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The remaining fire sword of Konoha — Chapter 73 Event Announcement

Early the next morning, the Hokage Building announced a major and vicious incident that made everyone unbelievable – the Root Organization attacked the Uchiha clan without authorization due to their hostile political stance!

In this incident, most of the members of the Root Organization, including its leader Danzo Shimura, were eliminated. Only a few non-combatants escaped because they did not participate in the operation.

The Uchiha clan also suffered heavy losses. Almost 30% of the ninjas died in this battle, including the clan leader Uchiha Fugaku.

The third generation expressed his heartache for what happened to the Uchiha clan, and on behalf of the village, he gave the highest compensation package to the casualties of the Uchiha clan.

At the same time, for the safety of the Uchiha clan, the Uchiha clan will also relocate back to their original area.

In addition, when the third generation arranged for the ANBU to investigate the headquarters of the Root Organization overnight, they also discovered a large number of past crimes of Danzo and the Root Organization.

The three generations were very angry about this and announced that the Root Organization was completely disbanded. All remaining members of the Root Organization need to undergo strict investigation and interrogation. Only after confirming that there are no problems will it be reclassified to other organizations.

As soon as this news was announced, it immediately caused an uproar throughout Konoha.

Kakashi was shocked when he received the news: “No, I hope nothing happens to Kabuto, otherwise something will happen to Minato-sensei’s treatment again!”

Thinking of this, Kakashi immediately rushed to the Uchiha clan’s station to confirm Kabuto’s condition.

At this time, the Uchiha Clan’s residence was full of busy figures. There were both Uchiha Clan members and people from the village who came to help. Everyone was busy cleaning up the mess after last night’s battle.

At Fugaku’s mansion, Itachi was comforting his sad mother and younger brother. At this time, the family’s attendant reported that the family elders were visiting, and Itachi hurried to the living room to receive them.

Fugaku was dead at this time. Although Itachi was not very old, as the eldest son of the family, he naturally became the head of the family. It was natural that he should personally receive important guests when they came to visit.

In the living room, there is a sturdy old man with white hair and beard standing. This old man’s name is Uchiha Kenjiro, and he is also one of the three current elders of the Uchiha clan.

Seeing Itachi coming to the living room, Uchiha Kenjiro comforted him: “I watched this child Fugaku grow up, but I didn’t expect that he was plotted by Danzo, the old thief, and died like this. You must also show your condolences and accept the change.”

Sighing, Uchiha Kenjiro continued: “It’s a pity that Fugaku didn’t listen to my advice and struck first, so this disaster happened!”

Obviously, Uchiha Kenjiro also belongs to the radical faction in his family. Fugaku’s relationship with him was also tense during his lifetime.

After speaking, Uchiha Kenjiro looked at Itachi, but found that Itachi’s expression had not changed much, and it was unclear whether he agreed or disagreed with his words.

“Elder Kenjiro, if you have anything to say, just say it.” Itachi said.

Uchiha Kenjiro said slowly: “Fugaku has been sacrificed. The family cannot live without a clan leader. I want to recommend you to succeed your father’s position and become the new clan leader of the Uchiha clan!”

Hearing Uchiha Kenjiro’s words, Itachi was very surprised: “Are you kidding me? My age and qualifications are not enough to become a clan leader, and I am completely unable to convince the public.”

Uchiha Kenjiro showed a kind look, patted Itachi on the shoulder and said: “Don’t worry, the original patriarch Fugaku is your father, and it is only natural for sons to inherit their father’s legacy.”

“In addition, I can help you with some matters. As long as I help you, you will definitely be able to secure your position as the leader of the clan!”

After hearing Uchiha Kenjiro’s words, Itachi also understood what he meant.

This is obviously to make him a puppet, and the other party can take the opportunity to control the actual power of the family.

It was only the second day after the family was attacked by the Root Organization, and Itachi had not yet had time to announce Fugaku’s appointment of Yusuke as the new clan leader.

Because of this, several powerful elders in the clan have begun to think of ways to take advantage of this opportunity to reshuffle the family’s power, preparing to stand on their own or support their own confidants to become the new clan leaders.

Seeing Itachi’s silence, Uchiha Kenjiro thought that Itachi still had concerns, and continued to add: “You don’t have to worry too much. Don’t forget that you have the support of your teacher Yusuke behind you. Plus, I will take care of everything. I believe that the family No one dares to object!”

It has to be said that Uchiha Kenjiro is better than the other two family elders in terms of strategy. Using Itachi’s identity and Yusuke’s reputation, as long as he does it properly, he can easily support Itachi to rise to power, while he himself serves as the actual family member behind the scenes. of people in power.

In the eyes of Kenjiro Uchiha, Itachi was just a ten-year-old boy with no independent opinions at all.

Yusuke, on the other hand, almost never interfered with family affairs, so when Itachi became the clan leader, the power of the family naturally fell to him, the elder who assisted Itachi.

However, although Uchiha Kenjiro’s calculations were very good, he did not know that Yusuke was determined to become the new leader of the Uchiha clan, and his wish was destined to fail.

After thinking for a moment, Itachi decided not to speak directly about Fugaku’s appointment of Yusuke as the new clan leader, in order to prevent the elders who were vying for power from reacting in advance.

Waiting until the clan meeting tonight, I unexpectedly proposed that I cooperate with the teacher to win the position of clan leader in one fell swoop!

With the plan in mind, Itachi pretended to agree to Uchiha Kenjiro’s proposal first, nodded and said: “I think Elder Kenjiro is planning to propose it at the clan meeting tonight, so I’ll trouble you to make arrangements.”

Uchiha Kenjiro was overjoyed when he heard this: “Don’t worry, just leave everything to me at the clan meeting tonight!”

The Uchiha clan is stationed, and Kabuto is resting in his room.

Due to Obito’s “Cutting Technique”, Kabuto has almost recovered through his own powerful self-healing ability and Yusuke’s “Seal of Life”.

However, Izumi, who was overly worried, asked her to recuperate at home and not go out until she fully recovered.

Kabuto also argued about this, but unfortunately he couldn’t get over Izumi and had to stay at home.

After this incident, Kabuto deeply felt that his strength was insufficient. If his teacher Yusuke hadn’t arrived in time, then Izumi, Uchiha Hazuki and all the people he cared about would have suffered.

“It’s time to learn what the teacher calls “magic”! ” Kabuto thought secretly in his heart.

Yusuke once mentioned to him “Senjutsu”, which is a very powerful ability that can be learned from the Slug Immortal in Shiggy Bone Forest.

However, because learning senjutsu involves considerable risks, Kabuto has never made up his mind.

But this incident made Kabuto feel the despair of insufficient strength, and also made Kabuto decide to take the risk and try to learn senjutsu.

“Dong dong dong.”

While Kabuto was thinking, there was a gentle knock on the door.

Second update today.

The new writer made an mistake. It turns out that under normal circumstances, readers can only cast monthly votes after subscribing. . .

Because the author is busy away from home this week, I didn’t dare to post the VIP chapter for fear that the update would not be timely. . .



The remaining fire sword of Konoha

The remaining fire sword of Konoha

Status: Completed Author:


Travel to Naruto and start with a knife.
Looking at Itachi Uchiha, who might become his brother-in-law, Yusuke sharpened his knife and smiled: "Izumi and Sasuke fell into the river, who do you save first?"
Uchiha Itachi: "..."


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