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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 379 The Royal Family and Team Zero

“Brother Kuchiki, you lost this battle!”

In front of the gate of Xuye Palace, Yoruichi squatted next to Byakuya Kuchiki with a smile on his face, touched Byakuya Kuchiki’s head and said in a teasing tone.

At this time, she was removing the pincers from Byakuya Kuchiki’s hair one by one, which seemed to be a very interesting thing.

Kuchiki Byakuya didn’t have any injuries on his body, but his body was tangled in white bandages.

These bandages were specially made by Urahara Kisuke for Yoruichi. Once they control the target, they can perfectly block the target’s spiritual pressure.

Kuchiki Byakuya was lying on the ground with his eyes closed, and there was an abnormal blush on his face.

“I didn’t expect you to become so shameless!!!”

Kuchiki Byakuya said coldly, but anyone could hear a tremor in his voice.

At this time, Ye Yi was almost naked, with only the spirit armor formed by white spirit seeds blocking some key parts of her body.

The Thundergod horns originally formed by the “Shuangku·Thundergod Battle Form” on her head also disappeared, and were replaced by a pair of cute cat ears.

Yoruichi’s appearance was not because she was deliberately using seduction techniques, but because she was in the second stage of her “Thunder God Battle Form”. She named this move “Shunlong Black Cat Warrior”!

(Note: This move and its form were not made up by the author. Yoichi used it in the thousand-year bloody battle)

Seeing that Byakuya Kuchiki had his eyes closed and not looking at him, Yoruichi poked Byakuya Kuchiki’s head playfully with his finger: “Ah, aren’t you already married to Haizhen? Why are you still so shy?”

At this time, behind Yoruichi, Orihime and the honest man Sadat also lowered their heads and looked at her in embarrassment.

Ishida Uryu covered his eyes with his hands, but his two eyeballs were exposed from between his fingers.

In the battle between Yoruichi and Kuchiki Byakuya just now, the strength of Kuchiki Byakuya after the virtualization was not inferior to Yoruichi at all.

But because both of them actually still have this brother-sister relationship in their hearts, they both have reservations when they take action, and they can’t tell the real winner at all.

But when it comes to being flexible, Yoruichi has to be even better.

After finding a suitable opportunity, she directly activated the very sexy “Shunlong Black Cat Warrior”, catching Byakuya Kuchiki off guard and stunned him on the spot.

Naturally, Yoruichi would not miss the opportunity for Byakuya Kuchiki to be stunned, and immediately used his own bandage to trap the opponent, and finally succeeded in subduing Byakuya Kuchiki.

Taking out a robe from somewhere and wrapping it around his body, Yoruichi canceled the “Thunder God Battle Form”, and the powerful spiritual pressure fluctuations on his body disappeared.

“Orihime, Sadatari, Ishida, I have arranged a portal to return to the present world about five kilometers in that direction. You should go back first. I still have some things to do.”

After pointing a direction for Orihime and others, Yoruichi said with a solemn expression.

At this time, she had also noticed the situation on the battlefield outside Xuye Palace. It was obvious that the Gotei Thirteen Team was in very bad shape.

Although she had left the Gotei 13, at this critical moment, she still couldn’t let go of her former colleagues.

“You should know that even if you remove the form, nothing will change at all.” Byakuya Kuchiki said calmly while lying on the ground.

Yoruichi smiled and said: “Maybe, but there are some things that you still have to do even if you know you can’t do them.”

Suddenly, Ye Yi frowned and shouted to the corner behind him: “Who, come out!”

After Yoruichi’s words fell, a young man wearing a white lining that looked very similar to a Deathbuster outfit walked out from the shadows in the corner. He had a Zanpakutō on his waist. Apparently a reaper too.

“As expected of Shungami Yoichi, I didn’t expect that even I could find it!” the god of death said with a smile.

“Ryusei Inuzaki? It seems that the royal family was not involved in this operation of the Gotei 13, right?” Yoruichi asked doubtfully.

This sudden appearance of the Shinigami is named Inuzaki Ryusei, and he is the bodyguard of the princess of the Kasumioji family, a royal family in the Soul Society. His appearance here means that the Kasumioji family also intends to intervene.

(Note: The surnames of Soul Society’s royal family are not specified in the original book. This book sets the appearance of the high-ranking aristocrat Kasumioji family as the royal family)

At this time, the situation of the Gotei Thirteen Team was already extremely unfavorable. If the Kasumioji clan as a royal family and even more Shinigami nobles could lend a helping hand at this time, maybe the situation would turn around.

Inuzaki Liusheng smiled and said: “Miss Yoichi, the reason why I appear here is because of the will of His Majesty the Soul King.”

Just when Inuzaki Liusheng appeared in front of Yoruichi, uninvited guests from the Soul Society also appeared on the battlefield outside Kyōya Palace.

A little girl wearing gorgeous royal attire, accompanied by a group of Shinigami guards, came to Yusuke and Kyoraku Shunsui.

This little girl looks to be about eleven or twelve years old. Her long golden hair is fixed with a hairband, revealing her white forehead.

In her hand, she held a square-looking object wrapped in fine cloth. She didn’t know what it was, but it must be very precious.

The little girl’s name is Kasumiaoji Ruri Chiyoko. She is the contemporary princess of the Kasumiaoji clan and the future head of the Kasumiaoji clan.

Although he was slightly surprised to see Ruri Chiyoko Yusuke, he didn’t feel too much.

In the Seireitei, the royal family actually does not have much power, and the Gotei Thirteen are not restricted by the royal family at all.

What Yusuke really cared about was the female Shinigami standing behind Chiyoko Ruri.

This is a slender woman with charming classical makeup on her face. She wears gorgeous golden hair accessories on her head, and has three pairs of slender white mechanical arms outside her white robe.

The identity of this female Shinigami is not simple. She is none other than Shutara Senjumaru, the member of Team Zero who is responsible for protecting the Soul King, “Oori Mamoru”!

As a member of Team Zero, under normal circumstances, you are not allowed to leave Soul King Ouchi at all.

This is not just to ensure the defensive power of the Spirit King, but there is also an unknown secret hidden in it.

The skeletons of all members of the Zero Division have been transformed by Ichibei, the captain of the Zero Division. Even if they are killed, as long as their bodies are still within the scope of the “Zero Division Retreat” in the Soul King Ouchi, He can be resurrected by relying on the power of the military commander Ichibei.

What’s more important is that the transformed bodies of Team Zero members are actually the “King Key” that Aizen has always wanted to get, which is the key to entering the Soul King!

It is for this reason that once you become a member of Team Zero, you will almost never have the chance to leave Soul King Ouchi.

Originally, the reason why Aizen wanted to use the “King Key Creation Method” to use the heavy spirit land and 100,000 souls to create the King Key was because all the members of Team Zero were inside the Soul King Ouchi, which meant that they were about to open the safe. The key is placed in the safe, and even Aizen is powerless.

The fact that Senjumaru can appear here at this time means that she carries an extremely important mission for the Soul King. Otherwise, the captain of the army, Ichibei, would not be able to let a ‘King Key’ go like this. Acting out alone.

The “importance” of this mission is not judged by the Soul King, but must also be recognized by all members of the Zero Division.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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