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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 370 The Battle of Hueco Mundo (5)

At the same time that the war between Xuye Palace and the Gotei 13 started, Ichigo and Rukia were fighting in a deserted palace in Xuye Palace.

Due to the influence of Hongyoku in her soul, Rukia’s spiritual pressure and the power of her moves far exceed those of an ordinary Shinigami. Sode Shirayuki, whose original power was not particularly outstanding among ice and snow Zanpakutos, was exerted in Rukia’s hands. Extraordinary power.

At this time, in this empty palace that was frozen, Lucia was like a fairy with snowflakes flying all over her body, dancing the Sode Shirayuki in her hand like a work of art in a dazzling way.

However, hidden beneath this dancing swordsmanship is unimaginable power.

As long as any tiny snowflake around Rukia is touched, these snowflakes will immediately spread into crystals with powerful freezing power, turning those who touch it into ice sculptures.

Ichigo, who had already gained the swastika, was now completely at a disadvantage. He could only dodge with his extraordinary speed, and did not even dare to touch Rukia’s Zanpakutō with his weapon to prevent him from being hit by Rukia’s Zanpakutō. Tangled in snowflakes.

If it were a fight under normal circumstances, Ichigo would not be in such a mess. After the swastika, his Black Getsuga Tenshō is very good in terms of speed and strength. It is generally difficult for opponents of the same level to resist his move.

But now that his opponent is Rukia, Ichigo cannot use Getsuga Tenchū to deal with her opponent, and can only think of other moves to deal with her opponent.

However, after thinking hard, Ichigo discovered that the only move he had mastered was Getsuga Tenshō, and he really didn’t have any other skills.

In desperation, Ichigo decided not to deal with Rukia, but broke out directly and left Hueco Mundo after finding Uryu Ishida.

“Crescent Moon Chong!”

Ichigo gathered his strength and fired a black crescent moon shot at the frozen palace wall.

However, what shocked him was that his Crescent Moon Chong only left a small gap in the frozen wall, and the gap was quickly sealed by ice and returned to normal.

“Ichigo, it’s useless. The ice crystals that seal this palace are spiritual ice crystals formed at a temperature extremely close to absolute zero. Their hardness is far beyond that of ordinary ice cubes, and they can continue to recover with the addition of my spiritual power. From When you step into a palace, you are destined to be frozen by me and sent back to the living world!”

Rukia’s voice rang in Ichigo’s ears, and her words made him realize how unfavorable the current situation was for him.

“Rukia, why do you want to stop me with such power? Why don’t you go with me to rescue Uryuu!” Ichigo shouted unwillingly.

A trace of intolerance flashed in Lucia’s eyes, but it soon turned into determination: “You have no idea how deep the water in Xuye Palace is. No matter how strong you are, it is impossible to take away Ishida-san from Xuye Palace. It will put you in a desperate situation. I will use my life to guarantee you that in three years at most, Ishida-san will be able to return to the living world safely and soundly!”

Ichigo said solemnly: “If this is your answer, then I can only say that I am very disappointed! But I will not blame you, I will defeat you and rescue Uryū with my own strength!”

Putting a hand on his face, Ichigo prepared to use his strongest power – Hollow.

After Urahara Kisuke’s special training some time ago, Ichigo has been able to control the power of the Hollow very well. Even if he does not surrender his body to Xubai’s control, he is enough to fight in the Hollow state for a relatively long time.

It was for this reason that he was so confident that he would come to Hueco Mundo to rescue Ishida Uryū.

As Ichigo wiped his hand from his face, a ferocious Hollow mask with black markings appeared on his face.

At this moment, Ichigo’s speed increased a lot again, making it almost impossible for Rukia to keep up with his movements.

“Rukia, this palace relies on your spiritual power to be frozen. That is to say, as long as I can knock you out, without your spiritual power supply, this frozen palace will return to its normal state. Get in shape!”

Ichigo’s voice came out from the Hollow Mask, and because of the mask, his voice had a bit of an electronic feel.

“Ichigo, don’t you understand yet? You have no chance from the moment you step into this palace!” Rukia said lightly.

Although she can no longer keep up with Ichigo in terms of speed, she doesn’t need to keep up with him as she controls the ability to freeze in a large area.

As long as Ichigo is in her domain, there is no way for Ichigo to escape!

“Swastika · Baixia Punishment!”

In Ichigo’s shocked gaze, a dazzling white light burst out from Rukia’s body.

Like mist in a fairyland, white frost and snow quickly spread around Lucia’s body.

At this time, Lucia’s hair, eyebrows, and eyelashes all turned into snow white, and there was a beautiful ice crystal head flower on her head.

The original white Xuye Palace uniform also disappeared, turning into an exquisite and simple white palace dress, surrounded by fluttering white ribbons, just like a fairy from the Moon Palace.

Although Lucia looks as beautiful as a fairy now, in fact, there is a fatal danger hidden under this beauty.

After Lucia took off her swastika, the temperature in the already very cold palace dropped a lot.

Even though she didn’t use any moves, Ichigo felt that his body was gradually becoming numb.

“Ichigo, there is no way you can get close to me at this temperature. Even your Getsuga Tensho will be frozen by “absolute zero” before it gets close to me. “Rukia said slowly.

After Rukia’s words fell, she turned into a white mist and quickly moved in the direction of Ichigo.

As Rukia got closer, Ichigo felt that the air and temperature around him became stagnant.

Although he wanted to step back, he found that he had lost control of his legs and could not move at all.

Suddenly, Ichigo felt a cold yet warm feeling. Rukia was already close to him, hugging him close to his body.

What is cold is the spiritual power of ice and snow generated by Sode no Shirayuki, but what is warm is Rukia’s embrace and the heart that still treats him as a friend.

“Ichigo, forgive me. I also know that no one wants to hear the words ‘I am doing this for you’, but only in this way can everyone be truly safe.”

“Absolute Zero·Perfect Seal!”

Rukia looked into Ichigo’s eyes with apologetic eyes, and the snowflakes around her gradually completely froze Ichigo’s body.

At this time, Ichigo was unable to make any reaction. He could only look at Rukia in front of him, and then felt his limbs, drive, heart, brain and even consciousness gradually lose feeling, until he finally lost consciousness completely.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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