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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 352 Seireitei’s Rescue (2)

Just when Urukiorra brought Yami to Karakura Town in the present world to look for Ishida Uryuu, the powerful spiritual pressure deliberately emitted by Yami was observed by the Seireitei Technology Development Bureau.

As a place of great spiritual importance, Karakura Town has always been an area that Seireitei focuses on. The emergence of extremely powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations like Yami immediately attracted the attention of the Technology Development Bureau.

After Urahara Kisuke’s analysis of Yami’s spiritual pressure, it was confirmed that the opponent was an Arrancar whose spiritual pressure had exceeded the captain level.

Although it was unclear what the purpose of this Arrancar’s trip to Karakura Town was, Urahara Kisuke still applied to Captain Genryusai Yamamoto to arrange for a captain-level Shinigami to go to Karakura Town to investigate.

For Urahara Kisuke’s application, Yamamoto Genryusai immediately approved it and sent Hitsugaya Toshiro, the captain of the 10th division, and Madarame Ikkaku, who had become the captain of the 11th division.

It is not difficult to see from Yamamoto Genryusai’s arrangements that the Seireitei captain-level combat effectiveness at this time is already stretched thin.

In order to prevent accidents from happening, Urahara Kisuke also privately requested Yoruichi’s help.

Unable to resist Urahara Kisuke’s pleas, Yoruichi agreed to go to the living world to see what happened.

And now the person who stopped Yami from catching Uryu Ishida was Toshiro who used Hyōrinmaru.

“Urquiorra, who are these three guys? Can you kill them all?”

Seeing three people who seemed to be the gods of death suddenly appeared, Yami turned to Ulquiorra and asked.

Urquiora said calmly: “They are three gods of death. They are not key figures and can be killed.”

Hearing Urukiorra’s words, Yoruichi raised his eyebrows and said, “It seems that you have been underestimated! You two Arrancars are from Hueco Mundo, right? Uchiha Yusuke asked you to come?”

Yoruichi looked at Urquiorra when she spoke, and she could also see that the real decision-maker among the two seemed to be the thin little man.

“Miss Yoruichi, the two of them are here to capture Uryū, but I don’t know what their purpose is.”

At this time, Ichigo had already released the Hollow. With his current spiritual pressure, there was no way to maintain the Hollow’s ability for a long time.

If Xu Bai continues to occupy his body, he may be permanently swallowed by Xu Bai.

Ye Yi nodded and said: “Even after you become hollow, you have no way to defeat your opponent. It seems to be quite difficult. Toshiro and Ikkaku, you don’t need to hold back your hands to attack directly.”

When Toshiro and Madarame heard this, powerful spiritual pressure immediately erupted from their bodies, and both of them activated their swastika abilities at the same time.

“Sit upright in the frosty sky, Hyōrinmaru!”

“Crack it, Dragon Pattern Kitomaru!”

After the swastika was released, Toshiro’s body was wrapped in freezing frost, with a pair of ice crystal wings on both sides of his shoulders, and an ice flower composed of four ice edges suspended above his head.

Because Toshiro’s own spiritual pressure is limited by his age, his swastika is not as stable as other captains and can only be maintained for a certain period of time.

Depending on the intensity and duration of the battle with Swastika, the ice-edge petals of the cross ice flower on his head will gradually disappear. When the cross ice flower completely disappears, Toshiro will be forced to withdraw from the swastika.

Therefore, among the current captain levels, Toshiro is the captain who is least good at protracted battles.

As for Madarame, after completing his swastika, he is far less elegant and powerful than Toshiro.

He carried a huge ax blade on his back, which completely tore into pieces his original Captain Haori and Death Overlord uniforms, turning him into a posture where his upper body was completely naked.

He also held a huge weapon in each hand. His left hand was a broadsword, and his right hand was also an ax blade, but it was smaller than the ax blade he carried on his back.

Seeing the swastika expressions of Toshiro and Madarame, Ulquiorra frowned slightly. At the same time, dealing with two captain-level Shinigami who both seemed to be quite aggressive, Yami might actually be in some trouble.

“It seems that I still need to take action myself.” Ulquiorra thought to himself.

With a sound under his feet, Ulquiorra turned into a black shadow and disappeared from the place.

However, what he didn’t expect was that his super-speed rotation was actually blocked by someone.

The one standing in front of him was “Shunshin” Yoruichi!

“You’re pretty fast for a little guy!” Ye Yi said with a smile.

“Are you Shungami Yoichi?” Urquiola asked.

Yoruichi asked strangely: “You actually know me?”

Ulquiorra said calmly: “The king said that your speed is pretty good.”

A flash of light flashed in Yoruya’s eyes: “Is it just not bad? It seems that this guy Uchiha Yusuke has quite high standards!”

As soon as Yoruichi’s voice fell, he turned into a black shadow and kicked Ulquiorra in the head from behind.

Urquiorra didn’t look back, he just took out his right hand from his pocket and blocked Yoruichi’s attack with his arm.

In the next moment, Yoruichi and Ulquiorra disappeared from the spot at the same time, with only afterimages flashing in the air, making their movements completely unclear to others.

If there were continuous fluctuations in spiritual pressure and the sound produced when the two attacks collided, no one would have noticed that there were actually two people fighting here.

Toshiro glanced at the direction where Yoruichi and Urquiorra were fighting, and said in an admiring tone: “As expected of Shungami Yoruichi, as a newcomer among the captains, it seems that I have to go through a long period of training. Only by working hard can we reach the level of our seniors.”

Madarame next to him also smiled and said: “I believe that with your talent, Captain Hitsugaya, as long as you work hard and practice hard, your achievements will not be lower than anyone else.”

Having said this, Madarame Ikkaku turned his gaze to Yami below: “Anyway, let’s deal with the big guy in front of us first.”

Just as Toshiro and Madarame Ikkaku locked their spiritual pressure on Yami, Yami was also staring at the two of them.

“You, a bald guy and a little brat who hasn’t grown all your hair yet, want to defeat me, Uncle Yami?” Yami mocked.

Hearing Yami’s words, veins popped up on the foreheads of Madarame Ikkaku and Toshiro at the same time. They looked at each other and decided to teach this foul-mouthed enemy a lesson at the same time.

Ikkaku Madarame held two giant blades in his hands and slashed at Yami from top to bottom, while Toshiro dexterously used frost-type moves to attack from the side.

Yami raised his hand to catch Madarame Ikkaku’s attack with his palm, and the huge blade successfully broke through his defense. Although it was not able to split Yami’s palm, it left a deep slash mark on his palm.

Yami screamed in pain with his palm injured, but the most dangerous thing for him at this time was not the knife wound on his hand, but the attack from his side.

“Hyōrinmaru·Ryu Shota!”

A blast of cold air spurted out from the Zanpakutō in Toshiro’s hand, instantly passing through Yami’s huge body.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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