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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 33 Itachi vs Hongdou

Hearing that Yusuke would be the first to make the selection, among the several genin present, except for Anko, who kept his head down, they all showed expectant looks.

At this moment, Yusuke keenly noticed that although Anko lowered her head, the corners of her eyes secretly turned towards him from time to time.

“Itachi.” Yusuke named the first member of his team.

As Yusuke’s disciple, there is no doubt that Itachi will have a spot.

After looking at the remaining ninjas, Yusuke began to think.

He was already ready to choose Anko into his team, and Yusuke, the childhood sweethearts of Moonlight Hayate and Uazuki Yuugao, did not intend to break up, but Mizuki really made him uninterested.

“Kurama Kyoko.”

After hearing Yusuke call out the second name, Anko’s shoulders shook unconsciously.

In her heart, she hopes to be selected into Yusuke’s team. Although she didn’t seem to deal with Yusuke very well when she met him before, she still regarded Yusuke as one of her few friends.

“Why didn’t he choose me? Does it mean that he doesn’t want to have anything to do with me because of Lord Orochimaru’s defection?”

Hongdou couldn’t help but secretly thought, and subconsciously clenched his two small fists tightly.

“red beans.”

At this moment, Yusuke announced Anko’s name.

After all, Anko was still a child at this stage. When she heard that Yusuke finally chose her, she immediately raised her head and looked at Yusuke, with happiness that could not be concealed on her face.

However, when he looked up and saw Yusuke’s half-smiling expression, he immediately guessed that Yusuke chose her last and wanted to tease her, so he suppressed his happy expression angrily.

After Yusuke made his choice, the remaining three genin automatically joined Baiyun Yeshan’s team.

After leaving the Hokage Building, Yusuke brought Itachi, Anko and Kurama Kyoko to the training ground, preparing for everyone to introduce themselves first.

This is an essential part when a new team is formed. Although Yusuke is relatively familiar with Itachi and Anko, with the addition of Kurama Kyoko, they still need to get to know each other better so that the team can work together in the future.

“During the Chuunin Exams, I will be your instructor Jonin. I know both Itachi and Anko, but since Kyoko is here, let’s all introduce ourselves.”

“Uchiha Yusuke, a Jonin, is good at Ninjutsu, Taijutsu and Genjutsu.”

Hearing Yusuke’s self-introduction, Itachi looked calm; Anko curled her lips to express disapproval; and Kurama Kyoko showed a very admiring expression.

Yusuke turned to look at Kyoko, nodded and smiled.

But unexpectedly, Kyoko, who originally showed great admiration for her, took two steps back as if she was frightened, with a look of fear on her face.

“Uh~” Yusuke’s smile froze on his face.

“What’s going on? Am I scary when I smile?”

Kurama Kyoko’s performance hit Yusuke, who had a good self-esteem and image, deeply, and he couldn’t help but secretly doubt himself.

“Pfft~” Anko laughed out loud when she saw Yusuke shriveled up at the side. Then Hongdou realized that this was inconsistent with the melancholic temperament she had maintained recently, and immediately readjusted her expression and became straight again.

“I am Itachi Uchiha. I am seven years old this year. I am a disciple of Master Yusuke. I am currently a genin, and I can also use ninjutsu, taijutsu and genjutsu a bit. Please give me your advice in the future.” Itachi helped the teacher out of trouble very considerately. , took the initiative to introduce himself.

“Anko Mitarashi, eleven years old, genin, good at ninjutsu and taijutsu. I like glutinous rice balls and red bean soup!” Anko introduced herself after Itachi, and also reported her favorite food.

Hearing that Anko also liked eating meatballs, Itachi glanced at the other person subconsciously.

After the three of them finished speaking, they all looked at Kurama Kyoko, who had not yet introduced herself.

Seeing that the three people’s eyes were focused on her, Kurama Kyoko suddenly turned purple and sat down on the ground in fright, with a little tear hanging from the corner of her eye.

Yusuke, Itachi and Anko looked at each other, wondering what was wrong with this girl.

“I’m sorry. My name is Kurama Kurama Kyoko. I’m eleven years old. I’m good at illusions.”

“Also, I’m more afraid of strangers. I’m really sorry!”

At this time, Kurama Kyoko struggled to stand up, then stammered, and bowed to the three of them to apologize.

After hearing Kyoko’s self-introduction, the three of them also understood why the other party was acting so strangely.

Yusuke shook his head helplessly. He didn’t expect that he would choose such a team member with a character defect.

Since she has such a big character flaw, she can be selected as a contestant to represent Konoha to participate in the Sunagakure Village Chunin Examination, then she should have extraordinary attainments in illusions, which makes Yusuke slightly excited.

“This Chunin Exam is both a test and a mission.”

“Since you have been selected to join my team, during the Chunin Examination period, you are both my students and my subordinates.”

“You must obey my orders 100%, otherwise, I will punish you according to the situation!”

At this time, Yusuke looked at the three genin with a straight face.


Seeing Yusuke become serious, the three of them answered seriously.

Even Anko, who usually talks back to Yusuke when she meets him, doesn’t dare to joke with Yusuke when he becomes serious.

