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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 432 History is always surprisingly similar

“First meeting, Miss Orihime.”

After seeing Orihime appear, Aizen’s eyes lit up and he smiled and said to Orihime.

If someone didn’t know Aizen’s personality well, they would think Aizen was attracted to Orihime after seeing his behavior.

But anyone who knows Aizen will know that his performance represents Orihime’s unparalleled utilization value.

“Is this the Aizen they talk about?” Orihime thought to herself.

Orihime was very scared when she saw Aizen, especially the huge monster behind him, which made her afraid to even look at it.

But even so, she still forced herself to muster the courage to face Aizen directly.

“You are Aizen, no matter what, my power will not be used by you!”

She has been hiding in Xuye Palace for the past three years to prevent Aizen’s people from finding her in the real world.

From Yusuke’s explanation, she also knew that Aizen’s purpose in looking for her was because of the power of her Complete Technique.

Aizen didn’t care about Orihime’s attitude.

He just patted Orihime’s shoulder gently with his hand, and said with a smile and a very gentle tone: “Don’t worry, what I ask you to do will be very simple.”

At this time, Orihime was affected by Aizen’s performance and felt that the man in front of her was not a bad person.

On the side, Ichimaru Gin saw the murderous intent hidden in Aizen’s eyes, and knew that Aizen was going to kill Orihime.

Just when Aizen took action, a space vortex appeared in front of Aizen.

“Uchiha Yusuke, you are a step too late this time.”

Looking at Yusuke walking out of the whirlpool, Aizen said with a smile.

At the same time, he stabbed Orihime’s heart with his palm, obviously intending to kill Orihime directly.

As blood spread in the air, a severed arm flew high into the sky.

This familiar scene made Aizen think back to the time when his arm was cut off by Miroku in a sneak attack during the Battle of Shuangqiu Qiu.

“History is always surprisingly similar, isn’t it, Aizen Soyousuke!” Yusuke said with a smile.

Standing next to Yusuke was Gin Ichimaru, who was holding a Zanpakutō in his right hand and holding Orihime’s waist with his left hand.

Ichimaru Gin’s sneak attack just now was still the same as Miroku’s sneak attack on Aizen and snatching the Honyu.

First, Yusuke used the pupil technique “Visibility Barrier” to attract Aizen’s attention, and Ichimaru Gin took the opportunity to cut off Aizen’s arm and snatch Orihime instantly.

“Ichimaru Gin, do you know what your betrayal means?” Aizen said with a gloomy expression.

Ichimaru Gin also opened his eyes at this time. Different from the cunning expression of his squinting eyes, his eyes were extremely clear at this time.

“Maybe it means there will be no recovery, but that still won’t change my actions.” Ichimaru Gin said calmly.

Aizen laughed when he heard this, powerful spiritual pressure burst out from his body, and the entire suspended Soul King Palace trembled under this spiritual pressure.

“In this case, then you will regret your choice in hell forever!”

When Aizen finished speaking, the will of hell behind him opened its big tearing mouth, and a soul chain was about to connect to Ichimaru Gin’s chest.

However, Ichimaru Gin was unable to move at all under the lock of Hell’s Will, and could only watch helplessly as he was controlled by the other party.

However, at this time, an invisible force blocked Ichimaru Gin’s body, preventing Hell’s soul lock from moving forward even one centimeter.

“Aizen, since I’m here, you can’t hurt anyone now.”

The person who blocked the soul lock for Ichimaru Gin was naturally Yusuke. Normally, no one could touch or block the soul lock of hell.

However, at this time, Yusuke had already fused three Hongyoku, possessing power beyond that of the Soul King, and completely mastered the rules of Soul Society, the real world, and Hueco Mundo.

Although he cannot interfere with the will of hell, he can also prevent the will of hell from interfering with Soul Society.

As long as Ichimaru Gin remains in Soul Society, the soul lock of Hell’s Will cannot bring Ichimaru Gin back to Hell.

“You have indeed taken that step, but you may not be able to defeat me now. Let me see what the power of the new Spirit King is like!” A cold light flashed in Aizen’s eyes.

The will of hell behind him looked up to the sky and let out a roar. It used both hands to completely tear open the cracks in the space connecting hell, and most of its body came out of hell.

When the body of Hell’s Will entered Soul Society, the surrounding hell space began to spread, dyeing all the nearby spaces red, as if to connect Hell and Soul Society.

“Ninety-Nine of the Broken Paths: Nine Dragons Transformed into Destruction!”

Aizen stretched out his unbroken left hand and pointed at Yusuke in front of him.

With a burst of powerful spiritual pressure, nine huge blood dragons poured out from the hell will mouth behind him and entangled towards Yusuke’s position.

Seeing this, Yusuke took out the Ryuken Wakahu in his hand and directly performed the swastika, and his body erupted with spiritual pressure that was stronger than Aizen.

“Sixth Shinto: Cremation with the Swastika Sword!”

The Ryukenwaka turned into a stream of red-gold flames and flew towards the nine blood dragons in front. At this time, there was no restriction from Yusuke’s “Fifth Shinto: Flame Spirit Barrier”. This stream of flames instantly turned into a sky-high flame, burning the nine blood dragons. The dragon was completely engulfed.

At this time, Yusuke has actually mastered the “omniscience and omnipotence” rule power that is similar to or even surpasses Yhwach’s Yhwach. However, such rule power can only be effective against things and creatures in the present world, Soul Society or Hueco Mundo. For Hell’s Will, which has completely different origins of power, and Aizen, who is fused with Hell’s Will, are ineffective.

Similarly, Aizen is already a god-like existence in hell. He can kill and kill all the culprits in hell with a single thought, but he has no influence on the affairs and creatures in the realm outside hell.

As gods from two different worlds, Yusuke and Aizen’s rules are meaningless to each other. They can only use absolute power to defeat each other!

Fire suddenly flashed in Yusuke’s eyes, and the spiritual pressure on his body increased again. The strong pressure made Aizen take two steps back. The will of hell behind him was also greatly suppressed, and his body shrank slightly into the space crack behind him. shrink.

Originally, Yusuke’s spiritual pressure was one point stronger than Aizen’s, but now he exerted his strength again, which Aizen could no longer bear.

All nine bloody dragons were burned up in the red-gold flames, and the sky-high fire swept forward, directly involving Aizen’s body.

“Aizen, I can see your true form. Are you ashamed to show your true face after integrating the will of hell?” Yusuke said, looking at the will of hell that looked like a monster.

At this time, Aizen, who was swallowed by the red-gold flames, was broken into pieces like a broken mirror, and then the remains of the fragments were turned into ashes in the flames. Obviously, the Aizen who has been here is just a figure transformed by the power of Kyoka Suigetsu. That’s all.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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