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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 375 The Only Remnant Fire Sword (1)

Above Hueco Mundo’s canopy, the originally dark sea of ​​white sand was now illuminated by the light of the blazing flames.

In the midst of the burning flames, it was Yusuke and Yamamoto Genryusai who stood at the pinnacle of death.

At this time, Yusuke also noticed a series of battles taking place under the sky cover through his spiritual pressure, including the Gyuzu Haku who was awakened by Urahara Kisuke, and Yoruichi’s use of the “Shunku Thunder God Battle Form” and so on.

Yusuke wasn’t too worried about the battle between Yoruichi and Byakuya Kuchiki.

Although the two are enemies, he knows that no matter who wins or loses, both sides will show mercy.

However, the appearance of Niutou Xubai may destroy the huge advantages that Xuye Palace originally had.

Even Ulquiorra, who has fused with the coaxing jade and mastered the third level of return blade, may not be the opponent of Niutou Xubai now.

At the moment when Yusuke was distracted, he suddenly felt a strong murderous intention targeting him.

After discovering the danger, Yusuke instinctively activated the Hondama Susanoo, and this reaction also saved him from the danger of being seriously injured or even killed.

When a huge warrior with flames all over his body surrounded Yusuke, a red explosion appeared on the left side of the warrior’s body.

The intense high temperature and the impact caused by the explosion actually exploded the body of Susanoo Houdama, exposing the ribs inside his body, and almost touched Yusuke himself hidden inside.

“Uchiha Yusuke, you actually have the guts to distract me when facing this old man. It seems that this thousand-year-old man has really not made a move for a long time, which makes people look down upon him.”

At this time, Yamamoto Genryusai still maintained a horizontal slashing posture. The explosive fire attack just now was just a slash he had just launched. It actually had almost the power of the original explosive form of the residual fire sword, and it also had He almost broke through Honyu Susanoo’s defense.

“He is worthy of being the strongest Shinigami in a thousand years. If I hadn’t taken away half of Ryūren Wakahui’s power, my carelessness just now would have been enough to kill me,” Yusuke said slowly.

Yusuke also threw away the distracting thoughts in his heart at this time. This battle with Yamamoto Genryusai did not allow him to be negligent.

Even though he had an advantage in the combat methods he mastered, Yamamoto Genryusai still had the power to kill him.

And he didn’t make any special preparations for Yamamoto Genryusai, unlike Aizen who used Honyu to create the Fire Prince, or Yhwach who specially prepared the Star Ankh that absorbed the Swastika, etc.

If he wants to defeat Genryusai Yamamoto in front of him, he can only rely on his own hard power!

Holding the hand of the Ryukyuruo Fire across his chest, Yamamoto Genryusai said in a deep voice: “I didn’t expect that I could be defended at that moment, but I will use my full strength in every move after that! Swastika: Canhuo Taishou !”

The flames that originally wrapped around Yamamoto Genryusai all merged into the residual fire sword in his hand. At this time, Yamamoto Genryusai did not use any moves of the residual fire sword, but was equivalent to preparing the starting move.

Once he launches an attack, every move will be enough to destroy the world!

Seeing Yamamoto Genryusai swastika, Yusuke also immediately swastikaed the residual fire sword.

At this time, the entire flame on the sky cover was absorbed by the two residual fire swords, and there was no longer the firelight that had just illuminated the entire sky.

However, despite the absence of these flames, the temperature in the air has become extremely high.

If an ordinary creature were to appear here, it would be directly cooked by the high temperature in the air in a few seconds.

Yamamoto Genryusai’s eyes flashed with murderous intent, and he swung the residual fire sword forward, and a red sword light flew to Yusuke’s eyes.

“Remnant Fire Tai Sword Bei·The heaven and earth are destroyed!”

Yamamoto Genryusai had used this move in Shuangshu no Gaoka before, but because he was in Soul Society, he did not release all his spiritual pressure.

At this moment in Hueco Mundo, Yamamoto Genryusai no longer has any scruples.

The moment the sword struck out, the strike itself seemed ordinary, but the whole sky suddenly flashed red for no apparent reason.

This red light seems like a flame, but it also seems like blood!

Yusuke raised the spiritual pressure in his body to the maximum, and the residual fire sword in his hand appeared in the hand of Hondama Susanoo.

The only one who can confront the residual fire sword swastika head-on is naturally the residual fire sword swastika!

“Remnant Fire Tai Sword 1 Style: Long Yan Bu Wu!”

Nine red-gold fire dragons were seen emerging from the residual fire sword in Susanoo’s hand. Two of them were wrapped around the blade of the residual fire sword, and the other seven were surrounding Susanoo’s huge body.

The four postures of East, West, South, and North in the residual fire sword were created by Yamamoto Genryusai. As an opponent, Yusuke will not use his abilities, but will develop his own moves to deal with them.

“One-Style: Ryūenbubu” is Yusuke’s starting move based on Susanoo’s Swastika Zanhuo Taitō. Its purpose is not to attack, but to strengthen itself through the power of the Reiko Fire Dragon.

Raising the residual fire sword surrounded by the fire dragon in his hand, Susanoo successfully blocked the light of Yamamoto Genryusai’s sword.

However, the so-called “annihilation of heaven and earth” is not just the slash in front of you, the power hidden in it has not yet exploded.

The moment the sword light that destroyed the world came into contact with Susanoo’s long sword, an overwhelming flame shot out in the direction of Susanoo.

It’s like a huge crimson curtain spreads forward based on the line where the sword light was just now, and the entire world is shrouded in this giant curtain of flames!

At this time, Yamamoto Genryusai, who was on the other side of the giant flame screen, had a gloomy expression. He could detect that the opponent’s spiritual pressure had not decreased, and actually had a tendency to increase.

Through the induction of spiritual pressure, he discovered that the nine fire dragons wrapped around Susanoo were absorbing the power of the explosive flames, and were using these powers to continuously increase their own spiritual pressure.

At this moment, Yamamoto Genryusai suddenly discovered that the target in the sense of spiritual pressure had disappeared from its original position.

“not good!”

Yamamoto Genryusai was shocked. Years of combat experience made him instinctively turn around and raise his sword to block.

There was only a loud noise, and his body was directly knocked away. Standing in his original position was Susanoo with a fire dragon wrapped around his body.

Although Susanoo’s body is huge, his speed is not slow at all and his movements are extremely flexible.

Even Yamamoto Genryusai did not expect that this huge samurai could launch such a swift and violent attack.

Because of the large amount of flames that erupted from Yamamoto Genryusai’s “Heaven and Earth” just now, all the sand and gravel on the ground in the covered area were melted into magma by the high temperature. Yamamoto Genryusai, who was knocked out, stood on his own In the magma.

“Resident Fire Taishou Xi·Resident Ri Prison Clothes!”

Scorching flames ignited from Yamamoto Genryusai’s body, and the temperature of these flames was extremely high.

If an enemy approaches him without sufficient spiritual pressure defense, he will be instantly vaporized by the temperature.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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