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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 381 The Spiritual King’s Purpose (2)

The gate of Xuye Palace.

“Miss Yoichi, as I said below, now that the war is over, Xuye Palace will no longer be the enemy of Seireitei, so please stop interfering in Xuye Palace’s affairs.” Inuzaki Liu Sheng said slowly road.

Yoruichi sneered: “I have already quit the Gotei 13, and I don’t have any position in the Seireitei. It has nothing to do with me that your war is over. I just want to take my friends with me.”

At this time, Uryu Ishida, who was behind Yoruichi, stepped forward. He looked at Yoruichi and said sincerely: “Miss Yoruichi, I am very grateful that you can help me like this. But I have decided to stay!”

Hearing Ishida Uryu’s words, Yoruichi, Orihime and Chadari all looked surprised.

But soon Yoruichi figured out why Ishida Uryu made this decision. It was actually because he had no choice!

The Gotei 13 Team has been defeated, and Seireitei and Xuye Palace have declared a truce. Even if Uryu Ishida returns to the living world now, if Xuye Palace insists on capturing him, no one can save him.

“If you have such an awareness, it’s no wonder that Rukia has always regarded you as a partner. When the strength is insufficient, dragging down your friends for yourself is the most stupid and selfish choice.” Byakuya Kuchiki said solemnly.

I don’t know when he had broken free of Yoruichi’s bandage and was standing aside quietly looking at Ishida Uryu.

Now that Ye Yi knows that she can’t change anything with her own strength, she feels a deep sense of frustration as she has always been confident in her own strength.

In the end, she could only leave Hueco Mundo with Orihime and Sadatari.

As for Ichigo who is still in Hueco Mundo, they know from Byakuya Kuchiki that Rukia has obtained the right to deal with Ichigo with Yusuke, so Ichigo will not be in any danger.

After the Gotei 13 left Hueco Mundo, Kyōraku Shunsui, as the new captain, first visited each team member involved in the war one by one.

While encouraging, I also urge all captains, vice-captains and chief officers to cheer up and not to be brooding over the failure of this war.

At the same time, Kyoraku Shunsui tried his best to attribute the cause of the defeat to himself and minimize the impact of the defeat on the Gotei 13 members.

Although Kyoraku Shunsui always looked very lazy and idle in the past, as a teacher, Yamamoto Genryusai saw his extraordinary overall view, management ability and the sense of responsibility hidden in his heart.

It can be said that in addition to his personal strength and prestige, Kyoraku Shunsui is even more suitable for the position of captain of the Gotei 13 than Yamamoto Genryusai.

At night, in the courtyard of the Seireitei Technology Development Bureau, except for the guards on duty, all members had returned to their residences. Only the director, Kisuke Urahara, was left sitting on the corridor looking up at the sky and thinking quietly.

Suddenly, Urahara Kisuke seemed to notice something. He turned to look at the shadow in the corner of the courtyard and said with a smile: “Captain Kyoraku, why did you come to the Technology Development Bureau if you didn’t go back to rest so late. It seems that even you, Once you are pushed into that position, you will no longer be as free and comfortable as you once were.”

At this time Kyoraku Shunsui slowly walked out from the shadows. Although he was still wearing captain Haori, the number behind Haori had been changed from ‘eight’ to ‘one’.

Kyoraku Shunsui sat next to Urahara Kisuke and slowly said: “Captain Urahara, I think you can guess why I came to you, right?”

“Of course, it’s just that you came much later than I thought.” Urahara Kisuke said with a smile.

He didn’t expect that Kyōraku Shunsui could be so calm. These days, he was completely focused on appeasing the members of the Gotei 13 Team, and had not come to him until now to ask him about the Soul King’s intervention in this war.

“What Princess Kasumioji gave to Uchiha Yusuke should be the royal seal that symbolizes the royal family. Why would the Soul King give such an important thing to him, and why even the Zero Squadron would agree?” Kyoraku Shunsui asked straight to the point. .

A gleam flashed in Urahara Kisuke’s eyes, and his tone became deeper.

“Because Uchiha Yusuke is the person that the Soul King has been waiting for to free him!”

“Free the Soul King? Do you mean that he will become the new Soul King!?” Kyoraku Shunsui looked at Urahara Kisuke beside him in disbelief and exclaimed.

