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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 36 Ye Cang

On the morning of the third day after parting with the six genin, Yusuke and Shirogane Hayama stood outside the east gate of Sunagakure Village, waiting for the arrival of their genin.

In the past few days, Yusuke’s Phantom Crow clone has been observing the situation of the six genin in the sky, and also saw many genin from other ninja villages.

The strength of the genin in each ninja village varies, and Yusuke discovered that many genin from other villages were trapped in the desert, unable to find their way; or some were exhausted and collapsed in the desert.

These genin were all rescued by the mentor jounin of their own ninja village, but they also lost the qualification to continue to participate in the chunin exam.

Compared with some small ninja villages, the situation of Konoha’s six genin is much better. Except for Kurama Kyoko and Moonlight Hayate, they were lacking in physical strength, which slowed down the entire team’s progress, but it was still enough for everyone to reach Sunagakure Village within three days.

Kurama Kyoko is not good at taijutsu, while Moonlight Hayate is ill. Although it does not affect her explosive power and speed, her endurance is much worse than other ninjas of the same level.

At this stage, the best performers of the entire team were Anko and Mizuki.

One of the comments about Anko in “The Book of Lin” is that ‘Anko’s endurance is stronger than that of men’. Seeing Anko’s active performance in the desert through the Phantom Crow clone, Yusuke sighed that this was true.

Compared to other genin, Mizuki’s performance was somewhat beyond Yusuke’s expectations. It seemed that the hot environment of the desert and the fatigue from the long journey had no impact on him.

“In the original work, Mizuki was Orochimaru’s abandoned son, but judging from his current performance, it is very likely that Orochimaru has strengthened his abilities and left him in Konoha as a dark son.”

Through observations over the past few days, Yusuke also discovered that Mizuki was deliberately approaching Itachi, but he didn’t care much about it.

First, judging from Itachi’s performance, he has become wary of Mizuki; second, in the original work, even Orochimaru suffered several big losses at the hands of Itachi, let alone a mere Mizuki?

Yusuke and Shirakumo Hayama didn’t have to wait long before six genin from Konoha arrived at the east gate of Sunagakure Village to meet them.

Except for Gekko Hayate, who always looked disheveled, Yusuke and Shirayun Hayama saw that the other five people were in good condition and still full of energy. The two couldn’t help but nodded with satisfaction.

This shows that the physical distribution and time management of these people are still very reasonable. They can reach the destination at the designated time without making themselves too tired.

When all the contestants who participated in the chuunin exams arrived, the staff of Sunagakure Village led the genin who passed the first round of assessment to a square to gather.

The guiding jounin of each village or some ninjas who were invited to observe were seated in the stands outside the square.

As the top leader of the organizer of the Chuunin Exams, the Fourth Kazekage Rasa also gave an impassioned speech, encouraging the genin who participated in the exams to work hard, move forward courageously, and show their strength in the exams.

The Fourth Kazekage is the most profitable Kage among the Five Great Ninja Villages. He can use the ability of magnetic escape to escape the blood inheritance boundary, find sand gold in the desert, and then sell it to various countries.

The Daimyo of Sand Kingdom has very limited funding for Sunagakure Village. It is precisely because of the ability of the Fourth Kazekage that Sunagakure Village has enough funds to maintain its current scale.

In fact, the abilities of many ninjas in the ninja world can not only be used for fighting, but can also be used in other fields.

For example, Yamato’s Wood Release can easily build a wooden house with guaranteed quality in an instant. Not to mention that the first Hokage could complete the infrastructure of a resort in just a few minutes with just two hands.

In Yusuke’s view, if these types of ninjas focused on economic construction, they would be much better than ordinary people.

In addition to the Fourth Kazekage, Yusuke also saw several famous figures from Sunagakure Village, Hayakura, Maki, Yura and Yashamaru.

At this time, Yuliang should have been hit by Scorpion’s “subtle brain manipulation sand” and completely obeyed Scorpion’s orders.

The technique of “submersible brain sand manipulation” is not entirely an illusion technique. Although it also manipulates the user by disturbing the chakra in the brain of the user, the medium of manipulation is physical gravel.

Yusuke is very good at genjutsu, but he is unable to remove this technique. In the original work, Orochimaru was able to remove this technique from Kabuto, and most likely he performed a craniotomy to remove the gravel inside.

Among the people, the one that caught Yusuke’s attention the most was the ‘Scorching Release’ Ye Cang. Not only because her strength is far superior to the others, but more importantly, in Yusuke’s perception, she is someone who has the opportunity to cooperate in the future.

This heroic ninja of the Sunagakure will die soon after due to the conspiracy of the top brass of the Sunagakure, and her life will be exchanged for peace between Kirigakure and Sunagakure.

Regarding this decision of the Suna Ninja’s senior management, Yusuke believed that there must be a power struggle within the Suna Ninja hidden in it.

Otherwise, in this world where personal force can influence the war, a bloodline master like Ye Cang is extremely intimidating and cannot give up so easily.

“This time when I come to Sand Hidden Village, I have a chance to get in touch with her.” Yusuke thought secretly in his heart.

Yekura is a female ninja with a very strong personality. After being turned around by the dirt in the original work, she knew that she had been framed by the senior sand ninja, so she decided to take revenge on the spot, using very tough methods.

It can be seen that Ye Cang is not the type who is foolishly loyal to the village, and it is easier to establish a cooperative relationship.

