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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 48 Three Years

In the blink of an eye, time has arrived three years later.

Three years is not a long time, but many major events have happened in the ninja world.

A local war broke out between Sand Hidden Village and Iwagakure Village. The hero ninja of Sand Hidden Village, Ye Cang, suddenly disappeared. The outside world speculated that he might have died in the battle with the ninjas of Iwagakure Village;

The Fourth Kazekage went to the Nara Desert to capture a Shukaku and sealed it in his own son Gaara. However, according to insiders, the Shukaku caught by the Fourth Kazekage seemed to be much smaller than a normal tailed beast, and the reason is still unknown. Some experts analyzed that this may be because the tailed beasts have developed fertility during the evolution process. What the Fourth Kazekage captured was not the real One-Tailed Shukaku, but his son;

An unknown mysterious organization has appeared in the ninja world. Its members specialize in accepting various high-stakes bounty tasks, and no matter what the task is, they can almost complete it 100%, which has attracted the attention of many forces;

There are rumors that in many small ninja villages with strong blood inheritance limits, a mysterious man with long black hair and pale skin has appeared, who specializes in abducting talented teenagers or children. Relevant departments in each village began to organize efforts to find the whereabouts of this mysterious man.

The above are all major events that have attracted much attention in the ninja world in the past three years.

At this time, Yusuke is fighting with the humanoid Ryūren Wakahu in the spiritual world.

Now Yusuke has grown to 1.85 meters tall, and his figure has become taller and stronger, unlike when he looked a little thin when he was a teenager.

The appearance of Ryukenwaka’s incarnation is still exactly the same as Yusuke’s. Both of them are holding a long sword burning with blazing flames and attacking each other. Not far away from the two of them, Kyuubi was watching the fight between the two with trembling eyes.

After these three years of training, Yusuke’s soul power has become much better than before, and he can persist in fighting Ryuken Wakahu in the spiritual world in the form of Shikai for nearly half an hour.

At this time, Yusuke can control the release of spiritual pressure and use it to intimidate opponents. If the opponent’s mental power is relatively weak, it will be very difficult to speak under Yusuke’s spiritual pressure, and in severe cases, he may even suffer a mental breakdown.

“It’s not enough, the spiritual pressure needs to be stronger!”

“Your sword is not domineering, so how can you exert the power of my flowing blade like fire!”

Although Yusuke can now fight Ryuken Wakahu back and forth, unlike three years ago, he only had the ability to parry and had no ability to fight back. But obviously Yusuke’s performance still cannot satisfy Liu Ren Ruo Huo.

The fight between the two was as fast as lightning, and as the sword flashed, the area was filled with red flames.

After blocking Yusuke’s slash with his sword, Ryuken Wakahui used the force of the counter-shock to retreat and distance himself.

“You’ve almost finished practicing today, let’s try the power of swastika!” Liu Ren Wakahu said to Yusuke.

Yusuke nodded, and followed the swastika method instructed by Ryuken Wakahui, controlling his spiritual pressure to seal all the flames on the blade into the weapon in his hand.

All the flames originally wrapped around Yusuke’s body and the surface of the weapon were quickly submerged into the blade of the long knife in his hand, and the entire blade shone with a red luster.

At this time, what Yusuke used was the “Sword of Great Fire”, a swastika form of Ryuken Wakahara. This form of swastika was the Ryuken Wakafire swastika ability that Yamamoto Genryanagi Sai Shigekuni used before he mastered the swastika “Residual Fire Taito”.

The ability of the “Sword of Fire” is to seal all the flames into the Zanpakutō, and when it swings, it will erupt in violent flames, burning the object hit to ashes.

Yusuke’s eyes flashed with fire, and the sword of fire in his hand slashed towards Ryuken Wakahu. However, Ryuken Ruohuo frowned, thrust forward with the long knife in his hand, and the tip of the knife accurately touched the blade of the sword of fire in Yusuke’s hand.

When Ryuken Wakana used the tip of the sword just a little, the sword of fire in Yusuke’s hand suddenly became unstable in spiritual pressure, and the sealed flames instantly leaked out from the blade, changing into its original form again.

“Failed again.” Yusuke looked at the long knife in his hand and sighed.

Ryukenwaka put away the weapon in his hand and said with a serious face: “Yusuke, do you know why you have never been able to master the swastika?”

“It’s not just a matter of controlling the spiritual pressure. More importantly, it’s because you haven’t mastered the ‘Will of Fire’!”

Hearing the words ‘will of fire’, Yusuke’s facial muscles twitched subconsciously. Although he knew that the ‘will of fire’ mentioned by Ryūren Wakahui was not the same as what was passed down from generation to generation in Konoha, it still felt very strange.

“You don’t have the momentum to move forward, and you don’t have the domineering attitude to abandon me! How can you exert my true power like this?”

“Think about what I said!” Ryūren Wakahui’s body turned into a flame and slowly disappeared, leaving only Yusuke who was deep in thought.

After pondering for a long time, Yusuke couldn’t help but smile bitterly in front of him as he looked at the Blade Ruohuo standing in front of him in the spiritual world and piercing the heaven and earth: “The indomitable momentum and the domineering attitude of who else is better than me? Although it sounds simple, to truly achieve these two points is very important. It’s not easy.”

