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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 6 Hokage’s Mission

Hokage Building, inside the third generation’s office.

Looking at Yusuke Uchiha standing straight in front of him, the third generation fell into deep thought.

Originally, he planned to let Yusuke serve as the captain to carry out a security mission, but when chatting with his son Asuma yesterday, he accidentally mentioned Yusuke’s fight with the Uchiha clan at the teahouse, and the third generation changed his mind.

This is a talented young man with amazing talents. Judging from Asuma’s description, his strength is currently better than Kakashi’s.

What’s more important is that his family values ​​don’t seem to be important. If he can be absorbed into his own faction, then he will be able to add another master who can stand alone.

At this time, the Three War had just ended, and it was also the period when Konoha Village was at its most prosperous after the death of the first Hokage.

The powerful Uchiha family is still there, and the reputation of Yellow Flash is at its peak. Although Tsunade among the three ninjas left Konoha Village in despair because her brother and lover died in battle one after another, Orochimaru and Jiraiya still stayed in the village. In the village, the Sannin were still a very intimidating group from the outside.

Although the Konoha Village during this period did not have the absolute dominance in the ninja world like the first Hokage and Uchiha Madara did at that time, if they wanted to compete with Konoha, at least three of the four major ninja villages besides Konoha must have This is only possible if we work together.

Although the third generation admired Yusuke’s talents very much, the third generation was not so urgent in need of talents at this time, so the third generation decided to arrange a task to test Yusuke.

After taking a drag on his pipe, Sandai said slowly: “Yusuke, I asked you to come here this time because I want to assign you a very important task.”

Yusuke said nothing, waiting for the third generation to explain the content of the mission.

“After the third war, the village, as the victorious country, needs to collect a certain amount of compensation from the defeated country. This time Danzo will be responsible for negotiating with the defeated country, Ameno Village, to discuss the issue of compensation for Ameno Village after the war.”

Having said this, Sandai paused and took another puff on his pipe, and continued: “And you, as my representative, will supervise Danzo. I need to know clearly the entire negotiation process and the agreement he reached with Sansho Hanzo. .”

This task has been considered by the third generation for a long time. Danzo himself is very domineering and ruthless. It is difficult to deal with Danzo without any strength.

The past three generations had not arranged for personnel to supervise Danzo on similar tasks, but every time the ninjas who went on a mission were either controlled by Danzo or died for various reasons.

The third generation later gave up. Even the masters under his command were limited, and he was not willing to let these masters be lost in Danzo’s hands.

But now that there is a good player like Yusuke, and he is not his direct descendant, the third generation is naturally happy to make the best use of everything. Regardless of whether Yusuke succeeds or not, he will not lose anything.

Another very important point is the conflict between Danzo and the Uchiha clan. Danzo inherited the Second Hokage’s prejudice against the Uchiha clan, and the Uchiha clan naturally did not have a good impression of Danzo. Arranging Yusuke to supervise Danzo can also play a role in making Danzo and the Uchiha clan check and balance each other. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone.

As for the third generation’s thoughts, Yusuke made a guess based on the content of this mission. However, he is not the kind of ninja who naively believes in the so-called “will of fire”. He is not surprised that the third generation has such an arrangement.

“When does the mission start?” Yusuke said expressionlessly.

“In three days, someone will notify you then.” Sandai said.

Yusuke nodded: “Understood. If you have no other instructions, I will go back and prepare first.”

The third generation said “hmm”, indicating that Yusuke could help himself. Just when Yusuke stepped out of the door of the Hokage’s office, the third generation reminded Yusuke: “Danzo may use some not very good methods, and you must be careful when the time comes.”

After completing the mission assigned by the third generation, it was just after noon.

“There are still three days, which is good enough to lay some foundations for Kabuto. This mission should be longer, so Kabuto can do some training on his own when I’m not around.” Yusuke thought to himself.

“Before going home, I still have to visit Uchiha Fugaku.” Thinking of Uchiha Souichiro coming to him in the morning, Yusuke decided to go and see what Uchiha Fugaku’s purpose was in visiting him.

In the Uchiha Clan, the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku’s residence.

“Fire Release: High Fireball Technique.” A six or seven-year-old boy stood by the lake, performing the Uchiha family’s signature fire ninjutsu in the middle of the lake.

A large amount of flames erupted from the little boy’s mouth, forming a huge fireball above the center of the lake. It was obvious that the little boy had accomplished this technique very successfully.

The fireball lasted for about five seconds, and then the little boy stopped outputting chakra, and the Hao Fireball Technique also stopped.

A middle-aged man wearing a kimono next to the little boy laughed with satisfaction and praised with pride: “As expected of my son.” The middle-aged man did not expect that his son would only watch his demonstration. Once, you can perform the complete fire ball technique.

This father and son are Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Itachi. Originally, Uchiha Fugaku wanted to gradually teach Itachi the ninjutsu after he entered the ninja school, but now he had other plans, so he started teaching Itachi in advance.