Just when Yusuke was observing others, he found that he and Baiyun Yeshan had also become the focus of others’ attention. After all, as the two jonins of the largest village in the ninja world, and they themselves are famous figures in the ninja world, they are naturally very eye-catching.

“That must be Konoha’s elite Jonin Bai Yunhaishan. The ninja next to him is so young, he is also a Jonin, right?”

“The one next to him is Uchiha Yusuke, Konoha’s ‘Entachi’. He is the genius ninja who killed Black Hoe Raiga in the third war. He should be only fifteen or sixteen years old now.”

“The Uchiha clan is indeed one of the most powerful clans in the ninja world. I heard that there is a young ninja nicknamed ‘Shunshen Shisui’ who is also very impressive.”

There are endless discussions like this around. The Uchiha clan and the talented ninja are indeed a very attractive topic.

“Yusuke, now you are also one of our signature ninjas in Konoha. I think when I was your age, I had just become a chuunin.” Bai Yunhaishan sighed.

Yusuke shook his head helplessly: “Being famous is not necessarily a good thing.”

The serious Baiyun Yeshan gave a rare laugh: “Fame is a deterrent! The third generation sent you here because he wanted to let the outside world know that even if Konoha is at a low point, there are still young masters like you!”

“I’m very optimistic about you, and I believe you will be the pillar of Konoha in the future!”

Yusuke and Shirayun Hayama chatted one after another, and the examiner of the Chuunin Exam also began to announce the content of the second stage of the assessment.

The content of the second assessment is the ‘Scroll of Heaven and Earth’ that is loved by the ninja world. Each team of candidates carries a ‘Scroll of Heaven’ or ‘Scroll of Earth’ and enters the ‘Demon Desert’ from different entrances to engage in a seventy-two-hour survival battle.

After seventy-two hours, the teams with no personnel losing combat effectiveness and at least one group of ‘Scrolls of Heaven’ and ‘Scrolls of Earth’ successfully entered the third round, while all other teams were eliminated.

The Demonic Desert is extremely hot during the day and there is no wind; at night, the temperature plummets to below zero, and strong winds rage, forming huge sandstorms from time to time.

In the Demonic Desert, the genin must not only adapt to the extremely harsh weather and environment, but also be prepared for the elusive giant sand scorpions in the desert.

More importantly, in order to advance, each team must grab at least one scroll from its opponent that its own team does not have, which means that at least half of the teams will be eliminated in this assessment.

Based on past experience, a strong team will grab more scrolls and eliminate more opponents. The pass rate is generally around 30%.

“Your crow clones are really convenient. I want to see the performance of these children, but I can’t enter the venue.” Seeing Yusuke separate two phantom crow clones and fly over the Demonic Desert, Baiyun Yeshan said with envy.

Yusuke’s Phantom Crow clone is indeed very convenient for investigation. Not only can it fly, but it can also be observed from a high position. More importantly, the Phantom Crow clone has no entity, is not afraid of physical attacks, and is not as fragile as an ordinary clone.

Yusuke smiled and said: “Hayama-senpai, don’t worry, with the strength of these children, such a test will not be difficult for them.”

This is not because Yusuke is overconfident. As the head of the five major ninja villages, Konoha is the first ninja village to implement the ninja school system. The quality of ninjas is also considered to be the top in the ninja world.

The genin who were selected to take the exam this time were all the elite genin in the village, and with a genius like Itachi, such an assessment was indeed nothing.

After the second assessment officially began, the instructing Jonin of each Ninja Village also began to move around freely. Some were wandering in the open areas of Sunagakure Village, while others returned to the arranged inns to rest.

Since ninjas are all individuals with unstable factors, Sunagakure Village still arranges many ANBU and ninjas to secretly monitor the ninjas in each ninja village to prevent anyone from doing anything detrimental to Sunagakure Village.

Yusuke did not wander around Sunagakure Village, but returned to the inn to rest until night came.

With the help of the night sky, Yusuke summoned a large number of Phantom Crow clones. Because the Phantom Crow clones were originally black, they were almost impossible to detect when hidden in the dark night. Even if someone happened to spot one or two, they would just think they were passing birds.

Most of the Phantom Crow clones were controlled by Yusuke to fly to the Nara Desert some distance away from Sunagakure Village, looking for traces of the One Shukaku; the remaining few were hovering over Sunagakure Village, looking for Hayakura’s figure.

Not long after, Yusuke’s Phantom Crow clone discovered Ye Cang at a lively night market in Sunagakure Village.

At this time, Yekura was not wearing her usual ninja uniform, but a casual kimono. She was accompanied by a cute girl with oil paint on her face, who was her closest disciple, Juan.

It has to be said that Ye Cang is an out-and-out beauty, with exquisite facial features, long black hair tied up high, and a strand of crimson hair hanging down on both sides of her forehead, which adds a bit of heroism to her beauty. .

Today, Ye Cang rarely put aside his ninjutsu training, accepted the disciple’s invitation, and agreed to come to the night market with him.

While the two were talking and laughing, Ye Cang couldn’t help but feel something was wrong.

There was nothing strange about the surrounding environment, but Ye Cang felt a very strange and uncoordinated feeling, but she couldn’t find any clue herself.

“Is it just my imagination?”

Ye Cang thought secretly in his heart.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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