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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 31 Orochimaru’s invitation

“Lord Orochimaru, what do you mean?” Looking at Orochimaru who suddenly attacked, Yusuke said coldly.

Yusuke didn’t believe that Orochimaru would fall out with him here. After all, his strength was not weaker than the opponent’s, and there was no point in fighting him.

At this time, Orochimaru no longer continued to attack, and performed a sword-swallowing skill on the spot, putting the Kusanagi sword back into his belly.

“Yusuke-kun, the curse seal contains half of Kyuubi’s Yin escape chakra, right?”

“I went to see the Yondaime’s son, and the Bagua seal on his belly only contained half of Kyuubi’s Yang Release chakra.”

“I’m very curious about how you were able to get half of the Kyuubi’s Yin escape chakra from the Yondaime couple on the night of the Kyuubi Rebellion.”

Orochimaru asked Yusuke with interest as his eyes stared intensely at the Ryosuke Seal on the left side of Yusuke’s chest.

At this time, the Liangyi curse seal has become very clear because the nine tails have been sealed, and it is not as dim as when the curse seal was just generated.

Seeing that his secret had been discovered by Orochimaru, Yusuke said slowly: “It’s just a coincidence. Are you going to tell the Third Generation about this?”

Orochimaru laughed, his hoarse voice making people very uncomfortable.

“Lord Orochimaru, please keep your voice down. Your experiments have been making too much noise recently. I don’t want anyone to find out that I have close contact with you now.” Yusuke said calmly.

After stopping his scary laughter, Orochimaru looked at Yusuke and said, “Yusuke-kun, this is not a place for people like us!”

“How many talented people have been bound by the so-called will of fire and the so-called fetters?”

“Come with me and leave the village. I now have a very suitable base. I believe that by working together to develop forbidden techniques, we will be able to escape the realm of ordinary ninjas and reach the extraordinary realm!”

As Orochimaru spoke, he opened his hands as if looking into the future.

“Of course, don’t worry. With your strength and talent, you will not be my subordinate. Our status is completely equal!”

Orochimaru looked at Yusuke sincerely, waiting for Yusuke’s answer.

“Sorry, I have no intention of leaving the village.” Yusuke decisively refused without considering Orochimaru’s proposal.

Yusuke had no idea that Orochimaru was looking for him this time to invite him to defect from the village.

Although Orochimaru’s invitation was very sincere and based on equal status, Yusuke still had too many people in the village that he couldn’t let go of, and it was impossible for him to just leave on his own.

Hearing Yusuke’s answer, Orochimaru looked very disappointed: “Yusuke-kun, are you sure you can’t avoid the entanglements of the world?”

“With you like this, your strength may only stop here.”

“A person’s caliber determines the height he can reach!”

Following the words, Orochimaru’s body gradually turned into a phantom and slowly disappeared into the air.

“Yusuke-kun, I will stay in Konoha for a while. If you change your mind, it’s still too late!”

Yusuke looked at the place where Orochimaru disappeared and shook his head, turned around and walked slowly towards the direction of the Uchiha clan’s residence.

“If I didn’t have any bonds, maybe I would really cooperate with Orochimaru and pursue the purest power, right?”

Yusuke couldn’t help but think to himself.

Three months passed in a flash.

After Yusuke defeated Shisui in the previous competition, his reputation in the Uchiha clan reached its peak. After all, the ninja world is a world where strength speaks for itself. Many tribesmen who were originally dissatisfied with Yusuke have become respectful to Yusuke during this time.

At the same time, the title of ‘Entachi’ was well known in Konoha. In the battle with Shisui, many people in Konoha watched the battle, and Yusuke’s strength was also rumored to be miraculous.

As for Shisui, who was defeated by Yusuke, his reputation also continued to grow. Shisui also showed nearly shadow-level combat power in this competition. Although he was defeated by Yusuke, no one would regard him as a weakling.

The Uchiha clan, with two masters of ‘Entachi’ and ‘Shunshen Shisui’, has regained a lot of its reputation that has declined in recent years, but at the same time, it also makes the major ninja families very wary.

During this period, nothing major happened in Konoha Village. The villagers were busy rebuilding the village.

The only big news is that Jiraiya, one of the three ninjas, has returned to the village to take charge, which gives the villagers who have just suffered the disaster of the Nine-Tails Rebellion a lot of peace of mind.

Konoha Hospital, the ward where the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato is located.

Jiraiya looked at the unconscious disciple lying on the bed, but he was blaming himself in his heart.

“If only I had been in Konoha Village at that time, Minato would not have been under such great pressure and ended up like this.” Jiraiya sighed.

“Jiraiya-sama, this is not your fault. No one would have expected that Kyuubi would suddenly attack the village.” Next to Jiraiya, Kakashi comforted him.

“I hope we can find Tsunade as soon as possible. If she is here, she will definitely be able to revive Minato. Only when Minato wakes up can we know what happened that night.”

Hearing Jiraiya’s words, Kakashi frowned: “Are you saying that there is something hidden about what happened that night?”

Jiraiya nodded affirmatively: “Not bad!”

“With the strength of Minato and Kushina, it’s impossible that they can’t deal with a Kyuubi. This matter won’t be that simple!”

Jiraiya analyzed with a serious face.

After the two of them talked about Minato’s injury, Kakashi asked: “By the way, Master Jiraiya, the fourth generation’s child was given to the orphanage for raising by the third generation. Do you want to go and see it?”

“Naruto?” Jiraiya raised the corners of his mouth slightly: “Of course I want to see him. Let’s set off now.”

“Huh? Is this book yours, Lord Jiraiya?”