Outside the Fourth Hokage’s ward door, Itachi and Izumi were waiting quietly.

Itachi and Izumi were just ten years old at this time, but in the world of Naruto, many teenagers of this age are already able to work, and even many ninjas who perform missions outside are of this age.

Izumi had passed the Chunin exam a year ago and was promoted to a Chunin. Now both of them are wearing Konoha Chuunin uniforms, but the red whirlpool logo on the back of the uniforms is not the emblem of the Uchiha clan.

After three years of growth, both of them have changed a lot.

The first is the change in appearance. Not only have their bodies grown a lot, but their faces have also lost a lot of their childlike look. Deep nasolabial folds have appeared on Itachi’s face, giving him an inexplicable sense of vicissitudes of life. .

(The two lines on Itachi’s face next to the nose are said to be nasolabial folds or tear troughs. This article will treat them as nasolabial folds.)

Both of them are now wearing a single ponytail, but Itachi’s single ponytail is positioned lower and close to the back; while Izumi’s single ponytail is positioned higher and looks heroic.

At this time, the door of the Yondaime ward slowly opened, and Kabuto and Kakashi walked out of it.

Kakashi and Yusuke are the same age, and now they look almost the same as when they appeared in the original work. However, he also carried a short sword on his back, obviously he had not given up on the Hatake family’s sword skills.

Kabuto still wore the pair of black round glasses given to him by the pharmacist Nonou, and he was also wearing the Konoha Chuunin uniform. At this time, his face was a little more calm, and he was not as cunning as shown in the original work.

“How was today’s treatment?” Izumi asked.

She and Itachi came with Kabuto. Since Kabuto returned to Konoha more than a year ago, he has been regularly treating the fourth generation every day, using relatively mild chakra to slowly stimulate the fourth generation’s brain nerves.

Kabuto shook his head: “It will take some time before Yondaime-sama wakes up. Yondaime-sama’s brain nerves have gradually regained their vitality, but he should not be able to wake up in the short term.”

“Furthermore, even if the fourth generation regains consciousness, his body has not been active for such a long time, and he will still need to go through a relatively long recovery period before he can regain his original strength.”

Kakashi said gratefully: “It doesn’t matter if it takes longer. As long as the teacher can recover, that’s enough. I’ll ask you to pay more attention in the future.”

Kabuto quickly said with his hands: “Kakashi-senpai, you are too polite. This is what I should do.”

After Itachi, Izumi and Kabuto said goodbye to Kakashi in the hospital, they went to the Hokage Building to receive the mission.

Since all three of them became chuunin, they formed a three-person team to perform tasks in Konoha Village. The three of them are outstanding in strength and have performed very well in many tasks, and have gained quite a reputation among Konoha.

After the three received the mission and left the Hokage’s office, they happened to bump into Danzo heading to the Hokage’s office, and the atmosphere immediately became subtle.

Since the Uchiha clan moved to the outermost area of ​​Konoha Village three years ago, the relationship with various forces within the village has become increasingly tense, and the relationship with Danzo can be described as bad.

Under the instruction of Konoha’s top brass, Danzo continued to unite various families to suppress the Uchiha clan. However, most members of the Uchiha clan were not willing to be bullied and fought against them at all levels, causing many serious incidents in the village.

Not only did most of these incidents end in the defeat of the Uchiha clan, but with Danzo’s secret fueling, they also greatly affected the reputation of the Uchiha clan in the village.

As the situation becomes increasingly severe, the radical faction within the Uchiha clan has come up with many very dangerous ideas. Uchiha Fugaku, the leader of the moderate faction, has been almost unable to suppress the radical faction within the clan.

Since witnessing the duel between Yusuke and Shisui three years ago, in the eyes of many Uchiha people, Shisui is already a master comparable to the Sannin level, and Yusuke, who defeated Shisui, is naturally even better. In addition to Shisui and Yusuke, plus the unassuming clan leader Uchiha Fugaku, the high-end combat power of the Uchiha clan cannot be underestimated.

Now among the top management of Konoha, the Third Hokage and Danzo are already old, the Fourth Hokage is still unconscious in the hospital bed, and all the Sannin with top combat power have left the village.

Under the ebb and flow of one another, the radicals of the Uchiha clan naturally felt that the family’s high-end combat power had surpassed that of Konoha’s top brass. What is unequal to the family’s strength is that the family’s rights and voice in the village are getting smaller and smaller. This also caused many Uchiha clan members to be dissatisfied with the current clan leader, Uchiha Fugaku.

Glancing at the three Itachis with gloomy eyes, Danzo also recognized these rising stars who had recently become famous in Konoha Village. It’s just that these three people are all disciples of Uchiha Yusuke, so to him they are just enemies that need to be eradicated.

Out of politeness between superiors and subordinates, Itachi and the other two saluted Danzo, but Danzo did not respond.

Watching Danzo slowly enter the third generation’s office, Itachi’s brows wrinkled unconsciously, and he vaguely felt that something big was about to happen.

“Itachi, what are you thinking about? It’s time for us to set off.” Seeing Itachi standing motionless, Izumi reached out and pulled Itachi’s clothes.

Itachi came back to his senses and said slightly: “Sorry, I just got distracted. Before leaving the village, I want to go to the kindergarten to see Sasuke.”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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