However, the more he taught Itachi, the more Uchiha Fugaku was shocked by his son’s talent, making him firmly believe that Itachi was the hope of the Uchiha clan’s future!

“My lord, Uchiha Yusuke came to visit and said that you wanted to see him.” At this time, an Uchiha clan member came over and reported.

“Invite him here.” Uchiha Fugaku said, his face returning to its usual serious expression.

“Itachi, you don’t have to leave, just watch from here.” Uchiha Fugaku said to Itachi who was about to retreat.

Itachi agreed and stood aside obediently.

After a while, the Uchiha tribesman who was responsible for delivering the message took Yusuke to the small lake where Uchiha Fugaku and Itachi were practicing ninjutsu.

Looking at Itachi standing next to Uchiha Fugaku, Yusuke was slightly surprised. He originally thought that Uchiha Fugaku wanted to talk to him alone, instill in him some concepts of valuing the family, and let him participate in family group activities and so on.

In Yusuke’s perception, Uchiha Fugaku is a dutiful patriarch and a father who loves his children very much. It’s a pity that his control over the family is really insufficient. He can neither restrain the arrogant members of the clan nor convince the family’s two genius masters, Shisui and Itachi, to stand on his side.

In the end, Uchiha Fugaku, who possessed the Mangekyo Sharingan, was willing to die and cost the entire family in order to fulfill Itachi’s will. It has to be said to be a sad tragedy.

Seeing Yusuke’s arrival, Uchiha Fugaku’s face became more serious, and he said in a deep voice: “Uchiha Yusuke, Ryuya and the others reported that you not only made up excuses not to attend the clan meeting, but also bullied them and injured them. What do you have to say about this? .”

Yusuke frowned slightly. He also thought that Uchiha Fugaku might be looking for him to accuse him, but the possibility was very low. After all, for a manager who lacked capable subordinates, recruiting capable members was the first priority.

In his opinion, with Uchiha Fugaku’s IQ, he should not make such a mistake.

“Clan leader, I’m very sorry for not being able to attend the clan meeting. I originally had something important to do at that time, but something unexpected happened.” Yusuke said calmly.

Having said this, Yusuke paused and continued: “As for the three tribesmen who took the initiative to provoke me, I only gave them a slight punishment.” Yusuke will not compromise and admit mistakes that are not his own, even if the other party is The same goes for the leader of the Uchiha clan.

Uchiha Fugaku sneered: “You are indeed unruly. It is said that you and Kakashi are the strongest geniuses of Konoha’s new generation. They also gave you the nickname ‘Entachi’, so let me weigh you.” Are you worthy of your name?” After saying that, Uchiha Fugaku motioned to Itachi beside him to step aside.

“Since the clan leader wants to give me some advice, then I have to be respectful and obey his orders.” Yusuke said calmly.

He also didn’t expect that Uchiha Fugaku wanted to fight him. However, judging from the situation at the scene, it should be that the other party wants to show off his power and teach himself a lesson. If you really want to deal with him, you can’t let Itachi, who is currently incapable of fighting, watch the battle from the side.

The two looked at each other quietly. Uchiha Fugaku saw that Yusuke had no intention of attacking first, so he was ready to take the initiative to attack. At the same time, the pupils in his eyes changed from pure black to three magatama sharingan.

I saw Uchiha Fugaku forming seals quickly with both hands. Yusuke immediately saw that he was doing the ‘Go Fireball Jutsu’ seal, and decided to respond with the same technique. He quickly formed seals with both hands, and unexpectedly came first, and Uchiha Haifugaku completed the ninjutsu at the same time.

“Fire Release: Fireball Technique!” The two voices sounded at the same time.

A large amount of flames were sprayed out from the mouths of the two people and collided with each other. The nearby air was distorted due to the sharp increase in temperature.

The Fireball Technique is one of the signature ninjutsu of the Uchiha clan. It is also a ninjutsu used by the Uchiha clan ninjas to test the enemy or interfere with the enemy’s ninjutsu. Basically this jutsu is difficult to burn the enemy ninja to death in a real battle.

Uchiha Fugaku, who was maintaining the powerful fireball technique, was slightly surprised. He did not expect that Yusuke’s seal formation speed would be so fast, and that he could complete the powerful fireball technique with him at the same time by forming a seal behind him.

And Uchiha Fugaku was keenly aware that the amount of chakra he injected was higher than the opponent’s, but the flames the opponent spewed seemed to be stronger than his own, and he actually needed to pay more chakra to compete with the opponent.

“What, he is still forming seals, has his control over chakra reached this level?” At this time, Uchiha Fugaku suddenly discovered that Yusuke, who was attacking him with the powerful fire ball technique, started to form seals again, and the speed Very quickly, the Indian style was completed in a blink of an eye.

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The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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