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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 32 Orochimaru’s defection

When Yusuke mentioned the term ‘railway problem’, Itachi shook his head and said he had never heard of it.

(Special note here, there are trains in the world of Naruto!!)

“On one railway track, five people are tied up; on a branch track of this railway track, one person is tied up. At this time, a train is passing quickly, and you are holding the lever in your hand to change the train’s track.”

“Then, will you choose to pull the lever and trade the life of one person for the lives of these five people?”

Yusuke slowly told about the famous ‘railway problem’ in his previous life.

Although Itachi hasn’t answered yet, Yusuke has roughly guessed what choice Itachi will make.

Itachi just thought for a moment before replying: “I will pull the lever!”

Yusuke nodded and continued to ask: “Then if there are five people with heart, liver, spleen, lung and kidney problems, they can survive as long as they can be replaced with healthy organs. And at this time, a healthy person appears.”

“Would you choose to kill this healthy man and exchange his healthy heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys for these five people?”

Hearing Yusuke’s question, Itachi shook his head: “No.”

Just after answering, Itachi looked at Yusuke’s half-smiling expression, as if he understood something, but he still couldn’t grasp the key point.

“Teacher, your two questions make me even more confused about how to make a choice.” Itachi’s eyes became confused.

“The value of life cannot be measured purely by quantity. You have no right to take away the life of another person for the sake of five people!” Yusuke said slowly.

“As for the conflict between the village and the family, it should not be just because the village is large and the family is small, so the family should be sacrificed to improve the village.”

“The family may not be wrong, and the village may not be right.”

“If the village’s strategy against the Uchiha clan is wrong, shouldn’t we also compromise?”

Facing Yusuke’s question, Itachi didn’t know how to answer. He was silent for a moment and asked: “But Shisui said that familyism is narrow-minded! If all the families in Konoha are selfish and do not consider the village, then What about the village?”

Hearing Itachi’s words, Yusuke sneered.

“The so-called narrowness is just Shisui’s value measured simply by quantity!”

“If familialism is narrow-minded to the village, then isn’t village supremacy also narrow-minded to the entire shinobi world?”

“If one day, sacrificing our Konoha Village can save the other four great ninja villages, will you do it?”

“I believe you are a smart child and can definitely figure out what we should really protect! See your position clearly and don’t let down the people who really care about you!”

“I’m not asking you to choose between the village and the family, I just want you to think clearly. Don’t take it for granted that the family should make sacrifices for the village just because the village is above the family!”

Having said all that needed to be said, Yusuke patted Itachi on the shoulder and stood up to leave. Itachi was left alone to think, still having a fierce ideological struggle.

In the next few days, Yusuke didn’t see Itachi.

At this time, several of Yusuke’s disciples already have a good foundation, and their practice no longer requires Yusuke’s step-by-step guidance like at the beginning, so they no longer train together at a fixed time and place.

Kabuto was raised as a scientific otaku by Yusuke, and he was obsessed with developing and experimenting with ninjutsu all day long. Izumi, who admired her brother, learned how to use a sword from Yusuke and began to practice Uchiha-style swordsmanship.

At this time, at the training ground of the Uchiha clan, Izumi, who had finished performing a set of swordsmanship, asked Yusuke expectantly: “Brother, what do you think of my current swordsmanship?”

“Yes, I have reached the chunin level.” Yusuke nodded.

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Izumi said dissatisfied: “What? You’re only at the chuunin level.”

“You girl, you want to fly before you have a good journey.” Yusuke shook his head and smiled.

At this moment, Itachi also came to the training ground and walked towards the two of them.

Looking at Itachi’s clear and firm eyes, Yusuke knew that he had figured it out.

“Teacher, I have thought clearly about what you said a few days ago!” Itachi looked at Yusuke and said seriously.

“Then what are you going to do next?” Yusuke asked.

“I will practice hard to make myself strong enough to change the family and the village.”

“If I didn’t have that kind of talent, I would do my best to protect my family and the important people around me!”

Itachi said firmly.

As he finished speaking, Itachi looked at Izumi aside.

For the first time, Izumi lowered her head shyly, with a blush rising on her cheeks.

“You are worthy of being my disciple, Itachi, I believe you can do it!” Yusuke was also very pleased at this time.

Yusuke couldn’t figure out the thoughts of Itachi, his disciple. Although I wanted to chat with him about the village and family, I never had the opportunity.

Now that Itachi could be made to give up the dangerous idea of ​​sacrificing his family to save the village, Yusuke was relieved of his worries.

Letting Itachi continue to practice swordsmanship with Izumi, Yusuke returned to his laboratory. This laboratory was specially requested by Yusuke and Uchiha Fugaku in the family residence, specifically for themselves and Kabuto.

After Yusuke and Orochimaru worked together to complete the ‘Ryōki Curse Seal’, he had been considering developing the ‘Reverse Ryōki Curse Seal’, a curse seal specifically used to seal Yang Escape Chakra.

The Liangyi Curse Seal is based on pillar cells and uses its powerful yang escape power to seal the yin escape power; while the reverse two rites curse seal requires materials with strong yin escape power as the basis to seal the yang escape. strength.

“If the cells between pillars represent the ultimate in yang escape power, then what is the corresponding material that represents the ultimate in yin escape power?”

“Could it be Madara’s soul fragment? Where can I get it?”

Although he had the theoretical method, Yusuke still had no idea about the material that represented the ultimate power of Yin Escape.