Urahara Kisuke nodded: “This is just my guess, but I am at least 80% sure. It is for this reason that the Soul King will intervene in this war at this time.”

Kyoraku Shunsui frowned and said: “But there are many problems in this that I still can’t figure out. Why can Uchiha Yusuke replace the Soul King to balance the world? Why can Team Zero agree with the Soul King’s decision?”

Urahara Kisuke’s eyes narrowed slightly: “I also happened to have the opportunity to enter the Great Spirit Book Corridor to check the information before going to Hueco Mundo, and saw some relevant information before I understood it. Otherwise, I would not have been able to think of it at all. s reason.”

In the Corridor of the Great Soul Scroll, there are documents recording that the power structure of the Soul King to balance the world is a combination of the power of Quincy, Hollow and Death.

It can be said that the Soul King is the source of all Quincy, Hollows, and Shinigami. This is why Yhwach, the ancestor of the Quincy, calls the Soul King his father.

In the thousand-year bloody battle, after the Ichibei of the Military Chief Division was defeated by Yhwach, he designed Ichigo to go to Yhwach to die. The purpose was to let Yhwach make Ichigo into a new soul king. , replacing the existing Spirit King to maintain the balance of world power.

But he didn’t expect that Ichigo would actually defeat Yhwach with the assistance of Uryu Ishida and Aizen.

The reason why the Ministry of War made such a decision is precisely because Ichigo has the power of the Quincy, the power of the Shinigami, and the power of the Hollow in his body, which is the perfect mold for making the Soul King.

Regarding the principle of the Soul King maintaining the balance of power in the world, Urahara Kisuke accidentally found relevant information from the Great Soul Book Corridor not long ago. Combined with Yusuke’s plot to obtain the information about the broken jade in his and Aizen’s hands, Urahara Kisuke boldly guessed that Yusuke wanted to It is necessary to assemble Bengyu with three different powers to fuse Bengyu with power that is not inferior to or even higher than the Spirit King.

With such power, Yusuke is fully capable of replacing the current Soul King.

Urahara Kisuke told Kyoraku Shunsui all the information he had guessed, and then continued: “You must have met the Soul King. Maybe he had the idea of ​​​​liberating himself, so he handed the king’s seal to Uchiha Yusuke. And I don’t know what reason was used to convince Team Zero to admit that Uchiha Yusuke will become the new Soul King.”

Kyoraku Shunsui fell into deep thought after hearing this. He knew that the position of the Zero Squadron was completely different from that of the Seireitei nobles.

Initially, the five nobles worked together to attack the Soul King and make him a human pig in order to protect their own rights. However, the members of Team Zero had no idea of ​​safeguarding such rights. They were purely protecting the Soul King for the sake of the world.

To a certain extent, the members of Team Zero are very much like a volunteer team.

For Team Zero, it may not matter whether the Soul King is a human pig or a normal person.

Looking at Kyōraku Shunsui who was lost in thought, Urahara Kisuke said solemnly: “To maintain the balance of the world, a soul king without dominance should be the best choice. Team Zero can recognize Uchiha Yusuke as the new There must be a key to it that we don’t know!”

As Kisuke Urahara said, there is indeed a very key factor that makes Team Zero recognize Yusuke as the new Soul King, and that factor is Yhwach who will appear three years later.

As a spiritual king with the ability of “omniscience”, he actually predicted that he would be killed by Yhwach before the thousand-year bloody battle, but he did not disclose this information to anyone because he had been waiting for that day.

Only when he dies can he be completely freed from this endless life and humiliation.

Now because of Yusuke’s appearance, the Soul King foresaw another future.

In order to convince Team Zero, the Soul King used his spiritual power to evolve various foreseen futures, saying that without Uchiha Yusuke’s power, the world would be destroyed by Yhwach.

It is precisely for this reason that Senjumaru and Ruri Chiyoko appeared in Hueco Mundo.

“What are the factors that make all the members of Team Zero agree to the Soul King’s decision?”

Kyoraku Shunsui and Urahara Kisuke were thinking about this problem at the same time, but without the ability to predict, they could not analyze the real reason no matter how much they analyzed!

thanks for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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