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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 374 The Battle of Hueco Mundo (9)

The person standing in front of Ishida Uryū and the other three was none other than Kuchiki Byakuya, who had been guarding Kyūya Palace under Yusuke’s orders.

“Oh no, he is Kuchiki-san’s older brother, the original captain of the sixth division of the Gotei Thirteenth Division!”

Orihime, who had regained consciousness, had already gotten off of Sadatari’s shoulders. When she saw the appearance of Byakuya Kuchiki, she had a look of panic on her face.

Having fought so many times with people from Soul Society, they already knew the combat power classification of the Gotei Thirteen, and knew very well that captain-level Shinigami were not opponents they could handle now.

At this time, an additional layer of arm armor appeared on each of Sadatari’s arms, which was his full expression ability “Giant’s Right Arm” and “Devil’s Left Arm”.

“At this point, I can only bite the bullet and rush forward. You two are behind, and I will be there.”

However, before Chado finished speaking, he saw a large amount of blood splashing in front of his eyes.

As a sharp pain came from his chest, Chadao knelt down weakly, and then fell to the ground with a plop.



Seeing Sadatari being suddenly knocked down, Orihime and Ishida Uryu screamed in surprise.

Orihime immediately lowered her body and used the “Three Pairs of Heaven’s Return Shield” to treat Sadatari’s injuries. Ishida Uryū condensed a spirit bow and arrow in his hand and aimed at Byakuya Kuchiki in front of him.

In their eyes, Kuchiki Byakuya just seemed to have not moved at all.

But they knew very well that this enemy must have used a movement that they could not see to use the knife, and instantly killed Chado.

“Uryū Ishida, please return to the Technology Development Bureau obediently, otherwise I will chop off that man’s head with the next blow.” Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly.

Kuchiki Byakuya has no habit of attacking women, and Ishida Uryū is a target that cannot be harmed. Sadatari has no choice but to become the ‘chicken’ that Kuchiki Byakuya uses to scare the monkeys.

Hearing Kuchiki Byakuya’s words, Ishida Uryu’s hand holding the Reiko bow and arrow tightened. The enemy in front of him gave him an unsolvable problem.

If he chose to fight or run away, it would mean that Sadat would definitely die.

He has no choice at all!

After canceling the spirit bow and arrow in his hand, Ishida Uryu sighed: “I understand.”

Orihime on the side was treating Sadatari while looking at Uryū Ishida with worried and unwilling eyes.

Although her purpose in coming to Hueco Mundo was to save Uryū Ishida, Sadatari’s life was threatened again, and a strong sense of powerlessness arose in the hearts of several of them.

This is the tragedy of the weak!

“Little Byakuya, it seems that you are doing well in Xuye Palace. You are even better at putting on a show than before! Why don’t you give face to your sister who has loved you since childhood and let them go?”

At this time, a woman’s voice suddenly rang out, and as a black shadow flashed before everyone’s eyes, Yoruichi had already stood between Byakuya Kuchiki, Uryu Ishida and others.

Seeing Yoruichi’s appearance, hope rekindled in Ishida Uryu and Orihime’s eyes.

“Yoruichi, you can’t stop me now.” Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly.

A dangerous light flashed in Ye Yi’s slender phoenix eyes, and she said with a smile: “I haven’t seen you for such a long time, and your tone has become louder. You are really not cute at all now.”

While speaking, Yoruichi emphasized the word ‘cute’, as if she wanted to emphasize something.

When she was in Seireitei, she had always liked to tease the teenage Byakuya Kuchiki with her super-speed shunpo. Every time she succeeded, she would praise him as “cute”, which had always made the arrogant Byakuya Kuchiki feel ashamed.

As if Yoruichi’s provocation had an effect, Kuchiki Byakuya snorted and directly launched the super-speed instant step to come to Yoruichi. At the same time, he used an extremely fast sword drawing technique to slash directly at Yoruichi.