After conducting various experiments with Kabuto, no suitable solution was found. Although some curse seals have been developed, they have never been able to reach a level sufficient to seal Tailed Beast level Yang Release Chakra.

Time flies and another two months have passed. While Yusuke was busy developing the curse seal, another major event happened in Konoha – Orochimaru, one of the three ninjas, defected from the village!

Because in this life there is Yusuke, an academic friend who can exchange ninjutsu, Orochimaru is much stronger than in the original work.

Not only was he not injured by the third generation detonating talisman as in the original work, but during the defection process, he also seriously injured Jiraiya, who was also one of the three ninjas.

After Jiraiya recovered from his injuries, he resolutely left the village to search for Orochimaru, regardless of the Third Hokage’s persuasion to stay, hoping to bring Orochimaru back to the village.

At this point, all the three ninjas have left the Leaf Village, and the era of the three ninjas in Konoha has officially come to an end!

Shortly after this, Konoha’s top brass received an invitation letter from the alliance’s Sunagakure Village.

Hokage Building, Third Generation Office.

Yusuke was standing in front of the desk of the Third Hokage with another Konoha Jonin, Shirakumo Hayama, listening to the contents of the upcoming mission.

“This time the Suna Ninja sent a letter inviting Konoha to take part in their Chuunin Exams.”

“As a strategic alliance, we should also send several teams to participate in this exam. It will not only maintain the friendly relations between the two villages, but also be an opportunity to show the strength of our Konoha genin.”

Looking at Yusuke and Baiyun Hayama in front of him, the third generation said slowly.

Baiyun Yeshan is a veteran elite jounin of Konoha Village. He has a ponytail and a scar on his right lip. He is good at using Konoha-style swordsmanship.

He is calm, meticulous, and has excellent commanding abilities. He was already active on the battlefield during the Second Ninja War and made many contributions to the Leaf Village.

“This time we in Konoha have selected six elite genin to form two teams. We will invite two of them to serve as guidance genin and lead the team to Sunagakure Village to participate in the chunin exam.”

“Hayama, Yusuke, you two are both good jonins. You can also give more guidance to these elite genin this time and help them get good results in this chunin exam.”

After Sandai finished speaking, Hayama and Yusuke immediately agreed, saying that they would fulfill their mission.

Originally, the Third Generation wanted to arrange for two young Jonin, Yusuke and Kakashi, to show their faces in Sunagakure Village. In the current period when the village is at its weakest, allowing each shinobi village to see Konoha’s rising stars can also have a certain deterrent effect.

Unfortunately, Kakashi’s father, White Fang, had a lot of grudges against the Sand Ninja Village and was not suitable to send him there, so he could only arrange for other Jonin to replace Kakashi.

“Sandaime-sama, may I ask who are the genin who are participating in the chunin exam this time.” Yusuke asked the third generation.

Yusuke actually knew about this mission in advance. Because his disciple Itachi was also selected as one of the genin to participate in the chunin exam.

But what Yusuke didn’t expect was that he would lead the team to Sunagakure Village as a guiding jounin.

The Sandai whispered a few words to the assistant beside him, and the assistant quickly brought six genin from outside the office into the office.

Yusuke glanced at them and recognized the identities of most of them. Except for a brown-haired girl Yusuke whom I don’t recognize, the others are all named characters in the original work.

After the six genin came in, they all briefly introduced themselves. They are Gekko Hayate, Uazuki Yugao, Mizuki, Kurama Kyoko, Mitarashi Anko and Uchiha Itachi.

Kurama is a descendant family in Konoha Village who is very good at illusions. If this girl was chosen, she must be good at illusions.

But what surprised Yuji was that Mizuki, a parallel importer, was also selected. Could it be that the butterfly effect of his time traveling improved Mizuki’s strength?

These six genin are not very old, Itachi is just seven years old, and the oldest Mizuki is only thirteen years old. At this time, everyone except Hongdou seemed very excited.

Because of Orochimaru’s defection, Anko at this period was not as full of energy as when Yusuke saw him before, but had a gloomy look on his face.

After Orochimaru defected, Anko was detained. After many rounds of interrogations, she was freed only after it was determined that she was not involved with Orochimaru, but she also changed from a rising star to an ordinary genin.

And Orochimaru, whom she trusted and admired the most, abandoned her and defected from Konoha alone, which deeply affected her and she couldn’t let it go for a long time.

Looking at the six genin lined up in a row, the third generation said slowly to Shirayun Hayama and Yusuke: “They are all good players selected from the genin. You can choose freely to form two teams.”

After Sandai finished speaking, he left the rest to Yusuke and the others.

Bai Yunhaishan looked at the six genin and said to Yusuke: “These children seem to admire you. It’s better for you to choose first, so that they won’t blame me later.”

Because Yusuke was already famous at a young age at this time, he was also a well-known genius ninja in the entire ninja world. Among the several genin, except Anko, who kept his head down, the other genin looked at Yusuke with more or less admiration in their eyes.

Yusuke smiled: “Hayama-senpai, your words make me feel ashamed.”

“But since you, senior, are so humble, then junior, it is better to be respectful than to obey.”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! There are still 32 days until the author Jun Shuang updates!


I ran out of all the manuscripts I saved last Sunday. I got liver disease after get off work today. I’m worried! (°D°)

Regarding the suggestions from readers, Iruka is indeed not suitable for selection, so some adjustments will be made here.

Originally, the author wanted to use a named character, but he couldn’t find anyone from the same period, so he made up a person from the Kurama family!


The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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