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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 349 Visitors from Hueco Mundo (2)

Facing the fierce Yami who exuded terrifying spiritual pressure like a ferocious beast, Ishida Uryu and Ichigo unconsciously shed a drop of cold sweat on their foreheads.

The bow string in Ishida Uryū’s hand was loosened, and the sacred destruction composed of spirit seeds turned into a light blue stream of light and quickly shot towards Yami’s forehead.

Ichigo directly used his special move “Getsuga Tenshō”. The Zanpakuto drew a curved arc, and a crescent-shaped white sword light struck Yami’s chest.

Yami didn’t care about the attacks of Ichigo and Uryū, and still rushed towards Uryū with all his strength.

Just when Ichigo and others thought that the attack had hit the opponent and they could defeat the opponent, something incredible happened to them.

With a slight wave of his right hand, Yami smashed Ichigo’s Getsuga Tenshō.

As for Uryū’s divine destruction, Yami ignored it and allowed the sacred destruction to hit him in the head.

However, the Holy Destruction did not penetrate Yami’s head. It just erupted with a wave of spiritual energy and then disappeared. Not even a trace of scar was left on Yami’s head.


Yulong screamed in surprise, but because he thought his attack had succeeded just now, he did not make any further dodge movements.

In addition, he has been locked by Yami’s powerful spiritual pressure, and his movements are not as agile as usual. At this time, it is no longer possible to avoid Yami, who is about to rush in front of him.

At this time, Ichigo and Chado rushed towards Yami from both sides. The Zanpakutō in Ichigo’s hand slashed at Yami’s ribs, while Chad used his “giant’s right arm” in front of him. He wants to use his body as a shield to block the opponent.

However, due to the gap in spiritual pressure, Ichigo and Chado’s efforts were completely in vain.

Only two loud bangs were heard, and Ichigo was directly knocked away by Yami’s arm.

Chado even used his body to block the frontal impact of Ya Mi, which directly caused the bones of his arm to break. His body was violently impacted and he vomited blood and flew out.

Although Yami had the upper hand, Ulquiorra, who was watching the battle from the sidelines, frowned slightly.

Yami’s fighting style remained unchanged under his training. He still relied on his own spiritual pressure to block the enemy’s attacks, without making any judgment on the power of the enemy’s spiritual pressure.

Yami has always been negligent in sensing the strength of spiritual pressure. No matter how strong or weak the enemy’s attack is, he will only use his physical body to resist it.

These weak enemies in front of him don’t matter, but if he encounters an opponent with equal spiritual pressure, Yami will definitely be defeated by his own carelessness.

Yami laughed loudly, and after knocking Ichigo and Chad away, he directly stretched out his big hand like a leaf fan to grab Ishida Uryuu, trying to catch Ishida Uryuu directly.

However, because Ichigo and Chado had time to block it, Uryū had a chance to dodge and immediately activated his flying sickle kick to retreat.

At the same time, Ishida Uryū continued to move the spiritual bow and arrow in his hand, and dozens of sacred destruction shots were fired at the Yami in front of him.

A series of sacred destruction hit Yami’s body, and waves of spiritual power exploded continuously on Yami’s body.

For a moment, Yami’s body was surrounded by white light, and no one could see clearly whether Yami was injured by these sacred destroying arrows.

On the other side, Orihime, who was transferring civilians, saw that Sadatari was directly knocked away by Yami and spit out a large mouthful of blood in the air. She didn’t care much and immediately came to Sadatari and used healing skills on him.

Orihime’s healing skill is called “Double Heavenly Return Shield”, which can restore the status of protected things and eliminate all adverse effects.

Strictly speaking, this ability can no longer be regarded as treatment, but when used on living organisms and spiritual bodies, the manifestation has healing properties.

When Orihime was treating Chado, Ulquiorra also discovered the special ability of Orihime and watched the whole process of Orihime’s treatment of Chado intently.

“This is not a treatment. Is it a return of time or space? No, it seems to be a more peculiar ability.” Urquiola kept analyzing in his heart.

At this time, the spiritual power fluctuation caused by Ishida Uryū’s continuous sacred destruction had dissipated, and Yami who walked out of it was still unscathed, and even his clothes were not damaged under the protection of his spiritual pressure.

“Hahahaha, is this the power of the God of Death and the Quincy? They are really vulnerable. To me, your attacks are not even scratching the itch!” Yami faced the Uryū in front of him and the one who was hit. Ichigo mocked crazily after flying back to the battlefield.

Ichigo looked at Yami with a solemn expression, and slowly said to Orihime beside him: “Orihime, I’ll leave Chadar to you first. It seems that only my swastika can deal with this guy.”

Orihime responded and immediately increased the output of her spiritual power, and Sadatari’s injuries recovered at an alarming speed.

Yami showed a puzzled look, scratched his head with his thick fingers and said, “Swastika? What is swastika? It sounds a bit familiar!”

“Swastika is the Shinigami’s ability to completely unleash the Zanpakutō,” Urquiorra explained.

Hearing this, Yami showed a look of sudden realization: “Yes, I remember it! Those Death-breaking Gods seem to be quite powerful after the swastika interpretation.”

Seeing that his opponent looked down on his own side so much, Ichigo was very angry.

He raised Zangetsu in his hand and pointed the tip of the knife at Yami not far in front of him.


Ichigo shouted softly, and black spiritual pressure suddenly erupted from his body.

The originally huge Zanpakutō in his hand turned into a slender black katana, and the black Death Tyrant outfit on his body also changed into an outfit like a black long-tailed dress.

After releasing his swastika, Ichigo kicked his right leg to the ground, and the next moment he appeared next to Yami, with the Zanpakutō in his hand slashing directly at Yami.

Ichigo was so fast that Yami barely reacted before he was hit in the arm.

However, Yami’s “Steel Skin”, which had been strengthened by Koudama’s spiritual pressure, and the spiritual pressure outside his body were even more powerful. Ichigo’s Zanpakutō actually only scratched the clothes on Yami’s arm, but it was still unable to hurt Yami. .

After being hit on the arm by Ichigo, Yami reacted and immediately raised his other hand to fight back.

However, when he just raised his arm, Ichigo had already activated Shunpo and appeared on the other side of Yami’s body.

“Crescent Moon Chong!”

Ichigo knew that his normal attacks seemed to be completely ineffective against the opponent, so he directly used his special attack to attack the opponent.

Ichigo is still very confident in the power of Getsuga Tenchō.

A black crescent rolled up a burst of powerful spiritual pressure and hit Yami’s body directly from the side. The powerful force pushed Yami to stagger.

However, what Ichigo couldn’t believe was that his black Getsuga Tenshō still failed to hurt the opponent, but only cut a big hole in the opponent’s clothes.

“This is impossible, how can the body have such defense!” Ichigo muttered in shock.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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