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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 354 Seireitei’s Rescue (4)

Just as Toshiro stood up with force, Yami immediately locked him with spiritual pressure.

The “Ice Sky Hundred Flowers Burial” just now made Yami suffer a lot. If it weren’t for the power of coaxing Yu, he would have been killed by Toshiro.

Yami, who was holding a grudge, even forgot about his mission and went straight to kill Toshiro.

At this time, both Ichigo and Madarame Ikkaku were seriously injured, and Toshiro had exhausted his spiritual power due to the use of his unique skills.

If Yami really hits Toshiro head-on, then this young genius Shinigami will really die here.

At this moment, Yoruichi, who was dealing with Ulquiorra, didn’t care about his opponent. He immediately used the fastest speed to come to Toshiro’s side, picked up Toushiro and avoided Yamishi in a shocking way. A punch.

The moment Yoruichi rescued Toshiro, there was a loud noise like hundreds of tons of explosives exploding at the same time behind them. A strong air flow and countless pieces of rubble that were hit by the air flow and shot like bullets flew towards the surroundings. spread away.

The loud noise and violent impact just now were the effect of Yami’s punch hitting the ground. If it hadn’t been for Yoruichi, Toshiro would have been dead at this time.

However, in order to save Toushiro, Yoruichi gave Urquiorra a chance to move around.

Urukiora, who focused on the mission goal, had no intention of fighting at all. He came directly to Ishida Uryuu who had been paying attention to the battlefield outside the battle circle, and stunned him with a speed that Ishida Uryuu could not react at all. in hand.


When Ichigo saw Ishida Uryū being caught by Urquiora, he exclaimed and rushed forward quickly.

However, Urquiorra waved his hand slightly, and the next second Ichigo flew backwards at a faster speed.

At this time, Yami had already fallen into a rage, and his body was wrapped with the air current created by the powerful spiritual pressure, and his whole body was rushing towards Yoruichi.

Because Yoruichi had to protect Toshiro, he couldn’t attack, so he could only rely on speed to constantly change positions to dodge Yami’s attacks.

“Yami, stop!”

At this moment, Ulquiorra suddenly appeared in front of Yami. With his back to Yami, he used his elbow to attack Yami’s stomach severely. Yami’s defense and spiritual pressure were both amazing. He was suddenly hit by his elbow and fell to his knees.

Although Ulquiorra’s attack seemed ordinary, it actually used the power of coaxing jade.

Otherwise, even with his own spiritual pressure, it would not be enough to fight against Ya Mi, the second level of Gui Ren, from the spiritual pressure level.

After Yami knelt down, Uruccio stretched out his left hand and pressed it on the coaxing jade on Yami’s chest, and said lightly: “Coaxing jade resonance solution!”

As his words fell, Yami’s state of returning to the sword began to fade away.

A few seconds later, Yami returned to his original form, but his clothes were riddled with holes. He could only use his hands to cover his sensitive parts to prevent exposure.

“Urquiorra, why are you stopping me? I want to kill all these bastards! Look at how bad my uniform is. After I use my salary to deduct the new uniform after I go back, I have two more months to go.” Let’s go and eat at your place!”

Yami said loudly, with a hint of crying in her voice.

Ulquiorra opened a black hole with his left hand and said slowly: “The damage to the uniform caused by the mission can be reimbursed.”

Yami was delighted when he heard this: “Is it true? It turns out that we can reimburse you! By the way, Ulquiorra, what does reimbursement mean?”

Ulquiorra: “Forget it, you’d better go to my place to eat.”

After finishing speaking, Ulquiorra and Yami will step into the black cavity and prepare to return to Hueco Mundo.

“You two bastards, wait for me, the battle is not over yet, leave Uryū behind!”

Ichigo, who had just been knocked out by Ulquiorra, propped up his injured body and ran back, shouting loudly to Ulquiorra and Yami.

Hearing Ichigo’s words, Yami laughed loudly and mocked: “You guys should be grateful that you can save your lives, especially yourself, hahahaha.”

After saying that, Yami followed Ulquiorra into the black cavity.

Immediately, the black cavity was closed, and the two of them successfully completed the task assigned by Yusuke, and successfully brought Uryū Ishida back to Hueco Mundo.

Ichigo roared and punched the ground hard.

“I must rescue Uryuu!” Ichigo said firmly.

Orihime and Chado also dragged their injured bodies over. After hearing Ichigo’s words, the two of them also said that no matter what, they would accompany Ichigo to save Uryū Ishida.

“You are too naive. With your strength, not only will you be unable to rescue Ishida Uryu from the hands of the enemy, but you will only lose your own life.” Yoruichi stepped forward and said.

Behind Yoruichi, there were Toshiro and Madarame Ikkaku.

Ichigo turned to look at Yoruichi and shouted anxiously: “If I don’t save him, will I have to watch my friends fall into the hands of the enemy? Although I don’t know who these guys are, but they There must be a purpose in taking Yulong away, and it may even endanger Yulong’s life.”

Yoruichi said slowly: “They are all Uchiha Yusuke’s subordinates, and do you know how many subordinates Uchiha Yusuke has in Hueco Mundo who have reached this level of strength?”

Hearing the name ‘Uchiha Yusuke’, Ichigo’s mind immediately recalled the scene when Yusuke used Susanoo to block the Holy Spirit for his mother.

For Yusuke, who had saved himself and his mother, defected from Seireitei, rescued Rukia, and kidnapped Uryu Ishida, Ichigo no longer knew whether to view him as an enemy or a friend.

Seeing Ichigo’s silence, Toshiro frowned and said, “There shouldn’t be too many subordinates with this kind of strength, right? And their power doesn’t seem to be weaker than Uchiha Yusuke, so why should they be his subordinates?” “

In Toshiro’s view, the spiritual pressure that Yami had just erupted was not weaker than that of Yusuke Suugaoka, and he could not understand why an Arrancar who had evolved from Hollow would do anything for a Shinigami. Uchiha Yusuke worked hard.

Ye shook his head solemnly and said: “So you don’t understand how scary that man is, and you don’t know what kind of power Hueco Mundo is hiding now!”

“To tell you the truth, there are at least ten guys of the same level of strength in Hueco Mundo, and each of them has power that surpasses the captain of the Gotei Thirteenth Team!” Yoruichi said in shock.

Hearing Ye Yi’s words, everyone present looked shocked and disbelieving.

Madarame said with a solemn expression: “Miss Yoruichi, are you telling me that there are ten guys with the same strength as the big guy we dealt with?”

An inexplicable light flashed in Ye Ye’s eyes, and she said slowly: “Who told you I was talking about the big man?”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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