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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 59 Kabuto Izumi vs. Obito

“Interesting! Do you still want to fight to the death?”

Seeing that Kabuto and Izumi seemed ready to resist, Obito said calmly.

Seeing that Obito seemed defenseless, Kabuto quickly completed the seal and released an Earth Release Ninjutsu.

“Turong Tulong Spear!”

I saw a large number of cone-shaped soil spikes suddenly sprang out from Obito’s feet, piercing Obito at once.

At the same time, Izumi, who was supposed to be standing next to Kabuto, suddenly appeared behind Obito and slashed at Obito’s neck.


At this moment, Kabuto and Izumi couldn’t help but feel overjoyed. They didn’t expect that the strangely dressed and powerful enemy in front of them could be defeated so easily.

But the next moment they discovered something was wrong. Although their attack hit the enemy, it didn’t feel like it hit the entity at all, and the enemy was still standing in front of them unscathed.

“It’s such a simple and practical tactic. One person uses ninjutsu to attract the enemy, and the other leaves a shadow clone in place and secretly launches a fatal attack from behind.”

“If you were an ordinary person, you would probably fall for it, but it’s a pity that your opponent is me!”

Obito did not fight back, but said in a tone of victory.

Seeing this, Izumi stepped forward and slashed at Obito a few more times, but without exception, every slash passed through Obito’s body without causing any damage.

“Impossible, is this an illusion?” After trying several attacks to no avail, Izumi retreated to Kabuto.

Kabuto shook his head and said: “No, it should be a time and space type ninjutsu. This ninjutsu can make him have no body, just like he suddenly appeared in this closed cave.”

With a strong pressure, Obito slowly walked towards the two of them step by step.

“That’s a good insight, so how do you deal with it?”

“Wind Escape·Vacuum Wave.”

Kabuto formed a seal with his hands and spit out several extremely penetrating air waves from his mouth. But as he expected, all attacks penetrated the opponent’s body.

At this time, Obito’s movements suddenly became faster, and he instantly reached behind Kabuto and grabbed Kabuto with one hand.

Upon seeing this, Kabuto immediately raised his hands to block. He didn’t know that once his body was touched by Obito, he would be pulled into the Kamui space.

The moment he touched Kabuto’s arm, Obito suddenly returned to the virtual state. The reason was that Izumi’s long sword struck Obito from behind, forcing Obito to give up his physical form and drag Kabuto into the Kamui space.

Just after Obito passed through Kabuto’s body in a state of nothingness, Obito suddenly turned back, his scarlet Sharingan eyes filled with murderous intent.

Kabuto just happened to turn around to observe Obito’s movements at this time, and saw a swirling spatial fluctuation suddenly appear in front of the eye exposed by Obito’s mask.

“What’s wrong!” Doudou secretly screamed.

Five or six shurikens suddenly flew out from the swirling space fluctuations, flying straight towards Kabuto’s face.

It was Obito who used Kamui’s ability to directly shoot the shuriken in Kamui’s space through his Sharingan.

Facing such a tricky attack at such a close angle, Kabuto could no longer dodge it.

There were several clang clang clang sounds, followed by several flashes of sword light, and all these shurikens were shot down. It turned out that Quanmei on the side provided timely support.

“Wood Release: Cutting Technique!”

Kabuto didn’t have time to breathe a sigh of relief when he saw Obito suddenly stretched out a wooden spike from the palm of his right hand and stabbed Izumi beside him.

Kabuto was shocked when he saw this, and immediately pushed Izumi away at his own risk, and he was stabbed in the abdomen by the wooden thorn in Obito’s palm.

“Oh? It’s such a touching feeling of companionship, but”

Obito couldn’t help but sneered when he saw Kabuto blocking the blow for Izumi.

“This move is not that simple!”

As Obito’s words fell, suddenly several sharp wooden thorns burst out of Kabuto’s body. In an instant, Kabuto’s body was covered with blood.

Originally, even if Obito hit Izumi with his cutting technique, he would not launch the second wooden thorn attack. After all, he was planning to capture Izumi alive. Until Yusuke’s death is confirmed, Izumi will serve as a backup hostage.

However, since the target of the stabbing was Kabuto, Obito would not be merciful.

At this time, Kabuto’s eyes were wide-eyed and he covered his abdomen with his right hand. All of a sudden, his body fell to his knees uncontrollably, and then he fell to the ground with a thud.


At this time, everyone on the side screamed in surprise. Uchiha Hazuki and Yuta immediately rushed to Kabuto’s side, held him in their arms and cried bitterly.

Because Yota was extremely sad and burst into tears, it rained heavily in the entire Konoha Village, but no one in the cave noticed.

The cutting technique, a piercing attack launched from the body, can destroy the human body’s organs from the inside, which is extremely fatal to normal humans. At this time, Kabuto had also lost his voice.

Looking at Kabuto, whose whole body was penetrated by wooden thorns, Izumi was dumbstruck. Two lines of tears flowed down her cheeks. The scenes she had spent with Kabuto flashed before her eyes.

“Hello, I am Kabuto Yakushi. Please give me your advice in the future!”

“Izumi, let me eat these meatballs for you!”

“Izumi, this ninjutsu should be used like this, come on, follow me and form the seal!”

“Oh, Izumi, I am no longer your opponent in physical skills now!”

Ever since Kabuto was brought home by Yusuke more than three years ago, Izumi has been like having another older brother.

Although this brother is not as admired by her as Yusuke, he has no blood relationship with her. But whether she was eating, practicing, playing, or performing tasks, this brother always accompanied her, giving her help and care.

The originally clear tears were suddenly mixed with blood, and the pattern of Izumi’s Sharingan pupils suddenly changed.

The original three magatama slowly disappeared, forming a pattern of five petals surrounding a stamen, just like a cherry blossom.

At this moment, Izumi actually activated the Mangekyō Sharingan!

The condition for the Uchiha people to activate the Mangekyo Sharingan is the death of a close relative or loved one. In the final analysis, it is the intense mental stimulation that breaks through a certain boundary, thus stimulating the power of the Mangekyo Sharingan.

At this time, Izumi saw Kabuto being penetrated by a wooden thorn from his body and lost his life. Izumi, who had already regarded Kabuto as a biological brother, the mental stimulation she received also exceeded this limit!

“I’m going to kill you!” Looking at Obito in front of her, Izumi said in a cold voice.

The platycodon sensu sakura in her hand returned to its sheath, and Izumi performed a sword-drawing stance.

“Hahahaha, then let me see your power. You are indeed Uchiha Yusuke’s sister. I never thought you could give me such a surprise!”

Obito was surprised at first when he saw that Izumi had activated the Mangekyō Sharingan.

But soon he became ecstatic. After all, a pair of Mangekyō Sharingan was of immeasurable value. At this time, from Obito’s point of view, Izumi’s pair of Mangekyō Sharingan is already within easy reach.

With his body in a state of disintegration, Obito walked towards Izumi step by step. Now he really enjoys the feeling of playing with the enemy in the palm of his hand.


Looking at Izumi, who was holding the hilt of the sword with a teleportation technique already appearing in front of him, Obito couldn’t help but feel a shiver in his heart, as if he had a premonition of some danger.

Although he was very confident in his virtual state, Obito still subconsciously dodged to the side.

A sakura-pink sword flashed out of the corner of his eye, like a blooming cherry blossom. Obito felt a sharp pain in his shoulder, and a familiar arm floated in the air with a burst of blood in front of him.

“Is this my arm?”

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! ! !

One update today and two updates on the weekend!



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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