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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 340 The Battle of Shuangqiu (12)

“Captain Yamamoto, now that Aizen has recaptured Rukia, do you think he will hand her over to you and continue to execute the double execution?” Yusuke smiled and asked Yamamoto Genryusai in front of him.

Aizen is a very arrogant person. It is precisely because of his arrogance that he chose to use the method of double execution instead of directly using the method obtained from the Great Spirit Book Corridor to remove the bengyu from Rukia’s body.

Because in addition to getting Bengyu, he wanted to use this method to mock the gods of death who were being toyed with by him!

However, his pride stemmed from his control of the situation. At this time, Urahara Kisuke and Yusuke revealed that he was the mastermind behind the Death God’s Hollow Experiment. Even though there was no evidence, Yamamoto Genryusai had lost trust in him.

Under this situation, Aizen will naturally not hand over Rukia to the Gotei 13, but will prepare to directly remove the Honyu from Rukia’s body.

After hearing Yusuke’s words, Yamamoto Genryusai also temporarily stopped his offensive and turned to look at Aizen not far away.

At this time, Aizen still had a gentle smile on his face, and his eyes were looking straight at Rukia in front of him.

“Kuchiki Rukia, do you know why you were able to suddenly regain your spiritual power just now.” Aizen said slowly.

Rukia was stunned when she heard this. In fact, even she herself didn’t know this.

Aizen’s right hand pressed on Rukia’s shoulder, and his left hand took out a gem that exuded a faint blue light.

The gem in Aizen’s hand is naturally the Honyu, but it is not the Honyu taken out of Rukia’s body, but the one he created with the soul of the Shinigami.

Since Yusuke had replaced the original correct method of removing the Honyu from the soul in advance in the Great Soul Book Corridor, Aizen thought that he could use his own Honyu to attract the Honyu from Rukia’s body.

Looking at Lucia who was stunned, Aizen said slowly: “In your soul, there is a divine object similar to the one in my hand, and their name is “Hengyu”. Because of the power of Bengyu, you have evolved. What you just did not actually recover your spiritual power, but increase your spiritual power! “

Hearing Aizen’s explanation and seeing the lustful light in his eyes, Rukia guessed that Aizen in front of her did not want to hand him over to the Gotei 13, but for the so-called Honyu in his body. .

“So you want to take out the Bengyu from my body?” Lucia said coldly.

Aizen nodded: “Yes. Originally, I wanted to use the power of double death to separate Bengyu from your soul, but now it seems that there is no such chance. But fortunately, I got other There is a way to take out the Bengyu, and the key to that method is the Bengyu in my hand.”

“Captains, this piece of jade in Aizen’s hand was made by collecting countless souls. Some of these souls came from Rukongai, and many of them came from the Shinigami of Seireitei! One hundred and ten years The real mastermind behind the previous soul disappearance incident is actually Aizen!” Urahara Kisuke said loudly as Ichimaru Gin stopped him in front of him.

Toushiro on the side asked Urahara Kisuke: “If what you said is true, then why is there another broken jade in Rukia Kuchiki’s body?”

Urahara Kisuke continued to explain: “The Honyu in Rukia’s body was made by me. However, the material I used was not the soul of the Shinigami, but the Hollow wandering in Soul Society and the real world.”

Then Urahara Kisuke told why he hid the jade in Rukia’s body, and why Rukia’s spiritual power was so weak.

“Rukia, I’m sorry, all the disasters you encountered happened because of this broken jade. Otherwise, Aizen wouldn’t have been able to secretly push Room 46 to issue an order to execute you.” explained. After everything was done, Urahara Kisuke apologized to Rukia.

“It turns out that all this was caused by you, you bastard!” Byakuya Kuchiki, who had regained consciousness and was covered with bandages, looked at Urahara Kisuke with a murderous look in his eyes.

Regarding Urahara Kisuke’s words, Aizen did not refute and seemed to acquiesce in everything.

After the truth was revealed, everyone realized that Aizen was the one who had hidden the most.

The corners of Aizen’s mouth curled up slightly. Although the development of the matter did not follow his initial words, at least the target was in his hands.

Slowly taking off the glasses on his face, Aizen pushed his hair back with his hands that seemed to be coated with hair gel. His temperament immediately changed drastically.

The original Aizen was weak and gentle, and was extremely inconspicuous among the captains.

But at this moment, he was handsome and exuding a sense of domineering, as if he was the center of the world, making people involuntarily focus on him.

“Kuchiki Rukia, your mission in existence is to bring Bengyu to me, so as to witness an existence that can truly transcend the world!”

Having said this, Aizen turned to look at Yusuke who was not far away.

“Uchiha Yusuke, the reason why I was able to obtain the Honyu so smoothly is really thanks to your help. If you hadn’t been able to stop Captain Yamamoto, then I might have had to work harder.” Aizen said with a smile. .

At this time, Aizen seemed calm and calm, as if everything was under his control.

Yusuke smiled and said, “Maybe I should thank you.”

As for Yusuke’s words, Aizen thought they were just Yusuke’s words to save face and didn’t pay too much attention to them.

Aiming the Bengyu in his hand at Lucia’s chest, Aizen mobilized the spiritual pressure in his body and began to guide the power of Bengyu, hoping to attract the Bengyu out of Lucia’s soul.

Apart from Yusuke and Aizen, Urahara Kisuke, the only one who knew the horror of Hondama, was extremely anxious, but Ichimaru Gin in front of him blocked him tightly, leaving him with no chance to stop Aizen.

One second, five seconds, and ten seconds passed, and the Honyu that Aizen expected was not drawn out of Rukia’s body.

Aizen: “······”

Just when Aizen was confused, a crow suddenly appeared out of nowhere and bit the jade in Aizen’s hand.

Aizen was shocked when he saw this, but he took precautions too early and immediately retracted his arm, avoiding the crow’s sneak attack.

“Uchiha Yusuke!?”

At this moment, Aizen saw the strange pair of eyes of the crow that were exactly the same as Yusuke’s. At this time, Aizen, who was far more alert than others, found that he seemed to be possessed by an illusion-type ability.

After just a moment of analysis, Aizen discovered that with this ability, his mental power seemed to be completely attracted to this crow!

Aizen, who had a bad secret, immediately restrained his mind and wanted to focus on the entire scene, but at this time it was already a step too late.

Aizen felt a sharp pain in his arm, and a severed arm holding a broken jade flew into the air, while Maitreya, whom he had always regarded as his right-hand man, directly took away the broken arm!

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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