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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 385 The Most Unsolvable Perfection Technique

At this time, Orihime returned to school, but she was still thinking about Ichigo who stayed in Hueco Mundo.

Although she knew that Ichigo would not be in any danger with Rukia taking care of him, she still couldn’t help but worry about Ichigo.

However, what she didn’t know was that a huge danger was approaching her. Two villains from hell have targeted her.

After school, Orihime and Chadar were walking on the road, discussing when Ichigo would be able to return to the living world, or whether they would find a chance to go to Hueco Mundo to visit Ichigo and Ishida Uryu.

At this moment, a tall, thin man with an elegant temperament walked towards the two of them.

Under Sadatari’s surprised gaze, Orihime next to her actually raised her head and called the man “Brother Tsukishima”.

After being friends with Orihime for so long, he had never known that Orihime had such a so-called big brother.

The person who appeared in front of Orihime and Chadari was Hidekuro Tsukishima from hell.

Orihime seemed very happy when she saw Tsukishima Hidekuro, and she even rushed up to him.


Sadatari exclaimed, stepped forward and threw Orihime down, but his chest was pierced by the sword suddenly thrust out by Tsukishima Hidekuro.

“It’s really troublesome. It seems that I have to make up for it.” Tsukishima Hidekuro said calmly, while holding the long sword and walking towards Orihime and Sadat step by step.

Orihime said with a look of disbelief: “Brother Tsukishima, what are you going to do!”

At this time, in Orihime’s memory, Tsukishima Hidekuro is not a stranger, but a neighbor who has always taken care of her and is closer than a relative.

She couldn’t understand why Tsukishima Hidekuro wanted to kill her.

However, what she doesn’t know is that the reason why she has such a memory is because Tsukishima Hidekuro changed her past with his Perfection Technique!

Hidekuro Tsukishima’s Perfection Technique is one of the most inexplicable abilities, and he can insert his own existence into the past of others.

And when a person’s past changes, it will directly affect his current state.

It was for this reason that Orihime affectionately called Hidekuro Tsukishima, who had nothing to do with her, as ‘Brother Tsukishima’.

Tsukishima Hidekuro, who possesses the ability of this kind of perfect technique, is best at playing with other people’s past.

Let yourself become an indispensable presence in the other person’s past, and then kill the other person in the eyes that the other person cannot understand.

It can be said that only truly ruthless and cruel people will use such abilities to deal with enemies.

What Hidekuro Tsukishima changed was not his memory, but the real past.

In other words, after he substitutes himself into other people’s past, the past he created becomes a real thing, and the same is true for himself.

To Orihime in front of her, Tsukishima Hidekuro was the big brother next door who had taken care of her for many years.

In contrast, for Tsukishima Hidekuro, Orihime was also the girl next door whom he had loved for many years.

In this case, Tsukishima Hidekuro could still kill Orihime mercilessly. It can only be said that his heart has no emotion at all.

Walking in front of Orihime and Sadatari, Tsukishima Hidekuro raised the long sword in his hand high and stabbed it downwards, trying to penetrate the bodies of Sadatari and Orihime at the same time.

At this critical moment, a black cavity suddenly opened in the air beside him, and a huge Zanpakutō stretched out from it, blocking Tsukishima Hidekuro’s long sword.

“who are you?”

After the black cavity opened, Ichigo and Rukia walked out of it.

At this time, Ichigo’s body was still wrapped with a large number of bandages, but the bandages on his face had been removed, and he looked very energetic.

Rukia also had a serious look on her face at this time. She wanted to send Ichigo back to the living world and have a good reunion with Orihime, Chadari and others, but she didn’t expect to see this scene as soon as she arrived.

When Tsukishima Hidekuro saw that foreign aid had appeared on the other side, the surprise on his face flashed away, and then he calmly said to Ichigo: “Don’t you know me, Ichigo?”

At this time, Ichigo suddenly realized that he actually knew the man in front of him, and that he was his good brother for many years and had helped him a lot on weekdays.

“You are Brother Tsukishima! Why are you here?” Ichigo suddenly lost all hostility on his face and asked Tsukishima in confusion.

Just for a moment when they looked at each other, Tsukishima Hidekuro read Ichigo’s past and inserted his own presence into Ichigo’s past life.

“What an interesting past!”

A flash of light flashed in Tsukishima Hidekuro’s eyes. After reading Ichigo’s past, he immediately judged that Ichigo in front of him had very powerful potential. Once Ichigo showed his power, he might not be his opponent.

When Ichigo was relaxing, the long knife in Tsukishima Hidekuro’s hand that was originally aimed at Orihime and Chadari suddenly changed direction and pierced directly into the unsuspecting Ichigo.

Rukia on the side realized it was already a step too late. She was originally very wary of Hidekuro Tsukishima, but when Ichigo shouted “Brother Tsukishima”, Rukia thought there was some misunderstanding. Also relaxed.

“Kurosaki Ichigo, your Zanpakutō has been broken long ago. Your injuries have not recovered at all. Now you have no strength to fight at all.”

After Tsukishima Hidekuro’s long knife penetrated Ichigo’s body, he slowly said such words that Ichigo and Rukia could not understand.

However, as he finished speaking, the Zanpakutō in Ichigo’s hand actually broke into two halves, and a large amount of blood overflowed from the bandages on his body. He, who had already recovered from his injuries, fell to the ground with his eyes wide open. His face was full of disbelief.

This is the second ability of the Tsukishima Ginjo Complete Technique – modifying the past!

Compared with the first method of reading the other party’s past and substituting his own existence into it, his second ability is more powerful.

As long as he is stabbed by his long knife, he can modify the other person’s past at will, and then map these effects into reality.

In the final battle of the Thousand-Year Blood War, he also used this method to modify the past of Ichigo’s tragic defeat to Yhwach, perfectly restoring Ichigo’s injuries and allowing Ichigo who had lost his combat effectiveness to regain his friendship with Yhwach. The power of Bach’s battle.


Rukia, Orihime and Sadatari exclaimed. Orihime immediately got up and used the Double Heavenly Return Shield to heal Ichigo, while Rukia pulled out her Zanpakutō and quickly slashed towards Tsukishima Hidekuro.

Tsukishima Hidekuro retracted his sword to block Sode Shirayuki in Rukia’s hand, and then he found that his sword quickly turned into ice crystals.

He immediately abandoned the long sword in his hand and stepped back. At the same time, he took out a new samurai sword from the book in his right hand as if by magic.

Looking at Rukia in white clothes in front of him, Tsukishima Hidekuro once again activated the almost unsolvable Perfection Technique, reading Rukia’s past, and repeated his old trick to insert his own existence into it.

Rukia, who locked Tsukishima Hidekuro with her spiritual pressure, immediately lost her spiritual pressure and her sharp eyes became confused.

“Brother Tsukishima? Why did you attack Ichigo and the others?”

At this time, in Rukia’s past, Tsukishima Hidekuro became her best friend after coming to the present world, and his relationship was not even inferior to that of Ichigo and others.

Facing the current situation, the feelings in Lucia’s heart made her no longer able to favor Ichigo and the others, but she fell into endless doubts and dilemmas.

It can be said that Tsukishima Ginjo’s Perfection Technique is an incomprehensible power for people who value friendship. The more they value the friendship built with Tsukishima Hidekuro, the less able they are to take action against Tsukishima Hidekuro.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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