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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 348 Visitors from Hueco Mundo (1)

In this battle to rescue Rukia, Ishida Uryu did not activate the “Perfect Holy Body” and lose all the Quincy’s power like in the original work. Therefore, he did not enter the low ebb and hid alone. He was still with Ichigo. Several people get along very harmoniously

Under a big tree in the school, Ichigo, Uryū, Orihime and Sadatari were sitting together, discussing things about Rukia.

“Ichigo, what do you think will happen after Rukia is taken away by that person? Although he seems to want to protect Rukia just like Rukia’s eldest brother, but it is said that they are both in Hueco Mundo now, I think it is still I’m a little worried,” Yulong said.

After hearing Uryū’s words, Orihime and Sadatari looked very worried.

Ichigo also frowned, looking like he was still worried about being in Hueco Mundo Rukia.

“Uryū is right. Unless we see Rukia standing in front of us intact, we can’t think that she is safe now.” Ichigo said solemnly.

“Let’s go to Hueco Mundo!” Sadatari, who had been silent all this time, said in surprise.

The other three were not surprised when they heard this. They seemed to have been mentally prepared for it, showing expressions of unity.

Orihime even clenched her two fists and said “Yes” loudly with firm eyes.

After a brief silence, Uryū pushed up his glasses and slowly said, “Which way should I take to get to Hueco Mundo?”

After thinking hard for a while, they naturally had no clue based on their knowledge.

However, Ichigo’s mind was still clear, and he soon thought of Urahara Kisuke, who seemed to be omnipotent.

“Now that I am a Shinigami agent, I can contact people in Soul Society. I will try to find the store manager and ask him to provide a way to enter Hueco Mundo.” Ichigo said.

Several people nodded when they heard this. They also thought that Kisuke Urahara, who had all kinds of weird inventions, should be able to help them enter Hueco Mundo.

At this moment, they sensed a strange spiritual pressure coming from not far away.

This kind of spiritual pressure is very similar to that of Hollow, but it is hundreds of times stronger than Hollow.

Ichigo knew what must have happened and immediately rushed towards the place where the abnormal spiritual pressure appeared.

The other three people were also worried, so they followed Ichigo to the place where the reiatsu appeared.

In an open space in Karakura Town not far from Ichigo’s school, two figures wearing Kyonomiya uniforms were standing here.

Among the two figures, the figure standing in front is very thin and looks thinner than a normal person.

The other one is unusually strong and tall. Both his height and the muscles on his body are far beyond those of normal humans.

These two people were Urukiora and Yami who came to the world to capture Ishida Uryu under Yusuke’s orders, and their location was exactly where Ichigo and others had sensed abnormal spiritual pressure.

Although Yamimi is not a member of the Ten Blades and is now only serving as Urukiora’s lieutenant, he was still given the coaxing jade by Yusuke, possessing power far beyond that of ordinary Arrancars.

“Urquiorra, is this the real world? These guys around are really weak and scary. You see, I just released a little bit of spiritual pressure and knocked them out. If it happens again. To be serious, wouldn’t it mean that their souls would be completely shattered?” Yami said with a smile.

Urukiorra glanced at the human who fainted due to Yami’s spiritual pressure with an expressionless face, and said calmly: “Yami, put your spiritual pressure away. You should know that the king is not someone who is loyal to massacres. Weak people.”

Hearing this, Yami yelled: “I didn’t release my spiritual pressure just to kill the weak. Otherwise, with my spiritual pressure, these guys would have died long ago. The reason why I did this was to attract the target with my spiritual pressure.” The intelligence says that the guy we want to capture is a Quincy, and his spiritual pressure is also very good. If he senses it, we might fall into a trap.”

“I didn’t expect you to use your brain. It seems that your method is really good. I have sensed some guys with good spiritual power approaching us.” Urquiola said.

Yami’s eyes lit up and he said: “Urquiorra, let me deal with these guys. I was so depressed in Xuye Palace.”

It didn’t take long for the four of Ichigo to arrive in front of Ulquiorra and Yami.

Looking at the ordinary people lying on the ground in front of him, Ichigo took the Zanpakutō directly from his back and asked with an angry look: “Who are you, and why do you attack these ordinary people?”

In addition to Ichigo, Uryū, Orihime and Chado also assumed combat postures, looking at Ulquiorra and Yami in front of them with wary expressions.

Yami ignored Ichigo, but tilted his head and asked Urquiorra beside him: “Urquiorra, do you think this guy in front of you is the Quincy we are looking for?”

Urquiorra said: “Your spiritual pressure sensing ability must be trained well. You can’t even tell the difference between a Shinigami and a Quincy.”

Yami said indifferently: “You are here to sense things! He is not the Quincy, so can I kill him?”

Ulquiorra looked at Ichigo with calm eyes for a few seconds before slowly saying: “He cannot be killed.”

Urquiorra recognized Ichigo in front of him as the target that Yusuke had been paying attention to.

Although it is unclear why this Shinigami, who seems to have very ordinary spiritual pressure, deserves the king’s personal attention, he will not do anything to hinder the king’s plans.

Yami was dissatisfied: “What, that one needs to be captured alive, and the guy in front of you can’t be killed. Is our Xuye Palace a good temple?”

Ichigo and others were shocked when they heard the conversation between Ulquiorra and Yami.

From the words of the two, they knew that the other seemed to be looking for a Quincy, and that the two of them also came from a force called “Xuye Palace”.

Ichigo asked loudly: “You haven’t answered my question yet. Who are you and why are you looking for a Quincy?”

Ishida Uryū on the side finished condensing the spirit bow and arrow in his hand, and aimed the bow and arrow at the tall Yami.

“I am a Quincy, what do you want from me?” Yulong said coldly.

Seeing Uryū Ishida, Urquiora said calmly: “He is the target, take him back.”

“The mission is received, the rest is up to me, Uncle Yami!”

Yami laughed loudly and rushed towards Shi Yulong.

Powerful spiritual pressure emanated from Yami’s body, which actually made Uryū locked by this spiritual pressure feel unable to move.

“Orihime, please help move the surrounding civilians farther away first, and leave these two guys to us to deal with!”

Ichigo shouted to Orihime next to him while rushing towards Yami who had already killed him not far away.

It’s a new year starting tomorrow. I wish all my book friends and families good health and all the best! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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