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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 392 Meeting Ichimaru Gin (2)

Just when Ichimaru Gin’s heart felt like he was in a cellar and felt that he would never have the chance to fulfill his wish in this life, he suddenly discovered that the scene around him was not in hell, and the guilty people around him had also disappeared before his eyes.

At this time, he and Yusuke were sitting in a pavilion surrounded by mountains and rivers. The surrounding scenery was very beautiful, and the architectural style was very similar to that of Seireitei, which made Ichimaru Gin feel nostalgic for the past.

“Captain Uchiha, your joke almost scared me to death.”

At this time, Ichimaru Gin had realized that Yusuke had used some method to block other people and communicate with him in an independent time and space.

But even so, Ichimaru Gin still felt scared and couldn’t help but raise his hand to wipe the cold sweat from his forehead with his sleeve.

The ability that Yusuke used at this time was his long-unused pupil technique “Gensugahara no Jutsu”, which can draw other people into his own consciousness space to communicate, and everything that happens here is just a moment to external time. .

Even if Yusuke chats with Ichimaru Ginchang here for three days and three nights, the blamers in hell will not notice anything unusual!

“I didn’t expect that a person as quiet as Captain Ichimaru would be frightened. This makes me find it very interesting.” Yusuke said with a smile.

Ichimaru Gin smiled bitterly and waved his hand: “Those are just illusions. The safest way to stay undercover next to someone like Aizen is not to show any emotions, so that there will be no flaws.”

Yusuke nodded when he heard this, then put away his smile and said seriously: “Gin, you are undercover with Aizen for Deputy Captain Matsumoto, right?”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Ichimaru Gin was shocked and looked up at Yusuke’s eyes, which were as deep as the stars in the sky.

“Sure enough, your eyes have the ability to see through people’s hearts or to know the past and the future. Aizen has always suspected this.” Ichimaru Gin said.

Yusuke smiled noncommittally and didn’t explain much. He just looked at Ichimaru Gin and said: “Vice Captain Matsumoto’s soul cannot be completed at this stage. The part of her lost soul has been perfectly integrated into the broken jade.” Even if you destroy Bengyu, you won’t be able to get her soul out of it.”

“You mean ‘at this stage’?”

Ichimaru Gin did not show any frustration or dissatisfaction when he heard this, but was very keen to find the key words in Yusuke’s words.

Yusuke smiled and said: “Yes, if my plan can be completed smoothly, soon I will have enough ability to use the “Soul Creation Technique” to create the missing parts of Vice Captain Matsumoto based on her own soul. Thus completing her soul. “

The “Soul Creation Technique” involves the nature and rules of the soul. Only the former Soul King in the entire world can cast it. This means that when Yusuke completes the fusion of the three types of Bengyoku, he will have skills that are comparable to or even surpass those of the former Soul King. With the power of the king, he also has the ability to create souls.

After knowing that Rangiku still had a chance to recover his soul, Ichimaru Gin smiled happily.

His smile at this time was completely different from his usual snake-like smile, just like an innocent child.

“Aizen is currently integrating the will of hell. I have also tried to find his aura, hoping to find a specific location and take this opportunity to kill him, but I have been unable to sense him. If you can find him in hell now , then this will be a perfect opportunity to eradicate him!”

Ichimaru Gin’s face was calm and he said to Yusuke very seriously.

Yusuke shook his head and said: “When I first came to hell, I had already searched the hell with my spiritual pressure and pupil technique, and I didn’t find anything abnormal. If I can’t find him in this way, no matter how much time I spend, I won’t be able to find him.” It’s impossible to find him.”

Ichimaru Gin nodded when he heard this, and sighed: “In this case, it seems that it is impossible to eradicate Aizen in a short time, and after integrating the will of hell, he will probably be even more difficult to deal with. I can do it for You provide information about Aizen and take action for you when necessary. But the condition is that you must help me take care of Rangiku and replenish her soul after you are able.”

“No problem, I will leave my pupil technique in your eyes. In the future, if you can use your spiritual power to inspire the pupil technique I left, you can communicate with me directly.”

Just as Yusuke was speaking, Ichimaru Gin noticed a flash of fluorescence in Yusuke’s eyes, and then there was a trace of abnormal spiritual power in his own eyes.

He knew that this abnormal spiritual power should be the eye technique that Yusuke mentioned.

The two of them have finished talking about the main things, and Yusuke is also ready to remove the pupil technique and return to reality.

“Gin, don’t you want to leave something for Vice Captain Matsumoto? Maybe this is your last chance.” Yusuke looked at Ichimaru Gin and asked.

Although neither of them mentioned Ichimaru Gin’s own situation just now, both parties knew that Ichimaru Gin, as the guilty person, had fallen into hell forever.

Regardless of whether Aizen can be solved in the future, Ichimaru Gin cannot escape the shackles of hell, and what awaits him will be eternal pain.

Maybe leaving something for Rangju at this time can become the sustenance of his soul, and also let Rangju know that Ichimaru Gin has been silently paying for her.

Ichimaru Gin was stunned when he heard this, and his mind immediately sank into the memories of his childhood. At this time, the days when he and Rangiku were dependent on each other in Rukongai more than a hundred years ago appeared before his eyes.

After a long time, Ichimaru Gin sighed and said: “No need, that’s it.”

For Ichimaru Gin, telling Rangiku these things about herself will only make her more sad, and she will also become a lingering knot in the other person’s heart.

And if she disappeared like this as a rebel, Rangiku might feel much better.

Yusuke also guessed Ichimaru Gin’s choices and thoughts, which made Yusuke appreciate him even more.

If there is an opportunity in the future, Yusuke will also try his best to find a way to help Ichimaru Gin get rid of the control of hell’s will. But there is no need to tell the other party about something that he is not sure about yet.

If he fails to help Ichimaru Gin in the end, the little hope he has left will only make him more painful and desperate.

“Don’t worry, Vice Captain Matsumoto, I will pay attention.”

After Yusuke said these words, Ichimaru Gin found that the scene in front of him changed quickly, and Hell and Aizen’s criminals appeared in front of him again.

At this time, Yusuke picked up the question from Ichimaru Gin who used the “Gensogen no Jutsu” and asked him why he came to hell. He smiled and replied: “I came to visit my old friend Aizen. He won’t refuse to see his old friend, right?” ?”

“I’m really sorry. Master Aizen is not in hell for the time being. Captain Uchiha, I’m afraid your trip this time will be in vain.” Ichimaru Gin said with a smile.

The agreement with Ichimaru Gin has been reached, and Yusuke, who has nothing else to do, does not need to stay in hell any longer. The pupil power in his eyes was activated, and a space vortex began to slowly suck his body into it.

“Really, it’s such a pity. Then Captain Ichimaru, please ask him for me next time!”

After the words fell, Yusuke’s figure also disappeared from everyone’s eyes, leaving only the guilty people looking at each other.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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