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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 338 The Battle of Shuangqiu (11)

Two large and small Liurenruohuo, which contained intense high-temperature flames, collided fiercely together, and a blast of flames spread into the sky and rushed towards the area around the two people.

The Shinigami who were watching nearby immediately stepped back when they saw this. Toshiro, who had woken up due to the high temperature, was very generous. Before avoiding the flames, he did not forget to pick up a man who was several times bigger than himself and was still in a coma. The Komamura left formation.

After the flames exploded, the stone ground hundreds of meters away was completely melted by the high temperature and turned into a sheet of rolling magma.

Yusuke controlled Susanoo and Yamamoto Genryusai to engage in another stalemate in the magma.

On the other side, the battle between Ichigo and Miroku also entered a fierce stage. At this time, there were only two black figures constantly intersecting, accompanied by the sound of collisions of swords.

The strength of the two is almost the same, Miroku is slightly faster, but Ichigo’s spiritual pressure is stronger.

But under this high-intensity fighting, Ichigo gradually felt something was wrong.

At this time, the ability he activated was already a swastika, and it could not be used continuously for too long.

The other party was only using the initial ability, and he had not shown any signs of fatigue until now. Obviously, he would be the one who failed if he continued to use it up.

Realizing that his condition could only last for about a minute at most, Ichigo decided to adopt a lose-lose strategy, using himself as a bait to attract the opponent’s attack, thereby taking the opportunity to find a flaw and defeat the opponent with one blow!

With his attention fixed in his mind, Ichigo no longer dodges during the battle.

Facing Maitreya’s attack, he just attacked the opponent’s vital points in the same way, with a completely desperate attitude.

Miroku naturally noticed the change in Ichigo’s fighting style.

However, he still had some energy left and had no intention of dying with Ichigo, and he had a lot of scruples when he took action.

Just then Miroku discovered that Ichigo’s speed had slowed down. On the one hand, it was because Ichigo could no longer maintain his swastika state, and on the other hand, it was because Ichigo had deliberately sold a flaw!

Miroku, who saw the opportunity, did not hesitate, and instinctively slashed at Ichigo’s unprepared chest with his sword, causing a piece of bright red blood to float in the air.

Ichigo endured the severe pain, grabbed Miroku’s blade with his left hand, and used his special move under Miroku’s surprised gaze.

“Crescent Moon Chong!”

In this form, Ichigo’s Getsuga Tensho is a black Getsuga Tensho, and its power is much stronger than the ordinary Getsuga Tenshou.

If Maitreya, whose defense is not strong, is hit by this move, he will be seriously injured even if he is not dead.

At this critical moment, Maitreya could no longer retain his strength and immediately activated his swastika ability.

“Swastika Prajna of Demonic Resentment!”

I saw two lines of blood and tears on Maitreya’s originally weird smiling face. There were two lines of blood and tears in his hanging eyes. There was an ancient miter on his head, and the blurry double image on his body made it even more elusive.

After the completion of the swastika, a powerful black spiritual pressure burst out from his body, and his speed increased again.

A shadow flashed across his body like a ghost, and Miroku, who seemed not to move from the spot, just avoided Ichigo’s sure-kill Getsuga Tensho.

To outsiders, Ichigo’s black crescent slash seemed to have passed directly through Miroku’s body!

The enemy’s spiritual pressure fluctuations during the attack on Getsuga Sky did not appear as expected. Ichigo knew that his plan had failed, and the smile he had shown when his original plan succeeded froze on his face.

Because the Getsuga Tenshu strike just now consumed Ichigo’s remaining spiritual power, his swastika state could no longer be maintained at this moment. The black dress-like attire on his body disappeared and he transformed back into his original Death Tyrant. Pack.

After the swastika was released, Miroku had no intention of stopping the attack. He disappeared directly in front of Ichigo’s eyes like a ghost, with an awe-inspiring murderous intent flashing in his strange eyes.

“Purgatory Slash 2 Style: Goug out the heart!”

The long black sword entwined with gloomy energy in his hand stabbed Ichigo’s heart directly from behind. As long as he was stabbed by Miroku, Ichigo’s heart would be dug out directly.

In this life-and-death moment, Ichigo’s mind actually sank into his own spiritual world.

I don’t know what method Zangetsu and Xu Bai used. The proportion of time in the spiritual world is completely different from that in the outside world. For Ichigo, everything in the outside world seems to have stopped at this time.

On countless tall buildings suspended in the void, Ichigo’s extremely disgusted Xu Bai appeared in front of him.

Looking at Xubai, who looked exactly like him but had a strange white glow all over his body, Ichigo said coldly: “It’s you again, what do you want to do?”

Xubai cracked his mouth and smiled: “Ichigo, do you know that the next moment will be your death?”

Ichigo was stunned when he heard this, thinking of his enemy Miroku who had just escaped his attack and disappeared in front of him.

If Xu Bai in front of him said it, the opponent’s enemy might have already launched a fatal attack on him.

“Lend me your power. If I’m not wrong, if I die, you probably won’t survive either!” Ichigo looked at Xubai and said.

The situation at this time was extremely critical. Even though he hated Xu Bai very much, he would not refuse Xu Bai’s power.

Hearing Ichigo’s words, Xu Bai laughed loudly: “Ichigo, even if a weakling like you gets my power, you can’t defeat the enemies outside! As for the only way in front of you, let me out. , let me deal with him!”

Ichigo said coldly: “I can’t trust you!”

Xu Bai instantly appeared in front of Ichigo, his pale and strange face almost touching Ichigo’s face.

There was a dangerous light in his eyes, and he slowly said: “Ichigo, although the flow of time here is much slower than the outside world, the outside world is not in a state of absolute stillness. What to do next is up to you. think about it!”

After saying that, Xubai disappeared from Ichigo’s eyes.

Xubai clearly knew that Ichigo was now shouldering the responsibility of rescuing his companions. If he were to gamble his life, Ichigo would not have the bargaining chip to compete with him.

As expected, Ichigo didn’t think for too long. At this moment, he had no choice but to relax and give control of his body to Xu Bai.

At the moment when the tip of Miroku’s sword touched the skin of Ichigo’s back, Ichigo re-exploded the spiritual pressure he had just released from the swastika. At this time, his spiritual pressure was no longer pure black, but It is mixed with a dark red power.

Because of the impact of this spiritual pressure, Miroku was not able to stab Ichigo, but quickly retreated to distance himself from the opponent.

“How is it possible? He must have exhausted his spiritual power!”

Looking at the figure surrounded by a large amount of black and dark red spiritual energy, Maitreya wondered in his heart.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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