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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 29 The outcome is decided

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Shisui did not think that the other party was joking at all, and immediately increased the output of the eye power and began to strengthen Susanoo’s abilities.

I saw that a layer of muscle-like tissue had first grown outside the body of Susanoo’s skeleton, and his face was no longer a skull, but had the face of a Karastengu.

After the body growth was completed, another piece of armor formed on the outside of Susanoo’s body, and two huge tengu wings grew from his back.

At this time Shisui’s Susanoo has grown to the third form!

However, due to the intense consumption of the pupil power in the Mangekyou Sharingan eyes, Shisui’s eyes overflowed with blood and were covered with bloodshot eyes. It was obvious that the use of pupil power had reached its limit.

Shisui’s chest heaved violently. Under this series of high-intensity battles, he had very little chakra and physical strength left.

Outside the court, Uchiha Fugaku’s heart was already in his throat, not to mention that Shisui was squandering the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan in vain, which made him feel heartbroken; more importantly, the geniuses of the two families in the martial arts arena There is a senseless fight going on, and if there is a slight mistake, the consequences will be disastrous.

“As expected of someone who can open Susanoo with one eye. Shisui’s pupil power is really amazing. An ordinary Mangekyō Sharingan can activate Susanoo to this extent.” Looking at the sight in front of him because of the extra muscles and armor. Yusuke secretly praised Susanoo who was one size bigger.

After Susanoo was ready, Shisui decided to strike first.

Before this competition started, he never expected that Yusuke would be so strong that he would be forced to use Susanoo’s third form.

I saw the armor on Susanoo’s chest slowly opening, revealing a huge emerald green magatama hidden inside. Susanoo reached into his chest with his left hand and took out the magatama.

“Yusuke-senpai, let us decide the outcome with this move!” Shisui panted.

At this time, Yusuke also frantically extracted the Yin Escape Chakra of Kyuubi in the curse seal. The Yin Escape Chakra that had been added recently was extracted by Yusuke. The Kyuubi who had just recovered a lot in the curse seal suddenly turned back into a child. form.

Seeing the two people on the field getting ready to go, all the spectators were silent, and the entire martial arts field was silent.

At this moment, everyone is holding their breath and waiting for the moment to decide the winner!

“Yasaka Qiongmagatama!”

“Hell is hot!”

The emerald green chakra around Shisui’s Susanoo suddenly exploded, and the magatama in his hand instantly grew larger and spun at high speed, flying towards Yusuke’s location with a strong gust of wind.

If you are hit by this move, you will definitely be shattered to pieces.

Yusuke’s eyes suddenly turned fierce. He swung his right hand with his right hand and slashed out a streak of red-gold flames.

As the flames streaked through the air, balls of fireballs emerged one by one along the tail of the flames.

Each fireball instantly turned into a pillar of fire that was hundreds of meters high. In the end, eight huge red-gold fire pillars formed, and quickly surrounded Shisui’s Susanoo.

Seeing the power of Shisui and Yusuke’s moves, Uchiha Fugaku on the sidelines immediately mobilized the seal squad to practice the seals around the martial arts field. At the same time, he was worried in his heart and secretly prayed that the two of them would not make any mistakes.

When the emerald-green Yasaka Magatama collided with the red-gold fire pillar displayed by Yusuke, Shisui imagined that the scene of Yasaka Magatama breaking through the pillar of fire and continuing to attack Yusuke did not appear. Instead, like a mud cow entering the sea, Yasaka Magatama completely disappeared. In the pillar of fire.


Seeing Yasaka Qiongmagatama reduced to ashes in the pillar of fire, Shisui looked in disbelief and exclaimed loudly.

But soon Shisui realized that the battle was not over yet. The eight hundred-meter-high fire pillars summoned by Yusuke were already in front of him, and he had to defend them first.

Shisui quickly formed seals with his hands, and Susanoo also formed the same seal as Shisui.

“Wan Gu Yufang!”

Hundreds of thousands of huge bones stretched out from Susanoo’s body, and these bones grew rapidly to form six huge bone walls.

In the middle of each bone wall is an extremely ferocious skull of the Karastengu, and the six bone walls eventually form a regular hexagon to protect Susanoo and Shisui.

Shisui had just finished preparing the most powerful defensive ninjutsu he had mastered when eight tall red-gold fire pillars surrounded him, Susanoo and the bone wall he had just summoned.

The pillar of fire suddenly exploded and turned into a sea of ​​red-gold fire. Under the burning of the extremely high-temperature red-gold flame, the bone wall and Susanoo used by Shisui began to melt at a speed visible to the naked eye.

“Yusuke, please show mercy!”

At this time, Uchiha Fugaku outside the field shouted loudly, he could not just watch Shisui, who had opened the Mangekyo Sharingan, folded in Yusuke’s hands.

After hearing Uchiha Fugaku’s request, Yusuke sighed and decided to let Shisui go.

At this time, he felt that Shisui’s aura in the sea of ​​​​fire was extremely weak, and was struggling to support his chakra and pupil power. But even so, Yusuke judged that he wouldn’t be able to hold on for more than a few breaths.

Yusuke teleported to the top of Shisui Susanoo’s head, preparing to withdraw the flames.

At this time, Yusuke was stepping on the huge Susanoo, with a blazing sword in his hand. The flame tail dragged out from the tip of the sword formed a huge red-gold fire wheel behind him, and combined with the surrounding red-gold flames, The backdrop of the sea of ​​fire is like a god of fire!

The entire martial arts arena, whether ninjas or civilians, were all shocked by Yusuke’s amazing power.

