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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 42 Gambling

Not long after Tsunade returned to Konoha Village, rumors spread in the village that Tsunade, one of the three ninjas, was looking for a disciple. However, if you want to become Tsunade’s disciple, you must pass three tests.

In the month after the news spread, many ninjas in Konoha Village went to participate in the test with a trying mentality, but no one could meet the requirements.

The news of Tsunade’s selection of disciples caused a stir in the village, and of course Yusuke in Konoha also knew about it.

In Yusuke’s opinion, Tsunade’s search for a disciple this time is probably related to the injury of the Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minato. After all, Tsunade’s purpose of returning to the village this time was to see the fourth generation’s injuries.

Some of the contents of the test set by Tsunade came from the mouths of the ninjas who failed the test. Yusuke could tell that Tsunade wanted to find someone who was extremely talented in chakra control.

After learning this information, Yusuke’s lips curled up slightly: “This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!”

Hokage Building, in the third generation’s office.

“How is it, haven’t you found a suitable candidate yet?” The third generation frowned slightly and asked Kakashi beside him.

Kakashi shook his head: “The test set by Tsunade-sama is indeed very difficult. I also tried it myself, but I couldn’t control the chakra to the level required by Tsunade-sama.”

The third generation was silent for a while, then turned to look at Tsunade and asked, “Can we lower the standards a little bit?”

“Impossible. You must know that there is no room for error in the process of treating Minato. If you fail to meet my requirements, it will only kill Minato in the end!” Tsunade said firmly.

“To be honest, I didn’t have high hopes. Shizune is one of the children I’ve been eyeing for a relatively talented medical ninja over the years, but she’s far from meeting the requirements for performing this ninjutsu. I didn’t even think about it. I hope you can find the right candidate in a short time.”

Kakashi, who cared about the teacher, took two steps forward, knelt down to Tsunade, lowered his body to the bottom, and begged: “Tsunade-sama, you are the only one who can save the teacher now. If there is no suitable candidate, please help me.” I can stay in Konoha to treat the teacher.”

For Kakashi, too many relatives and friends have left him, and he really can’t help but watch his teacher lying on the hospital bed like a vegetative state.

Tsunade sighed, but she always had her own way and would not give up her ideas just because of Kakashi’s plea: “I’m sorry, I can’t agree to your request.”

“Since there is no suitable candidate, I am preparing to leave the village today. I have left the assessment method to you. If you find someone who can pass the test, you can contact me at any time. I will teach him the treatment method at that time .”

Just when Kakashi was despairing, a ninja who was responsible for delivering messages suddenly knocked on the door and said: “Sandaime-sama, there is good news!”

“Please come in.” Sandai ordered.

The ninja who delivered the message pushed open the door and walked in, followed by a young man of about eight or nine years old with white hair and delicate features. This boy is Kabuto, Yusuke’s disciple.

“Sandaime-sama, this boy has just completed all the tests required by Tsunade-sama! I will bring him to see you and Tsunade-sama immediately.” said the messenger ninja.

I heard that someone actually completed the test he set, and he was still a young boy. While Tsunade was surprised, she also became interested in the boy in front of her. After all, if the other party is really so talented, then it would be a good thing for him to accept such a disciple.

Tsunade immediately called Kabuto to her and took a test in person. She found that Kabuto indeed had chakra control abilities far beyond those of ordinary people, even inferior to herself.

This discovery made Tsunade extremely happy. Just as she was about to ask Kabuto if she was willing to become her disciple, Kakashi’s words next to her made her feel like a bucket of cold water had been poured on her.

“Kabuto, aren’t you Yusuke’s disciple?” Kakashi, who had already stood up beside him, asked doubtfully.

Kakashi was overjoyed at first when he heard that someone met Tsunade’s requirements, but when he saw that it was Kabuto, he was very surprised.

“Yes, the teacher asked me to try Tsunade-sama’s test. He said it was to test my chakra control ability.” Kabuto replied.

When he first entered the office, he was slightly nervous when he saw the Third Hokage and Tsunade, one of the legendary Sannin. However, he was very kind-hearted and quickly adjusted his mood, becoming neither humble nor overbearing.

“Is this beautiful sister the legendary Sannin? I didn’t expect to be so young!” Kabuto couldn’t help but think to himself as he looked at Tsunade who looked like a girl. Apparently he was also confused by Tsunade’s appearance.

At this time, Tsunade was actually in her forties, but because of the effect of her Yin seal on her beauty and regulating body functions, she still maintained a girlish appearance.

Hearing Kabuto’s answer, Tsunade frowned: “So, you are already someone else’s disciple?”

“Yes. My teacher is Uchiha Yusuke.” Kabuto nodded.

Upon hearing the words ‘Uchiha’, Tsunade frowned subconsciously. She was born in the Senju clan and had no favorable impression of the Uchiha clan. However, she does not have strong hostility towards the Uchiha clan like her uncle Senju Tobirama or Danzo.