Just as he was about to leave, Kakashi noticed a book with a pink cover on the cabinet next to the Yondaime’s bed.

Jiraiya smiled proudly: “I wrote this book myself, and I just finished the first volume! I give this one to you. I believe that as a real man, you will like it!”

Kakashi thanked him, picked up the book and read it. The words ‘Intimate Paradise’ printed on the cover caught Kakashi’s eyes.

“It looks like a book full of warmth!” Kakashi thought to himself and put the book into his ninja vest.

“By the way, Lord Jiraiya, there are some things I want to ask you about in terms of cultivation. It’s about my Sharingan.”

“Okay, let’s talk while we walk.”

Soon after Jiraiya returned to the village, it was time for the new ninja school to start. Izumi and Itachi were both old enough to enter the ninja school.

Although Kabuto was two years older than the two of them, Yusuke also asked him to sign up and apply for graduation in advance after a period of time. He could also be regarded as a genin following the official process of the village.

On the first day of school, many people gathered at the entrance of Ninja School. In addition to the newly admitted students, there were even more parents who accompanied the new students.

Because Izumi and Itachi entered school at the same time, Yusuke, Uchiha Hazuki, and Uchiha Fugaku and his wife all came to the scene.

Looking at Izumi standing among a group of children, Yusuke couldn’t help but sigh and said: “Koizumi is going to grow up slowly.”

Uchiha Hazuki, who was next to Yusuke, smiled and said: “You kid, you look at your sister like an old father looking at his daughter.”

Although Yusuke is just fifteen years old now, he is a time traveler, and his actual mental age is older than his current mother, Uchiha Hazuki.

Over the years, hasn’t Yusuke doted on Izumi like an old father doting on his daughter?

Yusuke smiled: “As the saying goes, an elder brother is like a father. Is there anything strange about this?”

At the entrance ceremony, the third generation Hokage gave a speech in person, telling the history of Konoha Village and the glorious deeds of the previous Hokage, and focusing on promoting the will of fire. When the third generation finished speaking, the entrance ceremony was completed.

The newly admitted students officially started the most basic ninja courses, and parents also left the ninja school one after another.

Six months after enrolling, Izumi, Itachi and Kabuto all applied for early graduation. Because the three of them have been practicing with Yusuke for a long time, they have all met the requirements for early graduation.

Among them, Izumi and Kabuto stayed with Yusuke to continue their training. Izumi Yusuke was worried about her going out to perform tasks; Kabuto was Yusuke’s best assistant in developing ninjutsu. Although he was still young, he could already provide a lot of help to Yusuke. .

As for Itachi, he wanted to be able to practice some practical tasks, so he joined a standard four-person ninja team.

The leader of the team is Jounin Minazuki Yuki. In addition to Itachi, there are two genin who are two terms senior to him, Izumo Tenma and Inari Shinko.

Itachi performed many missions in this team. Although he did not integrate into the team at first, as the number of missions increased and the difficulty of the missions continued to increase, Itachi and the other three teammates in the team became more and more cooperative. There was a tacit understanding and everyone became friends.

However, the good times did not last long. During a security mission, Itachi’s team was attacked by a mysterious man. The leading ninja Minazuki Yuki and the genin Izumo Tenma were killed, and the genin Inari Shinko was seriously injured.

The mysterious man didn’t seem to have any intention of harming Itachi, who was only slightly injured in this battle. The death of the captain and teammates stimulated Itachi’s spirit and allowed him to successfully activate the Sharingan.

Standing in front of the graves of his captain and teammates, Itachi once again thought about the meaning of life.

When he just returned to his clan after his mission failed, his father didn’t care about the death of his teammates, but only praised him for opening the Sharingan at a young age.

At this moment, Itachi felt very depressed.

“Itachi, I didn’t expect that at this age, you would have to face the grief of the death of your comrades.”

Along with a sigh, a voice sounded behind Itachi.

Hearing this familiar voice, Itachi turned to look at the person.

“Teacher, why are you here?”

Yusuke stepped forward, touched Itachi’s head, and said with a smile: “You’re a good kid, but you’re too sentimental and have too many things to think about.”

“Teacher, did any of your friends die on the battlefield?” Itachi looked up at Yusuke.

“Of course, I saw too much, sensei, during the Third Ninja War. I was numb, but not touched at all.” Yusuke looked into the distance, as if he was nostalgic for the past.

Yusuke comforted: “It’s useless to be sentimental. Cherish the people in front of you and work hard to make yourself stronger. Only then will you be able to change your destiny.”

After hearing Yusuke’s words, Itachi was silent for a long time, and suddenly asked Yusuke: “Teacher, which one do you think is more important, the village or the family?”

“I thought you would always keep this question in your mind.”

Yusuke smiled and found a stone step next to him to sit down. She waved to Itachi and motioned for him to sit next to her.

“So Itachi, which one do you think is more important?”

Itachi hesitated for a moment and replied: “In my opinion, the village should be more important.”

Yusuke was not surprised by Itachi’s answer. In the original work, Itachi chose to eliminate his family for the sake of the village.

“If one day there were extremely serious and irreconcilable differences between the village and the family, would you sacrifice the entire family for the sake of the village?”

Hearing Yusuke’s question, Itachi was stunned. He didn’t know what choice he would make at that time.

Patting Itachi on the shoulder, Yusuke asked with a smile: “Have you ever heard of the ‘Railway Problem’?”

“Track problem?”

Conventionally thank you all for your support! ! There are still 33 days until the author starts double updates!


I found that many readers are very disgusted with the word “wry smile”. . . Yesterday, the author smiled bitterly while editing all the places where the protagonist smiled bitterly. . .



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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