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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 367 Battle of Hueco Mundo (2)

When the Gotei 13 team was taking action, Yusuke, who was in the main hall of Kyūya Palace, also noticed something.

Although the Shinigami dispatched by the Gotei 13 all wore shadow cloaks, which could perfectly hide their spiritual pressure. But the murderous intent and momentum contained in them cannot be concealed.

If there were only one or two people, it might not be noticeable, but among the nearly a hundred people, almost all of whom were composed of the fifth or higher chief officers of the Gotei 13 Team, the aura generated was simply too powerful.

Not only Yusuke sensed it, but almost all the senior officials of Xuye Palace noticed it.

The senior officials in their respective palaces rushed to the palace and gathered in the main hall to wait for Yusuke’s instructions.

The sudden attack of the Gotei 13 was an unexpected but reasonable thing for Yusuke.

However, Yusuke firmly believed that the Gotei 13 team at this time was far from being the opponent of Kyoneye Palace!

“That’s fine, let’s make a break with Yamamoto Genryusai Shigekuni in Hueco Mundo! After this battle, Ryūren Wakahu will only have one master from now on!” Yusuke thought to himself.

“Master Yusuke, the enemy’s presence is getting closer and closer. Should we attack as soon as possible to defeat them?” Grimmjow stepped out and asked.

At this time, he had a smile on his face, and he seemed not only not afraid or panicked by the enemy’s appearance, but also very happy.

Ever since Yusuke unified Hueco Mundo, he has had almost no chance to fight. He has been looking forward to this once-in-a-lifetime war for a long time.

Those who had the same idea as him were Kenpachi Zaraki who was more militant than him and Neutra who also liked fighting.

“Don’t take any action, I’m going to fight ten of you!” Kenpachi Zaraki said with a smile.

Yusuke glanced at everyone and found that Yachiru and Rukia were not there yet.

However, he didn’t pay too much attention to this and was ready to start making arrangements for the battle.

“Since Soul Society wants to start a war with Hueco Mundo, then we will give them a defeat.”

Yusuke stood up, his deep gaze seemed to penetrate the wall of Xuye Palace and see the enemy in the distance.

“Everyone, let us greet the captains from Soul Society at this moment!”

As the words fell, a frightening momentum burst out from Yusuke, and the powerful spiritual pressure broke through the top of Xuye Palace and shot straight into the sky.

As Yusuke released his spiritual pressure, the senior officials of Xuye Palace were also infected by Yusuke’s aura, and the spiritual pressure on their bodies also burst out at the same time, and the entire Hueco Mundo suddenly became turbulent.

The Xus near Xuye Palace also realized that something seemed wrong, and began to evacuate under the coordination of Xuye Palace cadres to prevent being affected by the upcoming battle.

Starting from the explosion of spiritual pressure in Xuye Palace, the captains of the Gotei 13 knew that Xuye Palace had also discovered their existence and used spiritual pressure to demonstrate to them.

The captains of the Gotei Thirteen Team showed no sign of weakness. Everyone put away their shadow cloaks, and their bodies also erupted with extremely powerful spiritual pressure.

The spiritual pressure of the senior officials of Xuye Palace and the spiritual pressure of the Gotei 13 members were tit for tat. The two refused to give in, neither one wanted to lose to the other in terms of momentum.

The entire sky seemed to be divided into two halves by spiritual pressure, oppressing each other.

“Captains of the Gotei Thirteenth Team, welcome to Xuye Palace as guests.”

Yusuke’s voice sounded, and his figure also appeared outside Xuye Palace and stopped in front of everyone in the Gotei Thirteenth Team.

Behind Yusuke stood his two lieutenants, Miroku and Yu, followed by the members of the Ten Blades, Kenpachi Zaraki and their respective lieutenants.

As for Nirvana, he is still doing scientific research in the Technology Development Bureau with peace of mind, while Byakuya Kuchiki was asked by Yusuke to guard Kyūya Palace, and there is no need to come out to face his former colleagues.

Looking at Yusuke standing at the front with an astonishing momentum, all the members of the Gotei 13 present were staring at him with their eyes full of different emotions.

Many of them have received help and guidance from Yusuke, and they also admire Yusuke very much. Many of them were even promoted by Yusuke himself.

They couldn’t understand why Yusuke, who was already one of the captains of the Gotei 13, would betray Seireitei.

“Uchiha Yusuke, you betrayed Seireitei, secretly organized forces in Hueco Mundo, and destroyed the balance of the entire world. For such an unforgivable crime, I will personally judge you!”

Captain Genryusai Yamamoto did not beat around the bush with Yusuke, but directly declared war.

Yusuke smiled and shook his head and said: “Captain Yamamoto, you are as domineering as ever. The Seireitei is just the last political power established by force in thousands of years of war. In the present world, Hueco Mundo and even Soul Society Rukongai is just a tool used by Seireitei to maintain balance, and not everyone recognizes the existence of Seireitei’s orthodoxy.”

Many Shinigami of the Gotei 13 think they are maintaining peace between the world and Soul Society, but they don’t know that what they are actually maintaining is not peace, but balance.

The work they do to purify the void and bury souls is not to protect humans or wandering souls, but to balance the soul power in various worlds.

If there are too many souls in Rukongai and it affects the balance of each world, Seireitei’s senior officials will even directly arrange for their subordinates to secretly kill the souls in Rukongai. Such an incident has also occurred in the history of Soul Society. Many times, it was just covered up by Seireitei senior officials.

(Note: This part of the setting is the original setting, and the relevant description will not appear until the Thousand-Year Blood War Chapter)

Yusuke then slowly revealed the real work and purpose of the Shinigami, leaving many members of the Gotei 13 Team present in shock.

What he said can be said to be the secrets in the world of death. Not many people here, even the captain, know about it.

“So the so-called Gotei Thirteen Team is just a tool to maintain the Seireitei’s regime. In fact, the Seireitei doesn’t care about real humans or the souls of Rukongai at all. Think about those forty-six rooms. Make the decision, there are more than you can imagine!” Yusuke concluded with a smile.

What Yusuke said was a huge blow to the morale of the Gotei Thirteen, especially since many of the young Shinigami thought they were fighting for peace, but they didn’t expect that there were so many inside stories hidden behind them.

It turns out that they are not warriors to maintain peace, but just thugs of the Seireitei senior officials!

“Maintaining the existence of this world is the greatest justice. What qualifications do you have to criticize what Seireitei has done!” Yamamoto Genryusai said coldly.

He didn’t expect that Yusuke knew so much, and he didn’t know why Yusuke knew these things.

But what Yusuke said next made Yamamoto Genryusai, who had always been extremely calm, change his expression.

“Is it justice? I just wonder if the Spiritual King, who had his limbs cut off and his internal organs removed by the five major families and turned into a human pig, will agree with your justice?”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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