Yusuke thrust his hand downwards into Susanoo’s head, causing Susanoo to roar crazily.

Along with Susanoo’s roar as if coming from the abyss of hell, its wings, armor, muscle tissue and bones gradually dissipated, and finally the entire Susanoo disappeared into the martial arts arena.

At the same time, Liu Ren Ruohuo sucked all the flames in the red-gold sea of ​​fire into the sword like a long whale sucking water. The sea of ​​​​fire that was still burning fiercely dissipated in a moment, leaving only a huge pit in the center of the martial arts field, and A piece of scorched earth under the pit.

Without Susanoo’s guard, Shisui, whose physical strength, chakra, and eye power were completely exhausted, fell from the air with a groan. At this time, he had no strength to react anymore, and he lay down directly in the pit. center.

Yusuke, who was originally standing above Susanoo’s head, fell from the sky and stood in front of Shisui. His Zanpakutō, which had been released from its initial state, was suddenly inserted into the ground beside Shisui’s neck, and he looked down at Shisui.

“The victory has been decided!”

Looking at Shisui’s bloodshot eyes and exiting the Sharingan state, Yusuke said calmly.

For Yusuke, this is a meaningless battle, which can be said to have no meaning. Therefore, at this moment, Yusuke did not feel any joy, but instead felt slightly grateful.

“If I hadn’t captured the Kyuubi’s Yin Escape Chakra first, I would have lost this battle.”

After checking the status of the Ryogi Curse Seal, Yusuke discovered that after casting the ‘Hot Hell’, the Yin Escape Chakra in the curse seal had been exhausted, and the Kyuubi was ruthlessly drained by him again.

“Right now, I have just used the ability of Ryūren Wakahu. I still haven’t fully unleashed the full power of Ryūren Wakahu. And there will be swastika moves after that. It seems that I have to find a way to improve the Yinren Chakra as soon as possible. Reserve.” Yusuke thought to himself.

Uchiha Fugaku outside the field breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Yusuke showed mercy and spared Shisui’s life, and hurried to the center of the martial arts field to announce the results of the competition.

The entire auditorium of the martial arts arena suddenly became excited after being silent. Today’s battle can be said to have reached the level of a movie. It was an eye-opener for everyone present, and the response was naturally very enthusiastic.

Due to the high temperature effect of Yusuke’s hand, the air in the martial arts arena became very dry. Many audience members were already sweating profusely due to the heat, and some of their hair even curled slightly, as if they had just been baked.

Shisui was silent, staring at the sky in a daze. Two lines of hot tears mixed with blood flowed out of his eyes, slowly dripping down the sides of his cheeks and onto the ground.

In Zhisui’s heart, he failed to live up to the expectations of three generations of him, and also lost the opportunity to gain more say in the family and thus reform the family.

After officially announcing that Yusuke had won the competition, Uchiha Fugaku immediately arranged for medical ninjas to carry Shisui away for treatment.

Now in Uchiha Fugaku’s heart, the most important person in the family is still Yusuke. But after Yusuke, it was Shisui who had already opened the Mangekyō Sharingan.

“Yusuke, thank you for showing mercy.” Looking at Yusuke, Uchiha Fugaku said sincerely.

In a ninja duel, victory or defeat is often a matter of life and death. In a battle of that level just now, Yusuke was able to hold back and save Shisui’s life, which really gave himself a lot of face.

Yusuke waved his hand and reminded: “I still say that Shisui’s position is a big problem. If you, the patriarch, can’t bring him to your side, he may be your biggest obstacle in the future. “

Uchiha Fugaku nodded: “Don’t worry, I will talk to Shisui again.”

Looking at Yusuke, who had no injuries on his body and whose clothes were still neat, Uchiha Fugaku showed a very surprised expression: “It seems that you won very easily. I can’t see through your strength at all.”

Yusuke smiled and did not explain, but Yusuke knew in his heart that his victory was not easy. Except for not using the Sharingan, he had also used all his methods, including completely depleting the Nine-Tailed Shadow Chakra in the curse seal. .

After briefly chatting with Yusuke, Uchiha Fugaku rushed to the hospital to check on Shisui’s condition. Yusuke left the martial arts arena with everyone looking in awe.

At this time, the audience in the auditorium of the martial arts arena were already exiting one by one. Many audience members were still talking excitedly about the scene when Yusuke and Shisui fought just now. Some of the children present had even begun to pick up some bamboo knives and wooden sticks to imitate. Yusuke calls himself ‘Entachi’.

Although Shisui is also very powerful, he was defeated after all. Moreover, Yusuke’s moves are really cool and unforgettable, and they are more likely to attract children who worship heroes.

In the exclusive seats, the Third Hokage and Danzo have not left yet. The two looked at each other in silence.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! There are still 35 days until the double update starts!


Shisui’s Yasaka Qiong Magatama was thrown out. Please don’t complain. The author, Baidu, also cracked when he learned this skill. .

Regarding the two questions raised by readers recently, the author will explain as follows. They only represent his personal views!

1. The fourth generation is alive, and Naruto is sent to an orphanage.

Reason: The author thinks that in order to hide Naruto’s identity, it is okay to send him to an orphanage. After all, the third generation wife has also died, and there are no female family members suitable to take care of Naruto. But considering the fourth generation, the third generation will no longer turn a blind eye to Naruto’s experience like the original work. If the fourth generation discovers this, the third generation really has no explanation.

2. The life and death of Shisui and Itachi

The author has already written the outline of the chapter about the coup and genocide, so no spoilers are allowed yet, so stay tuned!


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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