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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 360 Hell (2)

“Ah, hell is really a terrible place. But Aizen-sama, how did you come to hell?” asked Gin Ichimaru, who was following Aizen.

At this time, Aizen’s arm that was severed by Miroku had recovered, and a pair of black gloves was placed on the palm of this arm.

It seems that the restored arm will be somewhat different from the original arm, and Aizen also wants to hide these differences with gloves.

Hearing Ichimaru Gin’s question, Aizen smiled and said, “It’s just a whim.”

Originally, Aizen’s first plan was to fuse with Bengyoku, kill the Soul King, and then replace the Soul King as the sole ruler of the world.

However, after discovering some new Aizen in the Great Spirit Book Corridor, he already had a second plan in mind, and this plan was naturally related to hell.

Seeing that Aizen was unwilling to say more, Ichimaru Gin, as a subordinate, did not want to ask more questions. At this time, he was worried about how to contact Yusuke without being discovered by Aizen.

As long as Rangiku’s missing soul can be exchanged, Ichimaru Gin is willing to become Yusuke’s eyes to monitor Aizen.

At this moment, a few voices wrapped in black robes suddenly rushed towards Aizen and the others, followed by dozens of jailers.

The appearance of these jailers is slightly different from the appearance of the jailers Aizen and the others have seen before. The color of the muscles on their bodies is dark red, and the spiritual pressure they emit is also more powerful.

It is not difficult to judge that these jailors should be jailers from the lower hells, and the black-robed men they are chasing now are probably the ones who escaped from the lower hells.

The reason why Aizen and the others were able to wander around the hell leisurely like this was because Aizen used the ability of Kyoka Suigetsu so that neither the criminal nor the jailer could detect their existence.

But because of this, the men in black robes who were rushing towards them couldn’t see them, and they didn’t know that there were other people on their way to escape.

“Gin, stop them.” Aizen ordered.

At this time, Aizen can choose to get out of the way quickly and continue to hide his whereabouts.

However, he was also very interested in these men in black robes, so he asked Yin to intercept them all.

Upon hearing Aizen’s order, Ichimaru Gin pulled out the Zanpakuto from his waist without hesitation and slashed forward.

The blade, which was not long at first, suddenly stretched several tens of meters, and the range of the horizontal slash also covered a large area in front.

Several men in black robes were shocked when they saw Ichimaru Gin suddenly appearing in front of them, but they all reacted very quickly and jumped into the air together to avoid Ichimaru Gin’s attack.

But the dozens of jailers chasing behind them were not so lucky. All of these huge jailers were cut in half, and they could only crawl slowly on the ground supporting their severed upper bodies.

The intelligence of these jailers was not high. Although their bodies were cut off, they still seemed to want to chase the men in black robes.

However, their movement method of crawling by relying on their upper body and arms cannot catch up with the target at any speed.

The people in black robes looked back at the jailer who was no longer a threat, and heaved a sigh of relief.

The leader of the men in black robes looked at Ichimaru Gin who was blocking their way, and asked in a deep voice: “You are not the ones to blame, why are you in hell? And why did you attack us?”

The man in black robe who spoke was the leader of several people. As one of them, he had indeed escaped from the lower levels of hell.

As the culprits of heinous crimes, under normal circumstances when someone actively attacks them, they would have already taken action to fight back without asking for any reason.

But this is a hell they want to leave as soon as possible, so they don’t want to cause more trouble.

“Everyone, I just have a few small questions for you.”

At this time, the figures of Aizen and Tosen Kaname slowly appeared next to Ichimaru Gin, and only then did a few black-robed men realize that there were other people hiding nearby.

“Asshole, who do you think you are? If you’re sensible, get out of here! Otherwise,” a tall black-robed man shouted loudly.

However, before the offender could finish his words, his body was suddenly penetrated directly by a sword blade more than ten meters long. Naturally, the one who attacked him was Gin Ichimaru, who was good at sneak attack on the enemy with “Magic Spear”.

After the guilty man was penetrated by the magic gun, his body quickly ignited with flames, and then his entire body disappeared. At this time, he had returned to the level of hell where he originally belonged due to death.


Seeing the fate of the offender just now, another short and fat black-robed offender exclaimed. It sounds like the name of the culprit who was just killed by Gin Ichimaru is ‘Ultramarine’.

After Ultramarine was killed, the several culprits standing behind wanted to rush up and attack Gin Ichimaru, but the culprits headed by Ou stopped them.

“Who are you and what information do you want to find out?” The leader of the blame asked Aizen.

Aizen smiled and said: “I just need someone to lead the way to the Infinite Hell.”

“Eternal Hell? Are you kidding me?” the leader of the group said coldly.

The Endless Hell is the lowest level of Hell, where the most vicious souls in the world are imprisoned. The jailers inside are also of extraordinary strength, and it is also where the Lord of Hell resides.

If a soul like him who belongs to other levels goes to the Eternal Hell by himself, it will be equivalent to sending himself to a dead end, and he will only be able to spend endless years in the Eternal Hell.

It can be said that even if he fails to escape from prison and is sent back to his original place, he will not choose to enter the endless hell.

Aizen seemed to have noticed the other party’s concerns, and said with a smile: “As long as you are willing to lead the way, I can give you freedom. Of course, this freedom also has a prerequisite, that is, you must become my subordinates and do things for me.”

Hearing Aizen’s words, the leader of the blamers sneered: “Freedom? Once you become a blamer, you will never have freedom. Even if we escape from hell, once the soul locks on our bodies are exposed, the will of hell will be able to capture us again across space. Go back to hell.”

At this time, Aizen slowly raised his right hand and gently snapped his fingers under the confused gazes of several offenders.

“You just”

While the leader was speaking, he suddenly found that the black robes on himself and his companions had disappeared, and all the bodies hidden under the black robes were exposed.

This is a handsome young man with short purple hair, wearing clothes made of gray and white cloth belts, and a half-black and half-white mask ornament on his chest.

His name is Zhu Lian, and he is a guilty person living in the lower hell.

With great strength, he recruited several men and has been planning and carrying out prison escapes for many years.

Compared to the good-looking Zhu Lian, the other two Jiu people behind him were grotesque. One was as short and fat as a winter melon, and the other was as strong as a human being.

Several times they managed to escape from hell, but for various reasons they were sensed by the will of hell and brought back to hell.

“Boss, boss, our soul lock is missing!”

At this time, the short and fat man behind Zhu Lian suddenly exclaimed. This discovery shocked Zhu Lian.

Because the disappearance of the soul lock means that he can escape the pursuit of hell’s will.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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