionally fights back, what he attacks is a disembodied phantom.

After barely holding on for more than ten seconds, Yusuke couldn’t resist Kai’s offensive and used the ‘Fire Phantom Crow Technique’ to turn into dozens of phantom crows wrapped in flames and distance themselves from Kai.

It’s not that Yusuke doesn’t have methods to deal with this kind of teleportation technique, but his method must first release Ryūren Wakahu, which is likely to hurt Kai.

“Yusuke, how are you? Do you have any countermeasures against this kind of phantom clone that uses the teleportation technique?” One of the four Kai bent over and panted with his hands on his knees, obviously due to excessive physical exertion. The other three phantom clones of Kai also gradually disappeared.

Kai’s taijutsu is stronger than Shisui’s, and he may not lose to Shisui’s ordinary teleportation technique alone. However, Kai did not have the secret technique that Shisui mastered. He relied entirely on physical techniques to instantly simulate a phantom clone, which consumed a huge amount of physical energy. Therefore, with Kai’s strength, he can only simulate four phantom clones at most, and it cannot last long.

Yusuke nodded: “It’s indeed very difficult, but it doesn’t trouble me.”

“Thank you, Kai.” Yusuke said sincerely.

Kai stood up and smiled heartily: “It’s nothing, I just don’t want the opponent I recognize to lose to someone else first!”

Three days passed quickly. At this time, many spectators, including ninjas and civilians, had gathered in Konoha’s martial arts field dedicated to ninja competitions. They all came to watch the showdown between the two Uchiha masters today.

At this time, people from all the major ninja families were present in the audience, and even the third generation and Danzo had already sat in their special seats in advance, waiting quietly for the competition to begin.

“Who do you think will win today?”

“It should be ‘Shunshen Shisui’. I heard that one person can transform into a thousand people, and each one of them can stab the other to death!”

“The urban legend you heard somewhere is not that exaggerated at all. I am more optimistic about ‘Entachi’. He is a genius master who was very active during the third war.”

At this time, many spectators in the auditorium were whispering and discussing the possible outcome of this duel.

In a location close to the martial arts competition area, Kakashi, Asuma, Kurenai, Shiranui Genma and Kaiji were also gathered together.

“Kakashi, who do you think has a higher winning rate among the two? Last time I saw Uchiha Yusuke’s method of dealing with several of his own race in the teahouse, I am more optimistic about him.” Asuma said to Kakashi.

Shiranui Genma nodded: “I agree with Asuma. I know Yusuke’s strength. He is definitely an elite among jounin.”

Kakashi did not answer, but quietly waited for the competition to begin. Now he can’t judge the outcome. The outcome of a battle between ninjas of the same level is not so easy to predict.

In the eyes of Asuma and Genma, Yusuke is very strong and has an overwhelming advantage. But as one of the third generation’s confidants, Kakashi had some dealings with Shisui who was an ANBU, and he vaguely knew the horror of ‘Shunshen Shisui’.

On the other side, in a dark corner, Orochimaru excitedly licked his lips with a snake-like tongue: “This is really a battle that people are looking forward to.”

“It’s almost time. This competition will be hosted by me, Uchiha Fugaku. Now please invite the two competing ninjas to the center of the martial arts field.” At this time, Uchiha Fugaku, with a dark face, entered the martial arts field and said loudly.

After Shisui officially sent the challenge letter to Yusuke, Uchiha Fugaku talked to Shisui twice, but he failed to persuade Shisui to give up the challenge.

From Uchiha Fugaku’s point of view, this is a joke that makes other families in Konoha look at the Uchiha clan! But no matter how reluctant he is, as the leader of the Uchiha clan, he is also the most suitable person to host this competition.

Yusuke and Shisui came to the center of the martial arts arena, facing each other about five meters away, looking at each other.

“The barrier class opens the barrier and the competition officially begins!” Uchiha Fugaku glanced at Yusuke and Shisui with complicated eyes and announced loudly. At the same time, he also withdrew from the martial arts arena.

“If these two geniuses can live in harmony and work together to help me revitalize my family, then my Uchiha clan will definitely be able to regain a foothold in Konoha.” Uchiha Fugaku sighed in his heart.

Although Yusuke reminded Uchiha Fugaku about Shisui’s position, Uchiha Fugaku still trusted Shisui very much.

In Uchiha Fugaku’s understanding, Shisui is just a moderate representative of the clan, hoping to eliminate the conflicts between the family and the village and serve as a bridge of communication between the family and the village’s senior officials. He didn’t believe that Shisui would ignore the interests of his family and completely surrender to the side of the village’s senior leaders.

On the martial arts field, Shisui’s Sharingan was activated, and he looked at Yusuke with stern eyes: “Senior Yusuke, the winner of this competition will definitely be me. Although you are very strong, you are no match for my Ninja and determination!”

“Senior, what is your nindo!?”

Looking at Shisui who was full of confidence, Yusuke said slowly: “My Ninja way? It’s not time to let you know yet.”

After hearing Yusuke’s answer, Shisui stopped talking and his eyes suddenly became sharp.

“Art fire escape ho fireball!”

As usual, thank you for your support, there are still 37 days until the double update starts! (●`●)(●`●)

Regarding the announcement of the author’s full-time writing, enthusiastic book friends have put forward many opinions. Because there are too many, the author cannot reply one by one, so he made a unified reply in the pinned post in the book circle.

Thank you very much for everyone’s enthusiasm. Even if the double update has not started yet, the author has received a lot of support votes!


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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