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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 343 After the storm

After Yusuke and Aizen left Soul Society with their respective men, it didn’t take long for what happened at Shuangshou Hill to spread throughout Soul Society, causing huge waves.

This event, which shocked the entire Soul Society and will go down in history, was also called the “Battle of Shuangshuqiu” by everyone.

After this incident, the strength of the Gotei 13 once again hit rock bottom.

The captain of the third division, Yusuke Uchiha, the captain of the fifth division, Gin Ichimaru, the captain of the sixth division, Byakuya Kuchiki, the captain of the ninth division, Tosen Kaname, and the captain of the twelfth division, Sosuke Aizen, director of the Technology Development Bureau, all defected. There are as many as five captains, not counting the several vice-captains or chief officers who follow them.

In addition to the loss of strength of the captain and vice-captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, the Kuchiki clan even left Soul Society as a whole, directly turning the five major families in Soul Society into four major families. Compared with the original nearly annihilation, only the last member of the family could do it. The Tsunayashiro family has been inherited even more thoroughly.

However, in addition to the defection of many captains, what worried the Seireitei Shinigami the most was the information revealed by Yusuke and Aizen when they left, letting everyone know that the defection of these two people represented only the beginning.

What awaits Soul Society may be an even more brutal war!

However, the occurrence of this incident is not entirely a bad thing for Soul Society. It is even an opportunity for the Gotei Thirteen Team to reorganize and be able to compete with the Forty-sixth Chamber.

Because Urahara Kisuke told the story of the cause and effect of the soul disappearance incident a hundred and ten years ago, and Aizen also acquiesced in his crime, the defection crimes of Urahara Kisuke, Yoruichi, and Gribi Tessai were washed away.

If it had been when the Gotei 13 were strong, they might not have forgiven such an innocent defection so easily.

But at this moment when the Gotei 13 team is at its most empty, Yamamoto Genryusai will not pursue a few more people, but wants to re-absorb them into the Gotei 13 team, including those who are not part of the Gotei 13 team. The Gripping Tessai can return to the Ghost Daoist community.

However, it is a pity that Yoruichi has no interest in returning to the Gotei 13 and rejected the invitation of captain Genryusai Yamamoto.

Grizzly Tessai also gave up returning to the Ghost Daoists, but prepared to stay in the human world.

Only Urahara Kisuke, after a long conversation with Yamamoto Genryusai, decided to re-serve as the captain of the 12th Division and the director of the Technology Development Bureau.

This time, Urahara Kisuke wants to play against Yusuke and Aizen again as a chess player. And the chess pieces he has are the strength of the entire Gotei Thirteen Team.

The Gotei Thirteen lost almost half of their high-level strength, while the Central Room 46 was completely slaughtered by Aizen.

Room 46 has always restricted the power of the Gotei 13. This is a check and balance of power, but it is also a double-edged sword.

For the Gotei 13, who have been at a disadvantage in recent centuries, the reorganization of the forty-sixth chamber is a perfect opportunity for them to propose full reorganization to the Seireitei nobles.

Facing Yusuke and Aizen, two enemies whose power is not yet obvious, the Seireitei nobles also need to consider giving the Gotei Thirteen more autonomy so that they can respond to wars that may occur at any time.

Just when the distribution of power and power in Seireitei was undergoing earth-shaking changes, the power in Yusuke’s hands in Hueco Mundo was further supplemented.

In addition to Yuu and Miroku who returned to Xuye Palace, the entire Kuchiki family led by Byakuya Kuchiki also settled in Hueco Mundo.

Needless to say, the strength of the clan leader Byakuya Kuchiki, Rukia Rukia and Hibiki Kuchiki are both talented and have the potential to become captains.

And not only is Yusuke not ready to take out the Bengyu hidden in Lucia’s soul, but he is also ready to instruct Lucia to use the power of Bengyu.

In the near future, Rukia may even surpass her eldest brother Byakuya Kuchiki.

At this time, the lights in Xuye Palace were bright, and a lively banquet was being held. First, it was to celebrate that Yusuke, as the king, would stay in Xuye Palace forever and no longer need to travel to Soul Society.

The second is to celebrate the joining of the Kuchiki clan, which shows Xuye Palace’s welcoming attitude towards the Kuchiki clan, and also reassures the Kuchiki clan members who were originally a little wary.

In the banquet hall, Yusuke was still sitting high on the throne. Next to him and slightly below were his adjutants Yu and Miroku.

On the left side of the throne, the members of the Ten Blades sat in a row according to their ranking. The higher the ranking, the closer the seats were to the throne where Yusuke was.

On the right side of the throne are all the senior officials of the God of Death. Sitting at the front were Niryuuri and Kuchiki Byakuya, and behind them were the members of the Kyoniya Palace Women’s United Association, headed by Kusuka Yachiryu.

As for Zaraki Kenpachi, as the vice president of the Women’s United Association, he naturally sat with them.

In addition to the official members of Xuye Palace, many members of the Masked Legion were also invited, and their location was next to the Women’s United Association.

Now that Yusuke has left Seireitei, he is also preparing to release the Masked Legion from Hueco Mundo and let them find trouble for Aizen for him.

However, before they are released, Yusuke will of course prepare all the prerequisites to prevent them from uniting with Seireitei to oppose him again.

“I really didn’t expect that the Hollows here are all in human form. It seems that getting along with them is not as difficult as I thought before.” Kuchiki Kyouga, who was sitting behind Kuchiki Byakuya, said to Rukia next to him.

Rukia nodded silently when she heard this. At this time, she was still thinking about Ichigo and others who rescued him in Soul Society, and worried that they would still be convicted by Soul Society as a travel disaster and then imprisoned.

However, her worries at the moment were completely unnecessary. There were a large number of job vacancies in the Seireitei. All the Shinigami were busy, and no one cared about Ichigo and the others.

Besides, with the care of Kisuke Urahara, who has returned to the Gotei 13, Ichigo has agreed to help Seireitei guard Karakura Town as the acting Shinigami. It can be said that Ichigo is now a member of the Gotei 13.

Just when Lucia frowned and lowered her head in thought, a questionnaire was suddenly handed to her.

Lucia raised her head in confusion and saw a cute little girl with short pink hair standing in front of her.

“You are the new Shinigami, right? Welcome to the Kyoneye Palace Women’s United Association. I am the president of the association, Yachiru Kusuka!” the little girl said to Rukia with a smile.

Hearing the words ‘Women’s United Association’, Rukia couldn’t help but think of Seireitei’s ‘Female Shinigami Association’. She never expected that there would be a similar organization in Xuye Palace.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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