A black shadow flashed past, and Yoruichi was already standing on Kuchiki Byakuya’s blade. Not only was his speed so fast, it was as if his body was weightless.

After that, Yoruichi and Kuchiki Byakuya had a fight that was completely invisible to Ishida Uryū and Orihime. Although Kuchiki Byakuya was not as fast as Yoichi at this time, he was enough to deal with Yoruichi.

“Scatter, Senbonzakura Kagegan.”

Kuchiki Byakuya’s cold voice sounded, and countless sword blades as beautiful as cherry blossom petals surrounded everyone like a tornado.

He knew very well that it was impossible to defeat a master like Yoruichi without using swastika, and in order to prevent others from taking advantage of the opportunity to slip away, using a large number of Senbonzakura swords to control everyone within a range was the best option.

“Use your ultimate attack as soon as you come up. This is not like your style, little Kuchiki!”

While quickly fighting with Kuchiki Byakuya, Yoruichi laughed out loud.

Although it still showed a very relaxed expression on its face, Yoruichi was very solemn in her heart. She found that Kuchiki Byakuya was far more troublesome than when he was in Seireitei.

As a genius of the Kuchiki clan, Byakuya Kuchiki’s talent has always been among the top among the captains.

However, in the various battles in the original work, he has never been able to display his due strength. Even if he defeats his opponent, he usually loses miserably.

In fact, the real reason for this is not a problem with his own strength, but that he always has the airs and posture of being a noble, which prevents him from perfectly displaying his strength.

However, after the battle with Ichimaru Gin, he already understood his own problems.

At the same time, after Yusuke’s guidance and the ability to become hollow, Byakuya Kuchiki was now far more terrifying than before.

After trapping everyone with the Senbonzakura Blade, Kuchiki Byakuya did not insist on continuing the high-speed Shunpo and Hakuta fight with Yoruichi. Instead, he used the Senbonzakura Blade to condense twelve spiritual light swords to protect him. At his side, he took out one as his own weapon.

“I said, you can’t stop me now.” Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly.

Relying on the advantage of the spirit sword around him, he quickly suppressed Ye Yi, making Ye Yi completely afraid to carry out close attacks.

When Yoruichi realized that the situation was not good, he immediately stepped back and put some distance between himself and Byakuya Kuchiki.

She didn’t say much at this moment, but her expression became extremely serious. An astonishing amount of spiritual pressure erupted from her body. Her long ponytail also rose upwards due to the explosion of spiritual pressure. Her whole person looked amazingly powerful.

“Shuanghu·Thunder God Battle Form!”

At this time, a pair of thunder god horns formed by white thunder and lightning appeared on Yoruichi’s head, and six Taiko Magatama dancing with white thunder and lightning appeared on her back. The spiritual pressure in her whole body was far beyond her normal state.

Seeing Yoruichi in this form, Kuchiki Byakuya’s calm face also showed a look of surprise. He did not expect that Yoruichi still hid such a powerful power.

If he hadn’t mastered the ability to blur, then he really wouldn’t be Yoichi’s opponent!

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya’s surprise and then quickly returning to his normal expression, Yoruichi smiled and said: “Byakuya, you have really grown up a lot under Yusuke Uchiha. Not only your strength impresses me, sister, but also your mentality. Much calmer than before.”

Byakuya Kuchiki said slowly: “Indeed, if Yusuke-senpai hadn’t been here, I would still be no match for you.”

Ye Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard this: “So you mean, because of his existence, you can defeat me now?”

Kuchiki Byakuya did not answer immediately, but pressed his left hand on his forehead. As he pulled his hand down, a ferocious virtual mask appeared on his face.

Powerful spiritual pressure shot up from Kuchiki Byakuya’s body, and the Senbonzakura sword blades that were spinning around like pink cherry blossom petals all turned into bright red, as if they were dyed red with blood.

“Sifengyuan Yoruichi, today is the day when I will truly surpass you!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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