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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 62 Death of Loquat Juzo

Looking at Kabuto in suspended animation in front of him, Yusuke’s fingertips ignited a little fire. The first thing he had to do was to get rid of the criss-crossing wooden thorns that penetrated Kabuto’s body.

He stretched out his hand and touched the wooden thorns exposed outside Kabuto’s body, and immediately heard a soft sound like a flame. The flame on his fingertips directly burned all the wooden thorns connected to Kabuto’s body to ashes, and did not hurt him at all. Kabuto’s body.

In fact, if there were not these wooden thorns remaining in Kabuto’s body, Kabuto’s recovery ability would be enough to heal his body.

However, these wooden thorns hindered Kabuto from using chakra to repair and restore damaged tissues. As a result, Kabuto spent a lot of chakra and could only hang his own life, with no possibility of recovery. This also shows from the side that the “art of cutting” is terrible!

After solving the wood thorn in Kabuto’s body, Yusuke took out a “Hashirama Cell Fusion Fluid” exchanged from Orochimaru and injected it into Kabuto’s shoulder.

Just like when he first treated the Yondaime couple, Yusuke used the life-saving skill “Seal of Life” to replenish Kabuto with a large amount of life force.

As soon as the “Seal of Life” was completed, Kabuto coughed lightly and slowly opened his eyes.

“Teacher, I’m sorry, I fell down first before I could defeat the enemy.” Kabuto said weakly, looking at Yusuke in front of him.

Yusuke shook his head: “No, you have done a good job!”

“It was because I was not vigilant enough and fell into the trap of tricking the tiger away from the mountain that I gave old man Danzo this opportunity!”

Hearing Yusuke’s words, Izumi looked puzzled and asked, “Brother, how did you suddenly appear here, and what’s going on with this head?”

The time goes back to about ten minutes ago, when Yusuke was still fighting against Scorpion, Kakuzu and Loquat Juzo in the valley in the Land of Rain.

In order to win the battle quickly, Yusuke directly started to release Ryūren Wakahu. For a time, the entire valley was affected by the flames of Ryūren Wakahu, and the rain steamed and became sultry.

When Scorpion, Kakuzu and Loquat Juzo saw Yusuke who was surrounded by flames and had an amazing momentum, they exchanged glances with each other and decided to take a preemptive strike.

Kakuzu formed a seal with his hands, and the wind and water mask monsters around him opened their mouths at the same time, and performed a compound ninjutsu in conjunction.

“Wind Escape·Water Escape·Feng Shui Waves Dancing!”

Countless sharp wind blades mixed with highly penetrating water bombs densely covered the area where Yusuke was.

Facing Kakuzu’s compound ninjutsu, Yusuke swung forward with his hand, the Ryuken Wakahu.

This slash was not accompanied by flames. It relied solely on spiritual pressure to split the dense “Feng Shui Wave” in front of it in two from the middle, leaving a large number of water bombs and wind blades on the land on both sides of Yusuke. Marks caused by cutting.

At this moment, Scorpion’s third-generation Kazekage puppet had flown above Yusuke, preparing to launch an attack on Yusuke from above.

“Magnetic Escape·Sand Iron Barrier!”


Just when the Third Kazekage puppet was casting the Sand Iron Barrier, Yusuke Sharingan Eye Technique “Kage Flame” was also activated at the same time.

I saw the body of the third-generation Kazekage puppet with red-gold flames igniting, and a large amount of black sand and iron quickly formed a sand-iron barrier from its mouth. The area where Yusuke was instantly covered with sharp long thorns composed of black sand and iron.


At this time, Scorpion’s expression changed drastically. He was completely unaware of how the enemy’s flames attacked his third-generation Kazekage puppet.

If it is an attack with a normal visible trajectory, Scorpion can use his superb puppet master skills to control the puppet to dodge. However, it was difficult for Scorpion to react to Yusuke’s attack, which was to directly burn the target after looking at it through the pupil technique.

Discovering that the third-generation Kazekage puppet could no longer be saved, Scorpion decided to increase the chakra output and maximize the power of the sand-iron barrier, which could be regarded as the final blow to the third-generation Kazekage puppet.

The already dense sand iron spikes immediately spread into more branches, covering the entire valley in an instant, leaving only some gaps where a few members of the Akatsuki organization were.

“Hmph, even though we lost the most precious third-generation Feng Yingren puppet, it was worth it to be able to kill such an enemy.” Xie thought to himself.

“Kakuzu, use thunder escape!” Although this full-covering sand-iron barrier seemed to Scorpion to be foolproof, Scorpion still reminded Kakuzu to continue attacking to ensure that the enemy was completely eliminated.

Hearing Xia’s voice, Kakuzu immediately understood what Xia meant. The iron content in sand iron is very high, so it is conductive. At this time, combined with Thunder Release, the power can be maximized.

However, before everyone had completed their lightning escape, several members of the Akatsuki organization saw a little fire light up in the center of the black sand-iron barrier.

From that point of fire, the flames spread to the entire sand-iron barrier in an instant. The black sand and iron spikes that were originally staggered in the valley were all ignited by red-gold flames.

In just a few seconds, the sand-iron barrier all over the valley melted and was completely broken.

“Impossible, how could his Fire Release Ninjutsu have such a high temperature!” At this time Xia was shocked. Kakuzu and Loquat Juzo were also shocked by the sight before them.

However, before they could take the next step, Kakuzu and Xia suddenly heard the screams of Loquat Juzo, and half of Loquat Juzo’s body suddenly caught fire.

“He uses the pupil technique to activate the flames!”

At this time, Scorpion finally noticed the way Yusuke launched the fire attack, which was to ignite the target with the eyewitness technique.

Although the attack method witnessed is very strange and difficult to avoid. But after being noticed by a capable ninja, it is not completely impossible to deal with it.

For example, Itachi’s “Amaterasu” in the original work has a momentary delay in activating flames after looking at the target.

If the target targeted by the Sharingan’s gaze reacts quickly enough, it can avoid the flames by moving quickly. Yusuke’s “Kage Flame” can also be avoided in this way.

Although Scorpion saw the way Yusuke activated “Kage Flame”, a scene that surprised both him and Kakuta occurred the next moment.

I saw Yusuke’s upper body suddenly sticking out from the burning flames on Loquat Juzo’s shoulders.

Feeling a sharp murderous aura coming from behind his shoulders, Loquat Juuzang hurriedly looked back, only to see a pair of golden-red Sharingan eyes looking at him indifferently.

A crimson sword flashed past, and a burning head flew into the air.


The head sighed in the air, which was also the last words Loquat Shizang said in his life.

After solving Loquat Juzo, Yusuke immediately killed Scorpion without any pause.

Kakuzu’s Earth Resentment Yu ability can withstand four additional fatal injuries for him when the four attributes of chakra are fully prepared, so it is easier to deal with Scorpion first.

Conventional thanks to everyone for your support! !



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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