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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 427 Death of the Spirit King

While Yusuke and Yhwach were confronting each other, someone had already sneaked into the Soul King’s palace while everyone was unprepared.

Although the physical form of the Spirit King’s Palace has been completely exposed, there are still many defensive barriers placed by monks inside. There are only a handful of people who can avoid the perception of these barriers and enter the Spirit King’s Palace.

However, Aizen, who controls the mirror, water and moon, is one of them!

“The so-called “Spiritual King” is really an extremely humiliating name! “

At this time, Aizen was standing in front of a huge piece of amber, with several subordinates standing behind him.

The piece of amber in front of me was composed of golden spirit seeds. It was crystal clear but extremely strong. It contained the body of an adult man without arms and legs.

And this man without body, hands and feet is the symbol of Soul Society – the Soul King!

The Spirit King’s body was naked. Ever since he was sealed in this piece of amber by the five major families, everything about him had been fixed, and even the expression on his face could not be changed.

The only thing he can still do is think and occasionally use his mind to communicate with members of Team Zero. And this ‘occasionally’ will probably happen once every few hundred years!

“Aizen Sosuke, you are finally here.”

The Spirit King’s voice sounded in Aizen’s mind. Judging from his words, it seemed that Aizen had expected to come to him.

Aizen was not surprised by this, he knew that the Soul King had the power of foresight.

“Since you knew I would appear and didn’t let others take precautions, it seems you are ready to die.” Aizen said slowly.

“Kill me.” The Spirit King’s voice sounded again.

Aizen’s hand gently stroked the surface of amber and said with a smile: “Of course, let me give you this mercy, which can be regarded as a tribute to the end of the previous generation. As for your power, I will also take good care of it.” Take advantage of it!”

While speaking, the Zanpakuto in Aizen’s hand pierced the amber without hesitation, and the sharp blade directly penetrated the Soul King’s chest.

At the same moment when the Spirit King died, the power that maintained the balance of the entire world collapsed instantly.

“Aizen Soyousuke, do you know your future?”

Moments before the Soul King’s life completely dissipated, Aizen heard the Soul King’s last question.

He knew that the Soul King was dead now, but this seemed to indicate that his future was not as good as he planned.

The gloomy look on his face flashed away, and Aizen asked Ichimaru Gin behind him: “Have they not brought that woman over yet? If I had known that such a task would be carried out, I should have sent you to carry out it.”

Ichimaru Gin smiled calmly and said: “Lord Aizen, it may be too late for my subordinates to rush over at this time. We’d better wait peacefully.”

Aizen snorted, and a huge crack appeared in the Soul King Palace. This crack exudes the breath from hell, and it is a dimensional passage connecting hell.

At this time, a pair of huge palms stretched out from the crack. These palms had no skin, only bloody muscles.

The muscles on the palms were tense, as if they were trying to tear open the cracks with all their strength. The exposed blood vessels even burst because of excessive force. A large amount of blood flowed out from them, and soon the entire Spirit King Palace was covered. All stained red.


With a loud roar, the crack connecting hell was suddenly torn open completely, and a huge and ferocious head protruded from it.

This head is very similar to a human head, but its face and its hands have been stripped of skin. There are sparse yellow hair on the top of its head. Its eyes, nose and tongue have been cut off, making it look horrible.

In fact, this is the manifestation of the will of hell. Countless soul locks that are invisible to ordinary people stretch out from its mouth, and it controls all the guilty people under its will. At the same time, it itself is always sinking in pain!

After the will of hell appeared, a soul lock shot out from its mouth and connected to the chest of the Spirit King.

However, this soul chain is not to transform the Spirit King into a culprit, but to preserve the Spirit King’s power.

Since Aizen has merged with the will of hell, his power is not from the same source as the Soul King at all, and he cannot absorb the Soul King’s power for his own use.

The powers that have the same origin as the Soul King include the Shinigami in Soul Society, the Hollows in Hueco Mundo, the Quincy in the real world, and the Perfectionists, but they do not include him who has merged with the will of hell.

The world balanced by the power of the Soul King is Soul Society, Hueco Mundo and the real world, which also does not include hell.

Aizen himself cannot absorb the power of the Soul King, but he has his own plan. This plan is to hand over the power of the Soul King to Orihime. Of course, the premise is that Orihime is already under his control.

As a Perfection Technique, Orihime is undoubtedly able to carry the power of the Soul King, and Orihime’s Perfection Technique is what Aizen considers to be the most powerful power.

In his description, Orihime’s power can achieve “the rejection of all things” and touches the forbidden area of ​​​​God!

Now Aizen is waiting for his subordinates to bring Orihime here from Xuye Palace. As long as he kills Orihime with his own hands and makes her the one to blame in hell, then after Orihime absorbs the power of the Soul King, such power It belongs to oneself.

“In a few moments, I will step into the realm of God!”

From the moment the Soul King died, tiny rays of light appeared in Soul Society, the real world, and the sky in Hueco Mundo. These rays of light continued to expand to the surroundings. Although the speed was not fast, it seemed to be endless, and it wanted to cover the entire world. The sky is swallowed up.

These tiny rays of light are the souls left behind after the collapse of the world. Without the existence of the Soul King, Soul Society, the present world, and Hueco Mundo are all gradually collapsing.

At this time, it seems that the lives in these three realms are just looking at strange scenes far away in the horizon, but when the collapse of space comes before their eyes, no living thing in these three realms can escape.

“How could this happen! Who killed the Spirit King!”

Others may not know what the sights in front of them represent, but as one of the oldest existences, Monk Eye immediately reversed his views.

Although his attention was partially attracted by the battle between Yusuke and Yhwach, he did not forget to pay attention to the Soul King Palace.

The reason why he didn’t find out until now that the Soul King Palace was invaded by Aizen was because Aizen used the power of Kyoka Suigetsu to create a shield outside the Soul King Palace. No matter who was outside the Soul King Palace, he would think that the Soul King Palace was safe and sound.

Monk Yan now no longer cares about secretly watching the battle between Yusuke and Yhwach, but immediately rushes towards the Soul King Palace.

When he entered the Spirit King’s Palace, he discovered Aizen and Aizen’s men inside.

“My real name is monk. Sure enough, you were the first one to get here.”

Seeing the murderous-eyed monk, Aizen said with a smile.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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