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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 263 Yusuke vs. Aizen (2)

Looking at Aizen releasing his spiritual pressure, Ichimaru Gin knew that he was ready to take action.

For Ichimaru Gin, this is also a perfect opportunity to observe Aizen’s strength up close.

“Whether the unfathomable Aizen can seize Xuye Palace, or the mysterious god of death sitting on the throne in front of me is better, let me wait and see!” Ichimaru Gin thought to himself.

Facing the spiritual pressure released by Aizen, Yusuke did not react yet, and all ten blades blocked him in front of the throne.

The nine Ten Blades present did not deliberately hide their spiritual pressure. Although they did not burst out all their spiritual pressure, those with eyesight could still tell the level of their spiritual pressure.

They also didn’t expect that in front of nine Arrancars at the level of Captain Death, the other party would dare to take the initiative!

“I really didn’t expect that I was underestimated. I’m going to rip off both of their heads!” The one who spoke was Grimmjow with a ferocious look on his face.

Next to him, Neutra, who also had a bad temper, also said with a ferocious smile: “It’s rare that you, bastard, thought of going together with me!”

Looking at the Arrancar blocking his eyes, Aizen raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and the released spiritual pressure suddenly erupted again, instantly filling the entire hall.

Under his spiritual pressure, the three Arrancars, Zomali, Sar’Apollo and Aronillo, who were weaker among the Ten Blades, couldn’t help but half-knelt down.

Grimmjow and Nnoitra were almost unable to move as if they were under immobilization spells, and they could only stare at Aizen in front of them in disbelief.

Under the pressure of Aizen’s spiritual pressure, among the ten blades, only the first four blades at the Wastod level were still able to take action.

However, after seeing Aizen’s spiritual pressure, the faces of the first four blades were not good-looking. They had only experienced such a powerful power from Yusuke who was sitting on the throne behind them. They did not expect that the man in front of them was at the same level as their king. master.

Seeing Ju Blade’s performance, Yusuke couldn’t help but frown slightly.

Yusuke also has his own standards for the title “Ten Blades”.

He hoped that the strength of the members of the Ten Blades could at least withstand the spiritual pressure of himself or a master of Aizen’s level. The performance of Grimmjow and Noirat should be considered the lower limit of the Ten Blades in Yusuke’s mind, and the remaining Zomali, Sar’Apollo and Aronillo are completely unqualified.

Although he had a plan in mind to rectify the Ten Blades, the most important thing at the moment was to deal with Aizen.

“You all get out of the way, he is not an opponent you can stop.” Yusuke’s calm voice sounded in the hall.

Upon hearing Yusuke’s order, the members of the Ten Blades immediately moved out of the way, and the three members who had fallen to their knees due to lack of support for Aizen’s spiritual pressure were dragged by Urquiola and Harribel. Arrived aside.

“Xuye Palace is not a place for fighting. Come up with me.”

While speaking, Yusuke pressed the button next to the throne, and a rune array composed of spirits appeared in the center of the hall.

This rune array was developed by Yusuke by commissioning Nirvana. Its function is to teleport all the people covered by the rune array’s spiritual pressure to the sky barrier above Hueco Mundo.

The Sky Cap Barrier is a natural barrier that has existed in Hueco Mundo since ancient times. It has the ability to repair itself. Even if it is destroyed, it will slowly be repaired with the supplement of Hueco Mundo’s spiritual power.

With the spiritual pressure levels of Yusuke and Aizen, if they fight in Xuye Palace, it is very likely that the entire Xuye Palace will be destroyed.

In order to prevent his property from being damaged, Yusuke set the battlefield between himself and Aizen on the sky barrier.

Seeing the rune array lighting up at his feet, Aizen’s eyes lit up and he said with a smile: “It seems that there are many talents in Xuye Palace. Making such a teleportation array is not a simple technology.”

As the rune array flashed, everyone in the hall was teleported to the sky barrier.

The world above the Sky Cap Barrier is even more gloomy and desolate than Hueco Mundo. There are only some dilapidated stone pillars and buildings on the endless white sand sea, and there are no plants at all.

Obviously the sky canopy is closer to the moon in the sky, but the light from the moon here is not as bright as the Hueco Mundo below, and the entire top of the sky cap appears extremely dim.

At this time, behind Yusuke stood the members of the Ten Blades, and behind Aizen stood Gin Ichimaru, who looked like he was watching a show.

As the two Shinigami with the highest level of spiritual pressure, Yusuke and Aizen simultaneously exploded their spiritual pressure at each other. The substantial spiritual pressure immediately collided at the midpoint of the distance between the two, and a violent impact erupted.

“It seems to be an evenly matched battle, Aizen, I wonder how you will deal with this unexpected enemy?” Ichimaru Gin thought to himself.

Withdrawing the Zanpakutō from his waist, Aizen did not release the power within it, but instead instantly jumped in front of Yusuke.

Without any skills, just pure speed, Aizen’s Shunpo is not inferior to Shunshen Yoichi in the slightest.

Yusuke also did not release his Zanpakuto, and drew out his Ryuken Wakahui to block Aizen’s seemingly ordinary slash.

However, only Yusuke himself knew that without his own level of spiritual pressure, other Shinigami would probably end up dead under Aizen’s sword.

Looking at the Zanpakutō in Yusuke’s hand in front of him, Aizen couldn’t help but feel a vague sense of familiarity. He seemed to have seen this Zanpakutō somewhere before.

“It seems that this time when I return to Seireitei, I have to look for clues about this Zanpakutō.”

With such an idea flashing through his mind, Aizen smiled and said to Yusuke: “Why don’t you release the power of the Zanpakutō?”

Yusuke also smiled and said: “It depends on whether you can force me to do it.”

While speaking, Yusuke stretched out his left hand and pointed at Aizen.

“Seventy-nine Binding Dao, Nine-Yao Binding.”

In an instant, nine jet-black spiritual pressure suddenly appeared around Aizen, trying to surround Aizen.

However, Aizen’s eyes did not show any panic. He swung his Zanpakutō twice casually, just like cutting through black pieces of paper with the blade, and all the dark spiritual pressure around him was broken.

Just when Aizen was dealing with the “Nine Obsidian Binding”, Yusuke did not stop attacking, and slashed at the opponent with the powerful spiritual pressure of his Zanpakutō.

Aizen did not give in, and after breaking Yusuke’s bondage, he continued to increase his spiritual pressure and competed with Yusuke in swordsmanship.

The two of them were extremely fast whether they were wielding swords or performing body movements. Even the members of the Ten Blades or masters like Gin Ichimaru could not catch their movements.

The Zanpakuto swords containing powerful spiritual pressure collided with each other, creating a powerful shock wave centered around the place where the two fought, forcing everyone watching the battle to retreat.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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