Yusuke nodded with satisfaction, the expression on his face softened again, and he smiled and said: “Very good, it is not part of the mission now, everyone can relax a little.”

“We will leave for Suna Ninja Village in two days. Before that, I will take a look at your current strength so that I can give you some targeted guidance during this period.”

“Anko, Kyoko, you two will fight Itachi. Let me see your actual combat abilities.” Yusuke said to the three of them.

Yusuke is very confident in Itachi’s strength. You must know that Itachi in the original book is a ruthless man who can carry out the task of exterminating the clan at the age of thirteen. Although Obito was also cooperating with Itachi in massacring the Uchiha clan, it still cannot be denied that Itachi is very powerful.

But now that Itachi has Yusuke’s guidance, his strength is even better than in the original work. In Yusuke’s view, although Anko and Kyoko are much older than Itachi, they are still not Itachi’s opponents.

“You underestimate me too much! Look, I can take care of this little brat by myself!”

Anko was very dissatisfied with Yusuke’s contempt. She didn’t believe that as a Sannin disciple, she couldn’t even deal with a seven-year-old kid.

“Kyoko, don’t take action, it’s up to me!” Anko ordered Kurama Kyoko beside her.

“Okay, please be careful.” Kurama Kyoko replied softly.

After hearing Anko’s words, Itachi remained calm and seemed not to care.

However, Yusuke noticed that Itachi’s eyebrows twitched unconsciously. It can be seen that Itachi is not very satisfied with the term ‘little brat’.

After Itachi and Anko stood facing each other about ten meters apart, Yusuke announced the start of the competition.

“Latent Shadow Snake Hand!”

As soon as Yusuke’s voice fell, Anko took the initiative and used her most slippery Orochi-ryu ninjutsu.

I saw seven or eight light brown snakes stretching out from Anko’s sleeves and biting towards the spot in front of Itachi.

Facing these snakes, Itachi looked calm, but Kyoko, who was watching the battle next to Yusuke, turned pale with fear. Yusuke shook his head, wondering how such a weak girl could survive on the cruel battlefield of ninjas.

Itachi calmly jumped back and up, avoiding the attack of Anko’s latent snake hand. At the same time, he quickly formed seals with both hands, so fast that he almost caught up with Yusuke, who was a teacher.

Looking at Itachi’s seal, Yusuke nodded with satisfaction. Itachi had an extraordinary speed in forming seals in the original work. Now after Yusuke’s intensive training, he has this shocking ability to form seals in advance.

“Fire Release·Phoenix Immortal Fire Technique.”

The seal was completed almost instantly, and missiles composed of seven or eight chakra flames flew densely towards Anko’s location.

Anko was also startled by Itachi’s counterattack speed. She immediately retracted her latent snake hand and dodged the incoming fire missiles.

Just when Anko was concentrating on dodging, Itachi had already jumped to a nearby tree, his Sharingan opened in his eyes, and at the same time, he threw many kunai and shurikens into the sky around Anko.

Anko also noticed Itachi’s movements, but she didn’t understand Itachi’s purpose at all. These kunai and shurikens were far away from her, and their strength was insufficient and their speed was very slow. Even ordinary people, not to mention ninjas, could dodge them.

Just when Anko had just dodged all the fire missiles and rushed towards Itachi, Itachi threw a large number of kunai from his hand. It’s just that this time the kunai thrown by Itachi was extremely fast, and it caught up with the kunai and shuriken that had not yet landed in the air.

The original flight trajectories of those kunai and shurikens that magically changed after being hit by the newly thrown kunai by Itachi all moved towards Anko.

Seeing this, Anko hurriedly broke out and dodged, but the kunai and shurikens that surrounded her were all wrapped with extremely thin silk threads, wrapping around her body.

Although these threads are very thin and cannot be seen without looking carefully, they are very strong. Anko tried to use strength to break free, but to no avail.

“Not good!” Hongdou was shocked, and immediately took out a kunai to cut off the threads that entangled her.

However, the ferret on the tree did not intend to give her this opportunity. Holding the other end of the silk threads, he wrapped the threads around the thick branches, then jumped down from the tree, using the branches as a carrier, using his own weight He quickly tightened the silk thread, completely binding Anko, and half-hanging him on the branch.

“Asshole, put me down quickly, your methods are really despicable!”

Anko yelled angrily while shaking in the air, and her two legs that could still move were kicking in vain in the air.

Seeing Itachi’s performance, Yusuke couldn’t help but sigh that he was really a genius in fighting.

The whole battle lasted less than a minute, and without much expenditure, Hongdou, who was much larger than him, was neatly captured alive.

“I really look forward to Itachi growing up. If he walks on the right path in this life, he will surely reach an unimaginable height!”

Looking at his proud disciple with approval, Yusuke thought to himself.

At this time, Kurama Kyoko also had a confused look on her face. It was obvious that her brain was shut down by Itachi’s show, and she had no idea that kunai and shurikens could be played like this.

Looking at Anko, who was still hanging on the branch and struggling, Itachi said a faint word.

“Thank you for your advice, senior. Also, if Anko-senpai likes to eat meatballs, I recommend Tomoda’s three-color meatballs!”

Conventionally thank you all for your support! ! There are still 32 days until the author Jun Shuang’s update starts! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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