“Uchiha Yusuke, this name seems familiar.” Tsunade murmured.

“Uchiha Yusuke is a jounin in the village, nicknamed ‘Entachi’, and is now known as ‘Uchiha’s number one master’. He is a very powerful ninja.” Kakashi explained.

Tsunade nodded: “So it’s him, then I’ll go see him in person.”

Regarding Kabuto in front of her, Tsunade had already considered accepting him as her disciple. Knowing that Kabuto was Yusuke’s disciple, Tsunade decided to talk to Yusuke to see if she could get him to give him this disciple.

“Tsunade-sama, if Kabuto cannot become your master”

Before Kakashi finished speaking, Tsunade understood what he meant and interrupted: “Don’t worry about this. No matter what, I can teach him how to treat Minato.”

Kakashi and Sandai were relieved after hearing this. Tsunade also belongs to the type of person who does things vigorously and resolutely, so she took Kabuto directly to the Uchiha clan’s residence to find Yusuke. Accompanying them were Kakashi, who was not at ease, and Tsunade’s disciple Shizune.

At the Uchiha Clan’s residence, Yusuke was instructing Itachi in ninjutsu, while Izumi was watching.

“Ninjutsu: Fire Phantom Crow Jutsu.”

Itachi quickly formed a seal in his hand, and his body transformed into a crow clone with both fire and illusion attributes.

Seeing Itachi mastering his signature ninjutsu so quickly, Yusuke nodded with satisfaction. This ninjutsu was originally improved by him with reference to Itachi’s ‘Crow Clone Technique’, so it was naturally very easy for Itachi to learn it.

Izumi, who was on the side, also thought this ninjutsu was very cool. Unfortunately, she had no talent for illusions, so she still couldn’t master the key after trying it many times.

At this moment, several people also saw Tsunade and others coming from a distance, and stopped practicing ninjutsu.

“Are you Uchiha Yusuke?” Tsunade asked, looking at the boy in front of him who was only fifteen or sixteen years old.

On the way here, she also heard Kakashi tell some stories about Yusuke. Especially when she learned about the battle between Yusuke and Shisui, Tsunade was also shocked.

Judging from the information revealed by Kakashi, this Uchiha genius ninja whom she had heard about for a long time was already a master who was not inferior to herself.

Tsunade still trusts Kakashi’s vision and naturally does not think that Kakashi will exaggerate Yusuke’s strength.

While Tsunade was observing Yusuke, Yusuke was also observing Tsunade.

Although this was not the first time he met Tsunade, the two had never crossed paths before.

Tsunade is indeed the most vividly portrayed female character in the original Naruto novels. She is beautiful, powerful and has a distinct personality. You can say she’s not perfect, but you can’t say she’s unattractive.

At this time, Tsunade was wearing a women’s short kimono, and her long yellow hair was combed into two braids on her back. The face is delicate, with a blue prismatic mark between the eyebrows, and the necklace left by the first generation hangs on the slender neck.

For Yusuke, the first impression when meeting Tsunade was the atmosphere.

Yes, as the princess of the Senju Clan, Tsunade doesn’t have any hint of a woman’s shyness, but has an aura that is not inferior to that of a man. This kind of momentum not only did not weaken her charm, but gave her an indescribable heroic temperament.

“It turns out it’s Tsunade-sama. I wonder what advice you can give me when you visit the Uchiha clan.” Yusuke said with a smile.

Although he was asking Tsunade, Yusuke certainly knew the purpose of Tsunade’s visit. This was the purpose of his arrangement for Kabuto to participate in Tsunade’s test!

“Kabuto, this kid is very outstanding. I intend to accept him as my disciple.” Tsunade looked straight at Yusuke and said straight to the point. Such is her character, she says what she says and never minces words.

Hearing Tsunade’s words, Yusuke secretly smiled in his heart, but there was a look of embarrassment on his face: “I am also very fond of this kid Kabuto. To be honest, Tsunade-sama, Kabuto has an extraordinary talent in ninjutsu. , and he is also my right-hand assistant in developing ninjutsu.”

Tsunade frowned slightly and said, “Ninjutsu geniuses abound, but I have yet to see anyone who can inherit my medical ninjutsu.”

“I don’t like to impose things on others, but I really can’t bear to give up on talents like Kabuto. If you can let Kabuto become my disciple, you can put forward any conditions.”

As soon as Tsunade said this, Kabuto looked at Yusuke very worriedly. If he was given a choice, he wouldn’t want to leave Yusuke and become someone else’s disciple.

Yusuke thought for a moment as if he was in a dilemma, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind and said, “Tsunade-sama, I understand your considerations, but from my standpoint, I don’t want to lose such an outstanding disciple like Kabuto.”

“How about this? Let’s make a bet and leave the outcome to fate!”

“If I lose, Kabuto will be your disciple, Tsunade-sama; but if Tsunade-sama loses, I also have a small request, and I hope Tsunade-sama can grant it!”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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