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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 299 Coaxing Jade Experiment (7)

Sensing that there were several waves of spiritual pressure that were not inferior to Arrancar Eric, Shiba Haiyan, who was lying on Renji’s back, said to Yusuke with a worried look: “Captain Uchiha, you don’t have to worry about us, you should hurry up and help other places. Bar!”

Hearing this, Yusuke smiled and shook his head and said: “Other places naturally need assistance, but when an Arrancar situation occurs, I must personally return to the Gotei 13 Team and report to the captain. In order to prevent a more serious incident from happening. Before the incident occurs, let the headquarters arrange an effective response plan.”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Shiba Haiyan showed a look of surprise: “Captain Uchiha, you are still thoughtful. Haiyan has learned a lesson.”

Although Yusuke’s words sounded nice, in fact the reason why he didn’t provide support was that he couldn’t kill his experimental subjects by himself.

When Yusuke led everyone back to Seireitei, the Gotei 13 Corps was already holding an emergency meeting to discuss the abnormal virtual tide. After receiving the news, Yusuke also went directly to the headquarters hall.

At this time, the Gotei 13 team had received news that intelligence personnel had discovered four powerful streams of spiritual pressure, but they still didn’t know what the source of these four streams of spiritual pressure was.

In the headquarters hall, the captain of the 13th Division, Ukitake Jushiro, was reporting to the captains present on the abnormalities that the 13th Division had encountered in the past few days.

“In addition to the recent increase in the number of voids, the eyes of these voids are faintly flashing with dark red light, but it is not very obvious. We suspect that these voids have actually lost their minds and fallen into rage, and are being secretly controlled by others. .” Ukitake Jushiro said with a solemn expression.

Yusuke, who had just arrived at this time, also entered the hall and stood in the position corresponding to the captain of the third division.

Hearing Ukitake’s description, Yusuke nodded and added: “I also just came back from Rukongai, where I actually met an extremely rare Arrancar.”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, the captains who had never heard of Arrancar showed doubts, while the captains who knew about Arrancar’s existence were surprised.

Yusuke then briefly explained the process of supporting the 13th Division. At the same time, he said that he also sensed four other auras that were no less than the captain and level of spiritual pressure, and suspected that they might also be Arrancars.

After Yusuke finished speaking, there was endless discussion in the entire conference hall.

Some veteran captains explained to the newcomers what Arrancar was, while others expressed disbelief that so many Arrancars would appear at the same time.

“Is it the one from Hueco Mundo who sent his men to Soul Society?” Aizen thought secretly in his heart.

He had seen a lot of Arrancars in Hueco Mundo, and the “Ten Blades” among them were not weaker than the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team.

At this time, Aizen was also a little confused. Could it be that the Lord of Hueco Mundo wanted to launch a war against Soul Society?

“Captain Aizen, as the head of the Technology Development Bureau, what do you think of this situation?”

Just as Aizen was thinking, captain Genryusai Yamamoto suddenly called him by name.

Aizen smiled and said: “It is indeed not so easy for Arrancars to appear. According to past experience, there have never been as many as five Arrancars at the same time in the same period. It seems that this must be someone doing it secretly. He conducted some kind of taboo experiment and promoted the evolution of some great voids. This kind of experiment is very similar to the previous void experiment conducted by Captain Urahara.”

Aizen’s words were watertight, pointing out the possible reasons for the appearance of the Arrancar, and at the same time hinting that the initiator might be Urahara Kisuke, who had previously taken the blame for him.

A cold light flashed in Yamamoto Genryusai’s eyes, and he snorted coldly: “This Urahara Kisuke is really causing trouble for thousands of years! If the captains find any traces of him, they must report it to me immediately.”

After finishing speaking, Yamamoto Genryusai turned to Yusuke and asked: “Captain Uchiha, you have fought against this Arrancar. In your opinion, what is the strength of the Arrancar?”

Yusuke smiled and said: “The strength of the Arrancar is not bad, and the spiritual pressure is not weaker than that of a captain-level Shinigami. My suggestion is to assign at least two captains to each Arrancar to handle it, so that you can be more sure.”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, the current captain of Team 11, Kenpachi Kii’aki, sneered and said: “Captain Uchiha solved one Arrancar by himself, but suggested that the other Arrancars should be handled by two captains. This Does it mean that your own strength is much higher than our captains?”

Kiiganjo Kenpachi was a fat man with dark skin, an unkempt face covered with beards, and two iron-like ornaments on both sides of his lower lip.

If Yusuke hadn’t poached Kenpachi Zaraki, he would have died under Kenpachi Zaraki’s sword, and Kenpachi Zaraki would have taken away the title “Kenpachi” from him.

At this time, he was looking at Yusuke with fierce eyes and a mocking look on his face.

In response to his provocation, Yusuke had not yet spoken, but the Captain of the Second Division, Sui Bee, sneered: “Captain Uchiha’s achievements over the years are obvious to all, and his strength is definitely outstanding among the captains. Compared with you, I dare not accept the challenge from my subordinates.” Of course it’s better than a coward.”

On the other side, Kuchiki Byakuya, who had always been expressionless, also said: “I absolutely believe in Yusuke-senpai’s judgment.”

Seeing Zuihou and Kuchiki Byakuya supporting Yusuke, Kiegashiro Kenpachi snorted and said nothing. It was unwise to offend so many captains at the same time.

Yusuke smiled and nodded to Zuihou and Kuchiki Byakuya, expressing his gratitude for their support.

Kuchiki Byakuya was Yusuke’s subordinate when he was in the sixth division, and he always respected Yusuke very much.

Zhihou was very grateful to Yusuke after Yusuke blocked the spiritual pressure of Captain Yamamoto Genryusai for her last time.

As her strength continued to improve, she understood more and more what level of spiritual pressure was needed to resist the captain’s spiritual pressure at that time, and she also admired Yusuke’s strength very much.

Yamamoto Genryusai thought for a few seconds and nodded: “I also agree with what Captain Uchiha said. It is best to arrange two captains to deal with one Arrancar. This can also reduce the risk of failure in the battle.”

After scanning all the captains present, Yamamoto Genryusai made arrangements for the captains to dispatch.

Because there are currently unusually strong spiritual pressure fluctuations in four directions, Yamamoto Genryusai also divided the captain into four groups and went to different locations to investigate.

If it is discovered that the enemy is really an Arrancar, capture him alive if he can capture him alive, and kill him on the spot if he cannot capture him alive.

Among the dispatched captains, the first group is Zaihou and Kuchiki Byakuya, the second group is Komamura Zuozhen and Tosen Kaname, the third group is Yusuke and Ichimaru Gin, and the fourth group is Kii’aki Kenpachi and Kyoraku. Spring water.

Among them, Ichimaru Gin was not at the scene at this time because he was responsible for the rescue. Instead, he had rushed to Rukongai in advance, and Yusuke needed to go to support him immediately.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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