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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 291 Sword Discussion in Xuye Palace (9)

Only a loud noise was heard, and the virtual flash collision between Ulquiorra and Grimmjow erupted with a powerful impact. The dazzling energy made the surrounding spectators completely unable to see the real situation on the fighting field. .

Just the spiritual pressure created by this collision made most of the audience marvel in amazement. Everyone held their breath and stared at the center of the competition field.

When the light gradually dissipated, the two figures in the competition gradually became clear.

At this time, Urquiorra still had a calm expression, but the sleeve of his left arm that he had just released had disappeared.

The image of Grimmjow opposite him was much worse. All the clothes on his upper body had been completely reduced to ashes, revealing a strong and scarred body.

With his chest heaving violently, Grimmjow smiled and said, “It’s not that bad. It’s not that easy to defeat me.”

Although he still acted tough, Grimmjow knew that he had been completely suppressed by the opponent in terms of spiritual pressure.

“I didn’t expect this pretentious man to be so powerful. I used to think that he was using chicken feathers as arrows. He looks really difficult to deal with.” Grimmjow was secretly shocked.

While Grimmjow was thinking about countermeasures, Ulquiorra had already launched an attack.

Realizing that Ulquiorra’s figure was suddenly missing from his eyes, Grimmjow secretly thought that something was wrong, and immediately raised his sword and turned around to block, just in time to block Ulquiorra’s sword.

However, Urquiorra did not stop attacking, but continued to stab the opponent with a knife in one hand. Once stabbed by his hand knife, a bloody hole as thick as an arm will appear on the body.

Under Urukiorra’s offensive, Grimmjow could only block on the left and right and was on the defensive, with no room for counterattack.

Not only the speed of his attacks, Urquiorra was also superior to him in terms of spiritual pressure. The impact of every collision forced him to retreat.

Gradually, the two of them had fought from the center of the arena to the edge of the barrier. Grimmjow, who was unable to retreat, roared to the sky and burst out the spiritual pressure in his body again.

For him, this was the most frustrating battle since he was born, except for the one fought by Yusuke.

However, his burst of spiritual pressure had no effect. Urquiorra saw the right moment and stabbed his shoulder with a hand knife, leaving a terrifying bloody hole in his shoulder. .

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Grimmjow grabbed the arm that Urquiorra stabbed into his shoulder with one hand, and threw the opponent forcefully away.

After the distance was widened, Grimmjow got a chance to breathe and immediately activated his Return Blade.

“Roar, Leopard King!”

It was seen that Grimmjow’s original short blue hair turned into long hair, his hands and feet also turned into sharp leopard claws, and his body gained a layer of white bone armor.

However, this bone armor does not look cumbersome. Instead, it looks very smooth. It is obviously a light armor that is very conducive to movement.

After completing the Return of the Blade, Grimmjow suddenly leaned down and seemed to transform into a cheetah moving on all fours.

Kicking his legs back hard, Grimmjow’s speed was more than twice as fast as before. In a blink of an eye, he appeared in front of Ulquiorra, and his right claw that shone with a cold light dug towards the opponent’s abdomen. .

Once it is dug out by Grimmjow’s claw, it will basically end up with a gut-wrenching wound.

Ulquiorra was also shocked by the amazing speed shown by Grimmjow.

While quickly retreating, he drew out the long sword from his waist to block.

Although Ulquiorra reacted very quickly, it was still a step too slow and was not able to completely block Grimmjow’s claws.

The blade of the long sword was firmly against Grimmjow’s palm, but the opponent’s curved claw nails still scratched his chest, leaving three bloody scratches on his chest.

“What’s wrong, do you know how to draw your sword now? I thought you wanted to keep your right hand in your pocket and fight me until the end!”

Grimmjow laughed ferociously, and at the same time, his two sharp claws continued to attack Ulquiorra.

“Claws of the Leopard King!”

Grimmjow’s two claws suddenly extended five blue spirit son light marks on each. As he waved his claws, ten spirit son light marks extended from his claws and continued to lengthen. , covering the area where Urquiora is located like a blue network.

These spirit son light traces contain powerful and sharp spiritual pressure. If an ordinary person is hit by them, they will be torn into pieces.

However, for Ulquiorra, who has stronger spiritual pressure, such an attack is not enough to defeat him.

Using the long sword in his right hand to block the traces of the spirit son’s light, Urquiorra’s left hand pointed at Grimmjow opposite, and a black aperture with a radius of about one foot formed at his fingertips.

“Black false flash? Such an attack can’t hit me!” Grimmjow sneered.

In Leopard King form, he has absolute confidence in his speed.

Although the power of False Flash is not as good as Urquiora’s, the opponent should not try to attack him with False Flash again.

“False Bullet·Black Flash!”

A sudden black light flashed through the black circle of light on the fingertips of Ulquiorra’s left hand. Grimmjow’s body felt as if he had been hit by a virtual flash, and bursts of black spiritual pressure continued to explode on his body.

“Impossible, how can there be such a fast false flash!” Grimmjow exclaimed in disbelief.

However, Ulquiorra did not stop attacking because of Grimmjow’s exclamation, and the flashing black spiritual pressure shells kept hitting Grimmjow’s body like a machine gun.

Because these spiritual pressure cannonballs were extremely fast and had such strong impact, Grimmjow could not escape after being hit. He could only be pinned to the ground and rubbed by these spiritual pressure cannonballs.

Although Grimmjow’s own spiritual pressure and defense after returning to the blade are very good, he cannot withstand Urukiorra’s continuous attacks.

Under the bombardment of the spiritual pressure shells, Grimmjow’s external bone armor finally could no longer hold up and gradually fell into pieces.

At the same time, blood began to spurt out from his mouth. It was obvious that his body was severely damaged due to the impact of energy.

Ulquiorra, who was suspended in the sky, saw that Grimmjow’s spiritual pressure had almost weakened, so he stopped attacking.

Suddenly, he came to Grimmjow, who was lying on his back, with the long sword in his hand pointing at the opponent’s throat.

“You lose, Grimmjow.”

Ulquiorra looked down at Grimmjow and said calmly.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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