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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 51 A commission of 150 million

After Danzo and Sandai conspired, nearly a month passed.

At this time, in Yusuke’s laboratory, where the Uchiha clan is stationed, an important experiment is being carried out at a critical juncture.

Yusuke in the laboratory has activated the “Ryosuke Seal”, his skin is covered in black spells, and six blue light groups are slowly rotating around Yusuke’s body.

These six light groups are the Yin Escape chakra extracted by Yusuke from the body of the Nine Tails in the Curse Seal, and are used in experiments to generate Yin Escape materials that meet the requirements of the “Inverse·Ryōgi Curse Seal”.

There was a sealing formation covered with incantations under his feet, and Yusuke quickly formed seals with his hands.

“Yin Escape Seal!”

As Yusuke’s technique was completed, six groups of faint blue Yin Escape Chakra slowly converged and merged toward the center of the sealing array, eventually forming a mass that seemed to be in the form of a liquid.

However, Yusuke, who has experimented countless times, knows that the form condensed by the Yin Escape chakra at this time can only last for a very short time. Once he releases the spell, the liquid form of Yin Escape Chakra will immediately disperse again and return to its original state.

“My previous thinking was too rigid. When developing ninjutsu, I always only wanted to use ninja methods to complete it.”

“But now I still have the power of the “God of Death”! “

Powerful spiritual pressure burst out from Yusuke’s body. If an ordinary person was standing next to Yusuke at this time, there is a high chance that he would be directly oppressed by this powerful spiritual pressure and suffer a mental breakdown.

Concentrating his mental power, Yusuke controlled the continuous accumulation of spiritual pressure and compressed the liquid form of Yin Escape Chakra.

Gradually, the Yin Escape chakra was further compressed under the action of spiritual pressure, and finally formed a piece of blue crystal-like material.


Seeing the Yin Escape Chakra successfully condensed into a solid crystal, Yusuke was very excited. For the past three years, he has been looking for a way to materialize the Yin Escape Chakra, and now he is finally done!

After releasing the curse seal and the sealing formation at his feet, Yusuke reached out to pick up the faint blue crystal suspended in mid-air and observed it carefully.

“It is indeed feasible to directly use the Yin Escape chakra to make the basic materials of the curse seal.”

“However, Yin Escape Chakra crystals of this quality are not enough. You must use more pure and powerful Yin Escape Chakra to make crystals.”

“When I can initially use the power of the swastika, I should be able to try to summon the God of Death. I believe that the power of the Soul of the God of Death should be enough to be used as the escape material for the “Reverse·Yangyi Seal”! “

In a dark cave, there are more than a dozen stone platforms. On some of the stone platforms stood a shadowy figure wearing a black trench coat with red clouds.

And on the stone platform in the center, the phantom standing was none other than Tiandao Payne with the Samsara Eye. The other phantoms are all current official members of the Akatsuki organization.

Now these phantoms are exactly the “Phantom Lantern Body Technique” performed by Payne through the Samsara Eye.

This technique can use the caster, Payne, as a receiving tower to receive the thoughts waves released by other Akatsuki members using chakra, and project these thought waves at specific locations to facilitate communication between Akatsuki organizations everywhere.

From the effect point of view, “Slideshow” is equivalent to a modern remote video conferencing tool.

“Hey, didn’t you just have a meeting not long ago? Why do you have to have another meeting today? I originally planned to worship the evil god today!” At this time, an arrogant voice rang.

The speaker is Hidan, a new member who has just joined the Akatsuki organization, and his code name in the organization is “Santai”.

“The new members look very energetic. I hope this one won’t be accidentally killed by you again too soon, Kakuto.” A sinister and hoarse voice sounded. The owner of this voice is Orochimaru, who joined the Akatsuki organization three years ago.

“What? I will be killed by Kakuzu? You are kidding, I am a loyal believer of the evil god. Even if everyone here dies, I will not die!” Hidan said in a dissatisfied tone.

In just three years, three official members of the Akatsuki organization died in battle, and all of them were Kakuzu’s partners.

However, none of these members died at the hands of the enemy, they all died at the hands of Kakuzu. And Kakuzu’s explanation was very simple and clear – manslaughter.

“Although this guy talks a lot of nonsense and chatters all the time, I also want to kill him.”

“But his physique is indeed special. Even I can’t kill him completely.” Kakuzu said slowly at this time.

“Oh? That’s interesting. Hidan, would you mind coming to my place for a full body checkup?” Orochimaru licked his tongue and asked with interest.

“If possible, I’m also interested!” Scorpion, who had been silent on the side, suddenly interjected, obviously he was also interested in Hidan’s immortal physique.

Hearing what Orochimaru and Scorpion said, Hidan was very angry: “Hey, what do you bastards do with other people’s bodies? Do you believe that I will sacrifice you all to the evil god?”

“That’s enough for the small talk. There is a commission with a very high bounty here. I plan to dispatch four members to execute it!” At this time, Payne’s cold voice sounded.

After hearing the leader Payne’s words, the chatting people temporarily became quiet.

“The bounty is extremely high? So what is the specific number?” At this time, the chief financial director of Xiao Organization, Jiao Du, became interested.

“One hundred and fifty million.” Payne slowly said a number that surprised everyone.

“In addition, the employer has paid 50 million in advance to show sincerity. As long as we successfully complete the task, the employer will make up the remaining 100 million.”

As soon as Payne’s words came out, the scene fell into silence.

In the original work, Asuma, the daimyo of the Land of Fire, the “Twelve Guardian Ninjas”, has a bounty of 35 million; the bounty of the Six-Tails Jinchuuriki Bubble is only 50 million.

Although most members of the Akatsuki organization are well-informed people, they were also shocked by the huge bounty amount of 150 million.

“Since the employer can offer a bounty of 150 million, then this task must not be simple. What exactly is it going to do?” At this time, a phantom carrying a Kirigakure beheading sword asked. The shadow is Loquat Juzo, the rebel ninja of Kirigakure Village, and one of the Seven Kirigakure Ninja Swordsmen.

“The employer commissioned an assassination mission. Although it is an assassination, perhaps it is more appropriate to describe it as ‘encirclement and assassination’, because the employer will lead the target to the designated location.”

“What we have to do is to completely obliterate the target at the destination!” Payne said slowly.

After hearing Payne’s words, members of the Zhongxiao organization were also very curious about who the target was to be killed, and who could actually make their employer willing to pay such a large sum of money.

“What an ugly mission. As soon as I heard it, I knew that someone was playing a trick to eliminate dissidents.” Orochimaru said with a smile.

“Could the target be a certain Kage from the Five Villages? If that’s the case, that would be great. If I can sacrifice the life of the Kage to Lord Evil God, Lord Evil God must also be able to feel my faith!” Hidan shouted.

Glancing at all the members, Payne said slowly: “The target is Uchiha Yusuke, the Jonin of Konoha Village in the Country of Fire, ‘Entachi’. He is also the top master of the Uchiha clan today.”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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